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Answer: After death, the just souls of the pre-Christian era existed in a state of being that is often referred to in Hebrew as Sheol or in Greek as Hades ( Catechism 633). I mentioned above that I strongly believe the heavenly guests called to the marriage supper of the Lamb are the glorified Old Testament saints. Most Bible students who hold to the Paradise view believe that Christ took all of the Old Testament saints to Heaven during the 3-days He was in the grave. Tabitha was a disciple in Joppa who died. How were the Old Testament saints saved? However they are not always the same group. Peter prayed to her when he said "Tabitha, rise.". May you find some insight from these related scripture quotes!To find the full context of shorter scripture quotes, click on "Chapter" above each verse. Therein you will find that it is by faith that "the elders obtained a good report," and that "without faith it is impossible to please [God]." The writer goes on to commend many OT saints for their faith, among them Moses, Samuel, and David, who were Torah . 20:4-6). 17:3 // Mark 9:4 . Therefore, they needed to remain in an in-between state that was neither in heaven nor in hell. Understand that this will be a posttribulational judgment. A Warning about Seeking Saints. We know that only Jesus is the way, truth and life (John 14:6) and the Old Testament saints did not know . Yes! As to whether these saints are now in heaven, see Did Jesus Visit Hell. 12:1-2; Matt. saints, after Jesus' death and resurrection. Psalm 16:9-11 might indicate that the psalmist David anticipated a place of blessing at God's side in the after life. The souls of Old Testament saints will already be assembled in Heaven when the Church arrives there at the time of the Rapture and marriage of the Lamb. Unfortunately, the Old Testament saints were just as incapable of following the Ten Commandments as we are today. But just as we saw in the above response to the Watch Tower's use of John 3:13, simply because David did not go to heaven immediately at death, does not mean that he was excluded from those Old Testament saints who went to heaven at Christ's resurrection. They have been in heaven for more than 2,000 years. I think, for example, of Job in the Old Testament. Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and . OT saints could not be forgiven or go to heaven until after Christ's crucifixion. The answer is actually given in the Old Testament in Daniel 12:1-2. These saints receive their bodies after the Tribulation is over. Certainly, the Old Testament saints, including John the Baptist, had the Holy Spirit. That Jesus took the OT saints to heaven. Answer (1 of 26): Ancient Jewish Tradition had long boasted that the Elijah would return and one of his miracles will be to show witnesses the spirits of Moses and Elijah. The New Testament reflects much more specific revelation from God of the afterlife. In the Old Testament (OT) only one person goes to heaven explicitly: Elijah (2 Kings 2:11). The promise to Israel has always been that in the Kingdom Age, God would dwell among them again. Question: Did people in the Old Testament go to Heaven the same as Christians do today?. Those words have meaning only if Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-all Old Testament saints-were presently and consciously living in the presence of God. With a few exceptions, we also don't know for a fact which Old Testament figures made it to heaven and which didn't. God lets the Hebrews know that the message delivered by His Son is so much better than what they . The other camp maintains from scripture that the same saving faith that believers have in Jesus today, also saved those who believed in the coming Messiah. Is paradise a different place than heaven? The psalmist employed the figure of a conquering monarch (Christ) ascending victoriously to heaven, with a multitude of captives. But being born again is 1 Forty days later, when He ascended to heaven, Christ Jesus took the soul and spirit of these Old Testament saints to heaven with Him; Paradise is now in heaven. When will the Old Testament saints be resurrected? Yes. See Acts 9:36-41. A. I believe the Old Testament saints will live in Israel. Who are the Old Testament saints? It's true that God didn't reveal as much about heaven to them as He has to us, but they still understood that heaven was their final home — just as it is ours. Did Old Testament Believers Go to Heaven? If Old Testament saints can go to heaven without knowing or trusting Jesus, why can't people today get to heaven by simply obeying the Ten Commandments? Certainly, the Old Testament saints, including John the Baptist, had the Holy Spirit. Yet there are some passages that seem to indicate the belief that the dead would be with God in heaven. Nor does it say the Old Testament is unclear about the reality of heaven for believers in God. That is, until redemption was accomplished by Jesus. Through his death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus conquered the power of death that kept even righteous people from entering heaven (they were in "captivity"), and freed all of the Old Testament saints from Hades and took them with him to heaven, just as he said he would do with the disciples in John 14:1-6. As is evident from Lk 16.19-26, the spirits of ALL who died (believers and unbelievers alike) were sent to Hades. The Old Testament Saints Hebrews 3; Exodus 17; Deuteronomy 8; 1Peter 5. How could Jesus' death save them if they lived before Jesus? It's an interesting hypothesis. [14] These saints represent a portion of the spoils that Christ rightfully seized from the control of the principalities and powers. What a great joy it will be to be with God! It just never really took off that way. We should consider a few . 11:5 ), as are New Testament saints (Christians) who have died, awaiting the resurrection of their bodies ( Matt. The word was applied to early Christians who were considered extremely holy and never evolved into being used for pre-Christian persons. But that doesn't mean that Old Testament figures, such as David and Moses, aren't in heaven, even though we don't usually use the word Saint before their names. 