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See more. ENGLISH CW01 . obloquy (noun) - contumelious or abusive language addressed to or aimed at another; calumny; abuse; reviling obloquy (noun) - that which causes reproach or detraction; an act or a condition which occasions abuse or reviling 1. 4. Synonyms for contumelious include abusive, invective, opprobrious, scurril, scurrile, scurrilous, truculent, vitriolic, vituperative and vituperatory. personal experience synonym restatement summary mood or atmosphere direct explanation. contumacious definition: 1. refusing to obey or respect the law in a way that shows contempt: 2. refusing to obey or show…. : insolently abusive and humiliating. Contumelious in a Sentence Definition of Contumelious insulting; Showing a lack of respect or rudeness Examples of Contumelious in a sentence Offended by her niece's contumelious behavior, Linda decided not to invite her back over until she learned some manners. The contumelious, or scornful, turn of his nostrils communicated his distaste for her presence.What are the types. Sentence example with the word 'pejorative' pejorative abusive, bitchy, catty, contumelious, depreciative, derisory, detracting, disparaging, ridiculing, scurrilous, uncomplimentary Definition adj. 9 Which is an example of an Extol in a sentence? The best 30 synonyms for contemptuous, including: disdainful, scornful, cavalier, condescending, contumelious, derisive, haughty, insolent, insulting, sardonic . Learn more. 2. More example sentences 'What the law has for a long time required is merely conscious wrongdoing in the sense of volition and in contumelious disregard of another's rights.' 'That cannot be considered a deliberate or contumelious delay undertaken by one litigant in an attempt to thwart the rights of an opposing litigant.' What is the name of the context clue used in the sentence? ; Sir, the respective regard of your well governed partes do challenge a mellifluous species of enduement or contumelious estimation. Choose the word (s) from the answer choices provided that make the most sense in the context of the sentence. According to Collins English Dictionary and the American Heritage Dictionary of the English language, the word regal is an adjective that describes someone or something that is related to or befitting someone who is royal, or something that is related to royalty. catsup, mustard, and mayonnaise. More example sentences 'What the law has for a long time required is merely conscious wrongdoing in the sense of volition and in contumelious disregard of another's rights.' 'That cannot be considered a deliberate or contumelious delay undertaken by one litigant in an attempt to thwart the rights of an opposing litigant.' more_vert This contumelious flibbertigibbet was poking fun at me! Scornful definition, full of scorn; derisive; contemptuous, He smiled in a scornful way. One can add the suffixes er and est to the word cheeky to form the related words . English How to use "contumelious" in a sentence more_vert It may be appropriate where the defendant's conduct was an outrageous and contumelious disregard of the plaintiff's rights. What does the word regal mean? The meaning of OPPROBRIOUS is expressive of opprobrium : scurrilous. The first won because the general trend of the world was in their favor, and because their opponents were blind, contumacious, and divided among themselves. The word also might be ignored because it's not easy to use in a sentence. Examples of Respect in a sentence. contumely / ( ˈkɒntjʊmɪlɪ) / noun plural -lies scornful or insulting language or behaviour a humiliating or scornful insult Derived forms of contumely contumelious (ˌkɒntjʊˈmiːlɪəs ), adjective contumeliously, adverb contumeliousness, noun Word Origin for contumely C14: from Latin contumēlia invective, from tumēre to swell, as with wrath . Contumelious SiladhielLithvirax. In a contumelious manner. Select all that apply.. . With the help of this platform, learn the appropriate use of the Contumelious in a sentence. Adjective Over time, the oils in the seeds can turn rancid, giving them a spoiled taste. 2f435bee-8050-4966-ad95-7d3b40717b18.pdf. Sentences with disrespectful . Practice Sentence Completion Questions Answers 2021. Contumely in a Sentence Definition of Contumely unpleasant behavior or language Examples of Contumely in a sentence Although my sister is a very nice person, she will speak with contumely when she is angry. 7 What's the meaning of Contumelious? explanation. Obi-Wan's eyes flicked up to where Yan was watching him, then flicked away just as fast to focus on where Cerasi, the girl who was the target of the blaster rifle, was laying out points of Young concern. synonym restatement. Yet Yan has read all of the reports, and the additional testimonials most would not bother with. The boy finally meets his eyes at the end of his careful sentence, obviously loathe to offer castigation on the Master who had saved him from a life in the AgriCorps. 3. 4 sentences from the passage that explains . How to use vituperative in a sentence. I did use it, although it was a stretch. Contumelious definition: rude in a contemptuous way; insulting and humiliating | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples How to use contumelious in a sentence Sentence Examples It wasn't his fault that he liked you more than a compatriot and did a truly contumelious act out of selfish passionate feelings towards you. What are the types of context clues used in the preceding sentence? So here are the Daily Word List of 10 January, 2017. Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram. I did not like the wearing of her religion on her sleeve, nor the mellifluous drawl in which she spoke. The meaning of OPPROBRIOUS is expressive of opprobrium : scurrilous. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define A meaning and usage. 1. Translation for 'contumelious' in the free English-Dutch dictionary and many other Dutch translations. 