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A bronze broad-breasted turkey was obtained by crossing the English breed with the American one. Even the large breeding companies are into providing producers with a variety of ―colored‖ strains of turkeys. Some families will buy Broad Breasted Bronzes to raise for meat, but otherwise production is confined to the commercial realm. Weights and feed conversion will rival traditional Large White turkeys. Females weigh around 12-15 lbs. Standard Bronze Turkeys will reproduce naturally and are ancestors of the Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys and have similar plumage. A bronze broad-breasted turkey was obtained by crossing the English breed with the American one. Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys. Production Rate Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys are immense birds — much like the Giant White Turkey — measuring up to four feet in length, with a six-foot wing span. The Broad Breasted White is the commercial turkey of choice for large scale industrial turkey farms, and consequently is the most consumed variety of the bird. Neben den niedergelassenen Ärztinnen und Ärzten bieten zwölf Impfbusse, neun Impfzentren, 21 Impfstellen an Krankenhausstandorten und 15 kommunale Impfstellen die Coronaschutzimpfung für alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger ab 12 Jahren an. An average full-grown tom will weigh about 40 pounds, and hens can easily reach 30 pounds. Because of its size it's hard for this breed to reproduce. An average full-grown tom will weigh about 40 pounds, and hens can easily reach 30 pounds. The Bronze variety is stately and imposing in appearance. $9.40. Much like the Broad Breasted White, the Bronze is still as large and meaty as its counterpart. B.B. They are a rare, multicolored, medium-sized variety. Interestingly, the turkey known as the Broad Breasted Bronze in the early 1930s through the late 1950s is nearly identical to today’s Heritage Bronze turkey – both being naturally mating, productive, long-lived, and requiring 26-28 weeks to reach market weight. Broad Breasted Whites. 1 to 50. Minimum Pre-Order Quantity is 15 chicks. Its paler, cleaner-looking carcass especially appealed to consumers. Among the Standard Bronze varieties, the Broad-Breasted Bronze is the most commercially raised variety and most have been bred by artificial insemination since the 1960s. The broad-breasted white turkey is a breed of domestic turkey from the United States. Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys are immense birds — much like the Giant White Turkey — measuring up to four feet in length, with a six-foot wing span. Quantity. These birds are moved 1 to 2 times a day to ensure they are allowed fresh forage of insects and pasture. PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to ship turkeys to Alaska. Price is $5.00/lb, but the maxium you will be charged is $100. The Bronze turkey breed was divided into two distinct types. They have also … The coppery-bronze metallic color and sheen gives this variety it’s name. Wild turkeys are more active, but using this information a 10 pound wild turkey would require about 136 grams (0.30 pounds) and a 20 pound gobbler would require 272 grams (0.60 pounds) a day. The turkeys are typically medium to large in size. The Bourbon Red turkey is named for Bourbon County in Kentucky’s Bluegrass region where it originated in the late 1800s. Colors In the case of the Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey, the name offers a clue as to the birds' color. Both types are exactly the same, but vary only in terms of weight. Raising baby turkeys is similar to raising baby chickens. This is to reserve your bird for Thanksgiving. Later, in 1943, Broad Breasted Bronze blood was introduced. Since, however, the Standard Bronze has not been selected for production attributes, including weight gain for years; so many birds may be smaller than the standard. Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Starting at: $8.80 First avail: Mar 8, 2022. Regarding turkeys, they reach even higher weight indicators, on average from 15 to 18 kg. Most popular turkey throughout most of the American history. Weight: Mature Hen-32 lbs. It gave way to the now-ubiquitous Broad Breasted White, developed in the 1960s. However, generally the Broad Breasted Bronze turkey does not reproduce very well because of their large size. Heritage turkeys 75% meat yield. Korschgen (1967) reported that domestic turkeys require about 0.03 pounds (13.6 grams) of food per pound of body weight each day to sustain weight. Raising turkeys as a 4-H or FFA project can be a very educational