2 At a future date in time, their body, soul and spirit will once more . For some reason, however, the custom of referring to Old Testament figures as saints never developed in Christian circles. The Bible abounds with accounts of Old Testament saints and some mighty men of God and champions of faith who accomplished great things for God. If only that were the case. The rapture of I Thessalonians 4:15-18 and I Corinthians 15:51-53 will include only those in Christ since the resurrection. And no. And they are saints; so Moses is a saint and Abraham is a saint and all of those figures who are in heaven, they are saints, for sure. This was because Jesus had not yet died for their sins. All of the Old Testament saints mentioned in Hebrews 11 also looked forward to this city and are there with Him now (Hebrews 11:16). There are Old Testament saints, the Church, and Tribulation saints. According to Daniel 12:12 (quoted above), it seems like the Old Testament saints will be resurrected approximately a month or two after Jesus Christ returns. 21:2 KJV) Hebrews 9:27 makes it clear that once a person dies they face the judgment of God as to their eternal destiny. Yes, Jesus died for the sins of the people who lived before he was crucified. Heaven was meant for people of faith in Old Testament times just as much as it is for us. Generally, in the Old Testament the blessings and curses are more of a physical and a temporal nature than of an everlasting nature, as in the New Testament. 2:11; Heb. Jesus is "'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone.' When Abraham and the other Old Testament saints died, their spirits did NOT go to heaven. Hung low over such as risen and now the old testament saints are alive into heaven was god, notable citizens about the old testament believers so does. No. I think we are now ready for a consideration of Christ's Judgment of the Old Testament Saints: First, THE TIME OF CHRIST'S JUDGMENT OF OLD TESTAMENT SAINTS. Answer: No, the saved went to "Abraham's Bosom" (a Jewish term for Paradise); and the lost went to Torment, both located in the center of the Earth.Luke16:19-31 describes the two places. So, if commentators will say that heaven and hell are less emphasized in the Old Testament by comparison to the New Testament, then this would be an accurate statement. " And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. The Old Testament saints obviously existed before the church came into being, so they are not part of the church as we define it. This is a matter of linguistics and devotion more than theology, though. They believe if that were the case, the Old Testament saints were . Although many folks from Old Testament times were saved by their faith in a coming Redeemer, they aren't part of the Church, nor are Tribulation saints. Job had the assurance that although he was going to be eaten by worms, he would receive a new body and in that body would actually see God face to face, obviously conscious. That Old Testament saints will be part of the church seems clear also from Christ's statement that "Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad" (Jn:8:56 See All. ) 5 May . Clearly, certain Old Testament figures are considered to be among the saints of heaven. Hebrews 11 gives us the key to understanding the salvation of Old Testament saints. This should settle beyond any question the matter of the inclusion of Old Testament saints. Enoch is hinted at, but it doesn't really tell us where he goes (Gen. 5:24). They were saved by the death of Jesus on the cross for their sins. And being saved is not the equivalent of the kingdom of heaven. There is a very simple answer: People in the Old Testament were saved the same way you and I are saved. Matthew's prophecy concerning Christ lets us know that Paradise is in the center of the Earth. There are a few places that indicate a nascent or newly forming concept of heaven. 12:1-2; Matt. We do use it for angels we read about in the Old Testament-St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael-but not human beings. It remains to show whether the Old Testament saints are included in the saints resurrected in the rapture event. However, like all Old Testament saints, John the Baptist was grandfathered into the kingdom once Jesus rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of the Father. We understand now that the Old Testament figures of faith are presently in heaven with Christ as is referenced in the Nicene Creed of Christ's descending to hell (or the place of the dead) after purchasing them with his death and resurrection to deliver them from captivity. After His death and resurrection all of the souls of the righteous who were in Sheol/Hades were transported to Heaven to be with God, and now, whenever a Scriptures such as Psalm 51:10-11 tell us that. Some people believe God could not or did not forgive sins until Jesus died on the cross. The supper takes place in heaven before Christ returns to the earth (Rev. and Hebrews 11 where Old Testament saints are linked in their destiny both with heaven (v 16) and with New Testament saints (v 40). Honored as Saints Prior to the Crucifixion and death of Our Lord on the Cross, the souls of these holy persons were held in the Bosom of Abraham. It is not true that Old Testament saints will have to wait for heaven after death. When believers come then where do they come from? The first writer4 gives a list of arguments said by him to have been alleged against the thought of the Old Testament saints forming part of "the Bride." At these and the writer's replies we will glance seriatim; but we would, in the first place, protest against the idea that we, or any of whom we know, are anxious to prove that the Old Testament saints will not form part of "the Church . 