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1. They went out and happened to things. someone or something that has a powerful influence on what happens. If your colleagues don’t have high morale, they won’t get their jobs done efficiently. Non-binary identities fall under the transgender umbrella, since non-binary people typically identify with a gender that is different from their assigned sex, though some non-binary individuals do not consider themselves transgender. Even though I’d consider myself to be a detail-oriented person, I’d pay much more attention to the former project than the latter. sentences. Well, so does everyone else. Don’t you have something unique to tell the hiring manager? You should also see synonyms for "detail oriented." Have a break. Sample Answer 1: “My greatest strength is attention to detail. “It stood out from all other houses because of its fine attention to detail in its designer architecture.”. Qaqileng - English translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, examples. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Attention to detail meaning and usage. Log in. pinterest-pin-it. You have that skill, so you proudly write "great attention to detail" as one of the assets on your resume. listen with half an ear. Someone who pays attention to details is called a person who pays attention to details. Read Regularly. For example, pharmacists and nurses often need to be very diligent in ensuring the details of a medication are correct, since the wrong medicine at the wrong time could injure or kill a patient. Knowing when and how to rally peers and ask for their help is essential for any good leader. Clutter all over your desk spells coming trouble. attention to details. “Detail-oriented” So, you pay attention to details. 48 Attention to detail synonyms and 0 Attention to detail antonyms on the online thesaurus dictionary; Good and short list of thesaurus for term Attention to detail. Some common synonyms of meticulous are careful, punctilious, and scrupulous. Sloppy errors in calculations, legal documents and design plans can be costly and embarrassing. 1. Strong attention to detail skills is required especially for some professions such as an accountant, … Detail-oriented; an eye for detail as to what is the cause of a conflict (something which other people hadn't seen yet) For this case, I'd use astute. with forethought. Wink: to look at while blinking one eye to signal or tease another person. “Hardworking” Have you ever heard the term “show—don’t tell”? Put the subject of the sentence after the comma. definitions. #4 Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. A popular alternative to “Please find attached” is “Please find enclosed.”. Seat the child near your desk and away from doors, windows, heater and air conditioning. Definitions of punctilious adjective marked by precise accordance with details “ punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette” synonyms: meticulous precise 6 letter words PURISM 7 letter words CULTURE - LETTERS - READING Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Noun The state or characteristic of being precise or meticulous care meticulousness thoroughness carefulness assiduousness consecutiveness exactness scrupulousness fastidiousness precision punctiliousness awareness TLC concern pain consciousness spotlight painstaking tender loving care meticulosity heed attentiveness painstakingness diligence Some common synonyms of meticulous are careful, punctilious, and scrupulous. Find 48 ways to say ATTENTION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. synonyms understand , comprehend, puzzle out, sort out, reason out, make sense of, think out, think through, get to the bottom of, make head or tail of, solve, find an answer to, find an solution to, unravel, untangle, decipher, decode, find the key to, piece together 3.1 Thanks for the info. A test geared towards entry-level positions is the Criteria Basic Skills Test (CBST) which assesses attention to detail along with a number of other skills associated with job readiness and trainability. love of detail. Failing to take breaks regularly makes it harder to pay attention to detail. The CBST measures attention to detail through basic … correctness. What is another word for "attention to detail" DA: 17 PA: 50 MOZ Rank: 68 Synonyms for attention to detail include care, meticulousness, thoroughness, carefulness, assiduousness, consecutiveness, exactness, scrupulousness, fastidiousness Attention To Detail synonyms DA: 22 PA: 29 MOZ Rank: 53 Double-checking documents, bills, receipts, calendars, event details, mailing addresses, and other important information will save you from trouble later on. 48 Attention to detail synonyms. Some other ways of saying that you are detail oriented might be to say that you notice things, you are the type of person that regularly spots grammatical errors or that you pay attention to small details. Attention to detail skills allows you to improve your workplace productivity, efficiency and performance. Synonyms for IN DETAIL: completely, comprehensively, detailedly, exhaustively, fully, inside out, minutely, roundly foundation. ‘In his call, the man described a conversation in a Totton pub between men discussing the attack and gave details of specific individuals.’. Organization and attention to detail are definitely related. The page contains a list of attention to detail skills and examples needed for a job application, interview, resume, and CV and in any type of work. Quotes about attention . about details. Thesaurus for Attention to detail. Behavioral Indicators − Provides accurate, consistent numbers on all paperwork − Provides information in a useable form and on a timely basis to others who need to act on it Using related words such as close attention, strong attention, great attention or careful are all ways that you can communicate that you are a detail oriented person without using that exact phrase. A test geared towards entry-level positions is the Criteria Basic Skills Test (CBST) which assesses attention to detail along with a number of other skills associated with job readiness and trainability. Full list of synonyms for Attention to detail is here. Being detail-oriented means paying close attention to all of the small particulars when working on a task or project. START WITH THIS COURSE if you signed up for the 2-Course Bundle (and do the Five Fundamentals course 2nd). People who pay attention to details have a better memory than others. Keep learning! overdelicately. Attention to Detail Overview Course. meticulousness precision carefulness thoroughness punctiliousness exactness accuracy rigor rigour care consecutiveness assiduousness conscientiousness scrupulousness diligence correctness exactitude thoughtfulness attentiveness fastidiousness painstakingness consistency objectivity awareness concern Advertising. Provide examples "In general, it’s very hard to convince a resume reader that you possess various soft skills, e.g. “Are You Detail Oriented” Interview Question Example AnswersEntry-Level Candidate “Yes, I’m highly detail-oriented. In my last position as a cashier, attention-to-detail was vital to my success. ...Middle Management Candidate “As a supervisor in my last position, attention-to-detail was crucial. ...Executive Candidate love for detail. 