experience and can grow into a wide variety of career opportunities. However, the average turkey weight for a male is 11.5 kg while that of bronze turkey hen is about 7.25kg. About Broad Breasted White Turkeys. Both breeds are bred commercially. How big are white-breasted turkeys? White-breasted or bronze-breasted turkeys can grow from 30 pounds (female) to 50 pounds (male) in just five months. Important: Minimum order is 10 turkeys for the Broad Breasted Bronze, Broad Breasted White, Orlopp Bronze and Artisan Gold, you can mix all of these turkeys together to make 10. Much like the Broad Breasted White, the Bronze is still as large and meaty as its counterpart. They were originally developed by crossing Narragansett and Eastern Wild Turkeys. This turkey is one of the most common and largest breeds available in the United States. and males weigh up to 30 lbs. The highlighted lines are the weights of broad breasted toms and hens at 16 and 20 weeks of age and the corresponding dressing weights. Underneath its beautiful bronze feathers is an efficient, robust turkey. $ 10.60. Women tend to weigh less than men. This is a hatchery choice of our Broad Breasted White and Broad Breasted Bronze turkey breeds and is a great deal for the local farmer who wants to raise a turkey for the holidays! The Bronze, White Holland, and Black varieties, the wild turkey, and White Austrian turkeys imported from Scotland were first used in the development of this small-type turkey. And the Bronze variety was officially recognized by the American Poultry Association in the year of 1874. Market weight is 23 and 14 pounds for males and females. They are a favorite of the backyard farmer. They are able to breed naturally and are very good at foraging. The Broad Breasted White is the commercial turkey of choice for large scale industrial turkey farms, and consequently is the most consumed variety of the bird. Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey for sale at, a meaty turkey breed. Bronze Turkey Characteristics. To figure the dressing weight of a heritage breed turkey use 75% of live weight. The mature female weight at 20 weeks is 25 pounds, and the males will mature at about 45 pounds. Both breeds are bred commercially. Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys are commonly raised in small flocks and for niche markets. The Broad Breasted White’s size makes it a great addition to any table. The changes have ended the Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys' ability to mate naturally. Both types are exactly … Standard Bronze Turkey is one-third the size of the Broad-breasted Bronze selection. Broad Breasted White Turkeys (the standard commercial turkey) reach butchering weight in 16 weeks. The toms (males) of these breeds can reach 25 pounds in 24 weeks, but earlier harvesting is possible based on carcass size preferred by customers or family needs. Bronze turkey is one of the largest heritage turkey breeds. Unfortunately, although the most numerous turkey around, the broad-breasted white turkey cannot breed, cannot fly and cannot survive with human assistance. There is, therefore, a great need for enthusiasts to continue to produce the so-called 'heritage' breeds. Read in-depth answer here. Average live body weight of the mature Bronze hens is around 7.25 kg. The resulting bird grew faster, larger, and had a cleaner looking carcass. The Broad Breasted Bronze is another commercially developed strain of table bird. Much slower growth than the Broad Breasted variety and can naturally reproduce. They have thick and fleshy shanks suitable for the pot. Broad-Breasted Bronze turkeys The turkeys we raised on the farm when I was a child were Broad-Breasted Bronze turkeys which are also a non-standardized breed noted for quick weight gain. Broad breasted white turkeys have white feathers, red carnucling, a black beard, and pink feet. A bronze broad-breasted turkey was obtained by crossing the English breed with the American one. Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys are ideal to raise for meat production, have an excellent feed conversion ratio, and make the perfect traditional Thanksgiving turkey dinner. ... white broad breasted turkeys $75 (Pelzer ) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Bulk deal. Characteristics of Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey. Traditional turkey breeds are known for fast growth and high production. The average weight for the toms is 38 pounds while that of the hen is about 29 pounds. The bronze broad-breasted turkey is large enough for poultry. It contains shades of brown and green, white, black, bronze, silver and ash color. The Bronze strain is