2,5. After finding out the candidate had stolen money, the voters lost all respect for him. Submit. You are not logged in.. Safire is smitten with one of Hamilton's favorite words : contumelious. What does contumeliously mean? Commonly used words are shown in bold.Rare words are dimmed. Examples of contumelious in a sentence Add a sentence Cancel. From the sentence, we can see that the writer uses synonym restatement in paraphrasing some words like "contumelious" which was replaced with "scornful" and also where the writer said, "his nostrils communicated his distaste for . Click on a word above to view its definition. b.synonym restatement. How to say contumacious. contumelious should be in sentence. What does the word cheeky mean? Thanks for contributing. Verb, base form And now, in the blackness, a glimmer, a furtive gleam, a faint glow that grew brighter and yet more bright, hurtful to eyes long used to deeps of gloom; but, with the noise, ever this light grew-from gleam to glow and from glow to dazzling glare; and so, at last, Beltane opened unwilling eyes-eyes that blinked and smarted as they beheld a leaping flame where a fire of twigs crackled merrily . Example sentences with the word contumelious. d.mood or atmosphere. Synonyms: cancel, nullify, negate, morally corrupt. How do you use consist or consists in a sentence? equaled. 5 Is extol a Scrabble word? Eponym (n): The name of a real or […] Contumelious Sentence Examples All blasphemies against God, as denying His being, or providence, all contumelious reproaches of Jesus Christ, all profane scoffing at the Holy Scriptures, or exposing any part thereof to contempt or ridicule, are punishable by the temporal courts with fine, imprisonment and also infamous corporal punishment. click for more detailed Japanese meaning translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences. Comments about contumelious. 1. In one of my first meetings, the Word of the Day was garbology, the study of an ancient culture by the study of its garbage dump. What's the definition of A in thesaurus? contumacious pronunciation. Contumelious meaning is also available in other languages as well as you can also check the spelling of word Contumelious. How to use opprobrious in a sentence. The contumelious, or scornful, turn of his nostrils communicated his distaste for her presence. a feeling of deep admiration and honor for something or someone that causes one to treat it in a dignified way. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. 12. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Contumelious but also gives extensive definition in English language. Noun, plural Throw them away if they smell rancid. The contumelious , or scornful, turn of his nostrils communicated his distaste for her presence. The contumelious, or scornful, turn of his nostrils communicated his distaste for her presence. Contumelious meaning in Bengali - অতিশয় উদ্ধত; উদ্ধত; অপমানকর; ; dogmatic; humiliation; | English - Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. Adjective Telling them that their behavior bothers you is often all you need to do to change disrespectful behavior. Words Related to consisted. Contumelious Sentence Examples All blasphemies against God, as denying His being, or providence, all contumelious reproaches of Jesus Christ, all profane scoffing at the Holy Scriptures, or exposing any part thereof to contempt or ridicule, are punishable by the temporal courts with fine, imprisonment and also infamous corporal punishment. . a.personal experience. The type of context clues that are used in this preceding sentence is the synonym restatement and direct explanation. The weary dreamer angrily shook himself, collected his thoughts, doubled his fist, and lifted it angrily; this movement was the first sign of returning physical energy; he stretched his limbs like a man awaking from sleep, rubbed his eyes, pressed his hands to his temples; by degrees full consciousness returned to him, and with it the recollection of all that had occurred in the last hour or two. What are the types of context clues used in the preceding sentence? Another way to say Contumelious? What are the types of context clues used in the preceding sentence? You can use it in a sentence like although she was an immigrant she thought of herself as Americanized. There are an estimated 750,000 Words in the English language , but they can't all be as fancy as contumelious or widdendream or peristeronic. He winced at the scratchy blare of the battered trumpet, the uncertain smash of the tarnished cymbals, and the anguished screech and . Use "contumelious" in a sentence Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. 'It wasn't his fault that he liked you more than a compatriot and did a truly contumelious act out of selfish passionate feelings towards you.' More example sentences Origin Late Middle English from Old French contumelieus, from Latin contumeliosus, from contumelia 'abuse, insult' (see contumely ). As the prisoner was dragged out of court, he shouted contumely and made threats against the sentencing judge. According to the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language and other sources such as Collins English Dictionary or American Heritage, the word cheeky is an informal adjective that means impudent, boldly rude, or disrespectful but in a playful or appealing way. What is respect sentences? How to use opprobrious in a sentence. (of behaviour) scornful and insulting; insolent. The contumelious, or scornful, turn of his nostrils communicated his distaste for her presence.. . (adverb) A contumelious (sentence 4) exchange is: rude: In sentence 4, modulate means: turn down: When something is in medias res (sentence 6), it is: in the middle: Which of the following words could be used to replace maladroit (sentence 7)? " contumelious lip, " and " intellectual pemmican ." Prime Minister: I think that is a slightly pejorative way of putting what I was saying. contumelious in a sentence Sentences Mobile In 1242, Hugh of Tuffenstein provoked Count Rudolf through contumelious expressions. Sentences with rancid . ; By this principle he determined for himself the respective value of various writings in the Bible. 