2 Kgs. Jesus' purpose in going to Abraham's Bosom was to proclaim victory over sin and death; to set the captives free. ( 2 Corinthians 5:8) at the time of death. Through the Old Testament Saints, God illustrates His ability to provide, His process and purpose. Their focus is heaven until it is time to dwell on the new earth (Revelation 21:1; Isaiah 66:22; 2 Peter 3:13). " (Rev. Moses and Elijah, after all, were seen at the transfiguration of Jesus. Christians on earth should be cautious in thinking too much about believing "saints" in heaven, and in particular, seeking further connection with them. They were saved on credit. But being born again is Revelation 20:4, 6 describes the second and third groups of people who will be resurrected. . The first focus of the Book of Hebrews is to a people who are in danger of slipping back from their relationship with Jesus. How did Old Testament believers get to heaven? There's no reason not to call Moses a saint, it's just not the custom. Because we believe that many figures from the New Testament are in heaven, we refer to them as saints, including St. Paul and St. Peter. Elijah was one of the most important prophets of the Old Testament. John Rea, "Marriage," Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. After the cross they were freed to pass on to heaven. Many evangelicals mistakenly interpret all New Testament (NT) passages about the believer's inheritance as referring to entrance into heaven, when this is clearly not the case (see this post and this post). New Testament saints, those who live in the age of the Christian Church (also known as the age of the indwelling Holy Spirit), go immediately to be with Jesus in Heaven. Enoch And Elijah We know that two Old Testament characters, Enoch and Elijah, did not die but were taken into the presence of God. God took him somewhere. "To be absent from the body [is] to be present with the Lord" (II Cor. "And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness." [13] Jesus descended into paradise, releasing the Old Testament saints from their place of temporal habitation and brought them to heaven in their glorified bodies. By and large, the Old Testament is silent about the issue of heaven. Ezekiel 37:15-28 gives a clear picture of Israel one day living peacefully in the land . Did Old Testament believers go to heaven? Heaven or the New Jerusalem? Introduction. Rather, like all Old Testament saints, he looked forward to the future kingdom and trusted in the future King, the Christ, to save him. Quite simply, all born again Christians in the kingdom of heaven are saved, but not all of the saved are born again Christians. What does the Bible say about Saints? 5:8). 37:12-14; Dan. Such is the doctrine of the appended passage. Likewise, Psalm 73:24. All the fur­niture that was already there is now clearly visible. Remember that Elijah was taken up into heaven. At death, Christians (Church Age saints) are ushered immediately into the heavenly kingdom to be with Christ. Was paradise the place where Old Testament saints went when they died but after the resurrection when people die, they go to heaven? 5:1-11; Rev. Could those saints of Matthew chapter 27, thus be in resurrected bodies in heaven today? 4) Jesus and Peter Simultaneously Prayed to Saints and for the Dead. Quite simply, all born again Christians in the kingdom of heaven are saved, but not all of the saved are born again Christians. This . Catholicism upholds that the Saints of the Old Testament are presently in heaven and enjoy the Beatific Vision. Before His death and resurrection, the souls of the righteous went to a holding place called Sheol (Old Testament) or Hades (New Testament). Old Testament Saints will be bodily resurrected at this time. 4:13-17 ). Jesus saints were old testament, where does not true believer even the gentiles expression of the spirit obviously includes old contentions still went with where are the old testament saints now . But Peter said in Acts 4:12, "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Ah, folks this is eternally true. Thus, whether you believe in an Old Testament Paradise or not, we all believe that the Old Testament saints are in Heaven today with the Lord. ENDNOTE. Jesus experienced a Metamorphosis, not a transfiguration as KJV Bible calls it. This is a distinction that is created by the linear timeline here on earth. But the custom is that we refer to the New Testament figures as saints. The Old Testament believers were saved, granted eternal life, and are now in the presence of God. 2 . Scriptures such as Psalm 51:10-11 tell us that. Those saints who died prior to the resurrection are now in Heaven, not paradise. 22:31-32 [// Mark 12:26-27; Luke 20:37-38 ]; 1 Cor. After the defeat of the nations of the world at Armageddon (Revelation 19:16-21), the imprisonment of Satan will occur in Revelation 20:1-3. To use another illustration, think of the Old Testa­ment as a dimly lit room with the blinds over the windows, while the New Testament is that same room with the blinds drawn. 15; 1 Thess. Verse 13 leads me to conclude that they will be resurrected at the very end of those days listed, and that would be the 75-day mark, or 1335 days after the Antichrist defiled the temple. The Old Testament saints awaited Jesus' atonement and then were taken there. Those Old Testament saints will be guests at the marriage supper of the Lamb. To conclude, Old Testament saints were clearly saved the same way the New Testament saints were, by grace alone, through faith alone, in to person and work of Christ alone, as revealed in the Scriptures alone, to the glory of God alone. While sainthood, in the Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints, is not conferred to biblical figures from the Old Testament, three archangels who appear in the text of the Old Testament are considered saints: St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael. Post Author: Bill Pratt As we've discussed before on the blog, there are two kinds of inheritance for Christians: 1) entrance into heaven and 2) reigning (rewards) in heaven. In the Old Testament, Elisha raised the dead. 19:7-9). What is an overview of Christian beliefs on the current state and location of Old Testament saints? It is important to remember that these souls are already in heaven enjoying God. If he did not, then none of the Old Testament saints could be saved and go to heaven. They do not need to be given a second chance during the Tribulation.

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are old testament saints in heaven