an American origination and admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1874. The Broad Breasted Bronze turkey is considered by some to be the largest and heaviest of the turkey variety. The Look of the White Turkey. We will do our best to match your bird size request to the closest weight bird we have availiable after processing. Do not confuse the Heritage Bronze with the Broad Breasted … Unlike the Broad-Breasted Bronze Turkey, the Standard Bronze Turkey is one-third the size of the broad-breasted variety, naturally mating, long-lived, and slow-growing. Die Impfkampagne in Rheinland-Pfalz wurde weiter verstärkt. Uses. The weight of Heritage (Standard) Bronze tom is 25 lbs and also the hen is 16 pounds. The Broad Breasted Bronze turkey is considered by some to be the largest and heaviest of the turkey variety. The result of this cross are larger and more hearty than the European birds, and much tamer than their wild ancestors. Hens are smaller and duller than the cocks. How big are white-breasted turkeys? Both the Bronze and White broad-breasted turkeys are bred for exceptional growth and fast weight gain. Women tend to weigh less than men. A full-grown tom will weigh in at about 38 pounds, hens easily reach 22 pounds. It can reproduce naturally, and it yields stronger, gamier meat. The Broad Breasted Bronze turkey is considered by some to be the largest and heaviest of the turkey variety. Hi everyone, I bought two turkeys about a month ago from Wilco. Since, however, the Standard Bronze has not been selected for production attributes, including weight gain for years; so many birds may be smaller than the standard. Turkeys will be processed off farm at a certified poultry processor. The chart above is going to apply to the broad breasted turkeys, mostly due to the live weight of the turkey. And the mature tom’s average live body weight is around 11.5 kg. 5. This truly is an enormous bird. Because they are broad breasted, it is difficult for them to mate naturally. They were sold as Bronze turkeys but I am wondering whether or not they are really Bronze. Turkeys are easy to butcher. Thought the appeal decrease after the Broad Breasted Bronze came to be the industrial meat turkey. Broad Breasted White – Flockjourney. The changes have ended the Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys' ability to mate naturally. Since the 1960s they have been artificially inseminated. Both are rare in … Many times they are bred through artificial insemination. Description. The farmer does have to wait longer until the turkey is ready for butchering, but on a good feeding plan, a Standard Bronze can usually be butchered within 7 … A feature of the bronze broad-chested turkey is an unusually beautiful plumage color. Mature Tom 25-34 lbs. The minimum order for the Heritage Turkey Variety Pack is 10 with a maximum order of 20. koch's turkey farm also raises several different turkey breeds to give our customers the finest turkey at any given weight range. If you would like … Because of its size it's hard for this breed to reproduce. We raise broad breasted bronze turkeys that will result in birds with market weight between 10-17lbs. Those were the Standard Bronze, and the Broad Breasted Bronze. Its size makes it the perfect bird to raise on your own for holiday gatherings. The Bronze strain is an American origination and admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1874. Mature birds have a bronze sheen and as babies they are brown striped with white underneath. Breeding turkey meat breeds requires a lot of work and attention - since turkey poultry are prone to colds and infections, their diet must be properly selected and prepared, their condition must be monitored. According to the National Turkey Federation, a hen takes about 14 weeks to get to a post-processing market weight of 17.5 pounds; toms take 18 weeks to reach a market weight of 38 pounds. Royal Palm is a lively turkey breed that forages extensively, they will management bugs effectively and are additionally good flyers. The standard weight for young toms … Mature Tom-45 lbs. Minimum order of 3 poults. It contains shades of brown and green, white, black, bronze, silver and ash color. Broad Breasted White Turkey Appearance & Varieties. Special Notes The Bronze turkeys are strong and hardy birds. The Bronze strain is an American origination and admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1874. Narragansett Turkeys are named for Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, where they were developed. The average live weight of mature bronze turkey hens is about 7.25 kilograms. The incubation period for broad breasted turkeys is 28 days, you will want to stop the turning process on The Broad Breasted Bronze is a meat breed with a good growth rate. Standard Bronze turkey is one of the largest heritage turkey breeds. The size of white-breasted turkeys is between 100.5 and 125 cm and weighs between 13.5 and 39 kg. Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys are immense birds — much like the Giant White Turkey — measuring up to four feet in length, with a six-foot wing span. Those were the Standard Bronze, and the Broad Breasted Bronze. Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys are immense birds — much like the Giant White Turkey — measuring up to four feet in length, with a six-foot wing span. Broad Breasted Turkeys are compact meat birds and have been bred to have very large breasts. Size and Weight. Because of its size, it is hard for this breed to reproduce. The Bronze variety is stately and imposing in appearance. I am planning on doing a market project with them this summer if they can get up to weight. Average package weight is 1.2 - 1.5 lbs., can be used in any turkey or chicken recipe calling for boneless breasts. to 12 lb. Our broad-breasted (BB) white and bronze turkeys are steady growers, sure to impress all of your holiday guests. The Bronze strain is an American origination and admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1874. Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys are ideal for meat production. Turkeys were brought to Europe by early conquistadors … It measures up to four feet long and six feet wide. The bronze resemble the wild turkeys, having a dark metallic sheen and range of copper and brown variations of color and white edging on the tail feathers. “Large White” and “Broad Breasted Bronze” are large birds. And it has become the dominant turkey breed on the market, plus this breed is the one most Americans know about. Size and Weight. A full-grown tom will weigh in at about 38 pounds, hens easily reach 22 pounds. And the Bronze variety was officially recognized by the American Poultry Association in the year of 1874. This breed is currently unavailable. to 30 lb. Weight: Mature Hen-16-19 lbs. The Orlopp Bronze is a strong complement to any farm, delivering competitive feed conversion and maintaining industry-leading health status. Females, on average, weigh 18-20# and males average 30#+ Narragansett . The Broad Breasted White turkey is a bird that is going to weigh a lot. DIFFERENCES of opinion exist as to changes in body weight, breast width, and keel and shank lengths of Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys during the breedi… Important: Minimum order is 10 turkeys for the Broad Breasted Bronze, Broad Breasted White, Orlopp Bronze and Artisan Gold, you can mix all of these turkeys together to make 10.The minimum order for the Heritage Turkey Variety Pack is 10 with a maximum order of 20. On average, a female bronze broad-breasted turkey weighs from 8 to 10 kilograms. Uses The Bronze turkey is mainly raised and used for meat production. Standard – This variant is closer to the original Bronze and while it has been bred to improve certain characteristics, it is not as large as the Broad Breasted. Usually the turkey to receive a "presidential pardon", a U.S. custom, is a Broad Breasted White. The Bronze strain is an American origination and admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1874. Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey; At the time, both of these breeds were major meat producers and, as a result, somebody hit upon the idea of combining the two to see whether it was possible to create an even better meat bird. As the Broad Breasted Bronze was derived and selected originally from larger sizes of the Standard Bronze. The Bronze Turkey is divided into two distinct types; The ‘Broad Breasted Bronze’ and the ‘Standard Bronze’. The size of white-breasted turkeys is between 100.5 and 125 cm and weighs between 13.5 and 39 kg. $9.60. hen birds to give a great product appearance and meat yield, while the male is used for our 22 lb. We recommend allowing for 16-20 weeks of growing to harvest a 17lbs - 25lbs bird. Females usually have less weight than males. Bronze and white broad breasted turkeys are available at most poultry hatcheries and also at many farm stores (in the spring). Hens weigh 14-20 lbs. Breeders standardized the Bronze throughout the 1800s, and occasional crosses were made back to the wild turkey. The fowls are large in size as compared to other breeds. Breeding work is continuing with the latter introduction in the hope of still further improving the type.

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broad breasted bronze turkey weight