3.3 Thanks for bringing this up. Usually, duties where you had to analyze data, research topics in-depth, audit processes, proofread documents, or similar activities are a great place to start. 3.4 Thanks for telling me. The word is often used to describe people, but it can be used more broadly to apply to observations, behavior, or anything else that is characterized by close attention to detail. As you pick achievements to showcase, choose options that put your attention-to-detail on display. force. "Attention to detail" is an important resume skill to include. What do you mean by attention to detail? Attention-to-detail means carrying out the task-in-hand thoroughly and with accuracy, working with consistent high-quality and avoiding sloppy mistakes. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for OVER-ATTENTION TO DETAIL [pedantry] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word pedantry will help you to finish your crossword today. Attention to detail is a highly coveted skill in many occupations. Attention To Detail synonyms - 46 Words and Phrases for Attention To Detail. I ended up leaving it out so, hopefully, they wouldn't scrutinise it as closely. The ability to manipulate small pieces of data with accuracy and focus is a crucial skill in a broad range of job fields. attention to the details. A record of close attention-to-detail means your employer can trust you and the quality of … 1 An individual feature, fact, or item. The following are illustrative examples. Full list of synonyms for Positive attitude is here. Listing “detail-oriented” on your resume, however, is a red flag to employers who have their eye out for subjective soft skills that can call your judgement into question. Related terms for attention to detail- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with attention to detail. Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Trending topics. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Examples of attention to detail skillsOrganizational skills. Organization skills include your ability to use your physical space, mental capacity and energy effectively and efficiently to reach the desired outcome.Time management skills. ...Analytical skills. ...Observational skills. ...Active listening skills. ... 3. Here is a list of attention to detail synonyms. Use a variety of transition words, not the same one. If you really wanted a single noun that would do the job (and probably several others at the same time, a potential saving), you could call them . Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? The best way to do this is by paying close attention to detail. 10. Attention improves memory. You really seem to have an eye for detail, which has made you an invaluable help. 2.5 Thank you for bringing this to my attention. The CBST measures attention to detail through basic … It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. While all these words mean "showing close … Thank you for bringing this to my attention. If you start paying attention more often in your life, you will soon notice that you remember a lot more details than usual. the most basic part of something from which the rest of it develops. Attention to detail Synonyms and Attention to detail . It applies specifically to situational assessment, and I would not use it to describe an artist's attention to detail, e.g. n. # care , precision. People who pay attention to details have a better memory than others. Attention-to-detail means carrying out the task-in-hand thoroughly and with accuracy, working with consistent high-quality and avoiding sloppy mistakes. A record of close attention-to-detail means your employer can trust you and the quality of your work. But in some circumstances they stop being compatible and begin to work at cross-purposes. noun. Best synonyms for 'attention to detail' are 'attention to details', 'accuracy' and 'meticulousness'. At only 64 minutes long, the Attention to Detail Online Course, Overview Version is the shortened version of the 2.5 to 3-hour live workshop. January 18 th is National Thesaurus Day: a chance to celebrate the complexity of words and the variety of creative ways to express yourself. They see patterns easily, given enough information. unweariedly. In this page you can discover 73 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for focus, like: concentrate, fix on, center-of-attention, buckle down, direct, locus, sharpen, emphasis, bring into focus, fixate and focusing. noun. I saw on your job description that this role involves a lot of detail-oriented work, which is one reason I applied. Plus, putting this on your resume will make that accidental typo in your cover letter or resume all the more comical. “I love the way your team pays attention to details and picks up such little things that are easy to ignore,” said one of our clients on the call last evening, when we were discussing the project highlights. antonyms. Attention improves memory. 7. Some common synonyms of meticulous are careful, punctilious, and scrupulous. 3.2 Thanks for the heads-up. Ideally, an employee will be able to meet the demands of several different stakeholders without dropping the ball. Strong attention to detail skills is required especially for some professions such as an accountant, … – Monstar. ADHD kids frequently have difficulty distinguishing the key element (the teacher) from the background (other kids in the class, noise in the hall).

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another word for attention to detail