1. ; Usually she gets everything on credit, and the lodgers pay their respective shares biweekly. 2. ; Modern biology, as the science of life, has in the eyes of many accomplished the bold deed . Find more . more_vert THE LETTERS OF ROBERT BURNS ROBERT BURNS Thither Mrs. Lathom's housewife eyes were led, and she drew it aside with a contumelious finger. The most voted sentence example for contumelious is All blasphemies against God, a. Though naturally of a mild disposition, his controversies unfortunately assumed the harsh and vituperative tone of the period. A molecule consists of atoms and their bonds.Consist is often used in the past tense, so you're likely to hear it used in a sentence like "the game consisted of fourteen players and one stick." But you can use it in the present tense too. Posts about sentence written by chrisdino79. In each of the following sentences, one or two words have been omitted (indicated by a blank). Post {{comment[1]}} . You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Contumelious. ; Argument on the respective merits of knives is popular, and discussion seems endless. Contumelious Sentence Examples All blasphemies against God, as denying His being, or providence, all contumelious reproaches of Jesus Christ, all profane scoffing at the Holy Scriptures, or exposing any part thereof to contempt or ridicule, are punishable by the temporal courts with fine, imprisonment and also infamous corporal punishment. How to use contumelious in a sentence You know how you feel at the iron gripe of ruthless oppression: you know how you bear the galling sneer of contumelious greatness. Yan drifted a bit further in the Force, feeling the tensions and atmosphere of the room and its occupants. Please Log in or Register or post as a guest. She scowled and would have become vituperative, but Raston moved the hand which held the envelope significantly . Examples of disengage in a Sentence Put the car in gear, and then slowly disengage the clutch while pressing on the gas pedal . expressing disapproval Last update: June 28, 2015. 10. Select all that apply. Noun, singular or mass However, if overly used or done in a disrespectful or vulgar way, profanity can have adverse effects. Lexicographically close words: boke; bokes; bokys; bola; bolas; bolde; boldely; bolder; boldest; boldlie Certainly, with all earnestness, I make bold to say that Human Nobility, so far as many of its fruits are considered, excels that of the Angel, although the Angelic may be more Divine in its unity. c.summary. Translation for: 'contumelious' in English->Swedish dictionary. The word Americanize means to make American in character or nationality. personal experience synonym restatement summary mood or atmosphere direct explanation ইংরেজি - বাংলা Online অভিধান। Providing the maximum meaning of a word by combining the best sources with us. What does Uncivility mean? Noun, singular or mass When the oil is stored for too long, it can become oxidized or rancid. Summary: . contumelious epithet in Japanese : 無礼{ぶれい}なあだ名…. . 4 How do you use vituperative in a sentence? An example of a sentence using the word would be: Her eyes were charming. Synonyms for Contumelious (other words and phrases for Contumelious). How to use contumelious in a sentence. Definition of contumelious : insolently abusive and humiliating Other Words from contumelious Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About contumelious Other Words from contumelious contumeliously adverb Synonyms for contumelious Synonyms abusive, invective, opprobrious, scurrile (or scurril), scurrilous, truculent, vitriolic, vituperative, What the law has for a long time required is merely conscious wrongdoing in the sense of volition and in contumelious disregard of another's rights. 11 How does a grouped configuration work in Extol? If there is a malfunction, the gears will automatically disengage. He thought he was charming but we belived he was a contumelious idiot. Use: "development programmes have been vitiated by the rise in population" 2. Is the trait of being rude or insolent? Select all that apply.The contumelious, or scornful, turn of his nostrils communicated his distaste for her presence.What are the types of context clues used in the preceding sentence . More example sentences 'What the law has for a long time required is merely conscious wrongdoing in the sense of volition and in contumelious disregard of another's rights.' 'That cannot be considered a deliberate or contumelious delay undertaken by one litigant in an attempt to thwart the rights of an opposing litigant.' 6. 8 What does vituperative mean in vocabulary? How do you use the word contumelious in a sentence? Sentence example with the word 'insolent' insolent abusive, brazen, contumelious, disparaging, hubristic, indiscreet, outrageous, presumptuous, self-elect, uncourtly . 1 : . Contumelious definition: rude in a contemptuous way; insulting and humiliating | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Sentence with the word contumelious Every kind of contumelious reproach is heaped on the heads of the working men who dare to replace him when he strikes; and he does not scruple to use under such conditions weapons more convincing than the most opprobrious epithets. 2. ; I found Kana-ana had so far advanced in the acquirement of our mellifluous tongue as to be very successful in returning their salutes. 0 (0) Hello and welcome to exampundit. (or equalled), matched, paralleled. THORLEY WEIR E. F. (EDWARD FREDERIC) BENSON Contumelious in a sentence | contumelious example sentences Learn more. Sentences. 10 What does extol, for a living? Other Words from imprudent Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About imprudent. 6 What does extol mean in the Bible? Vitiate (v): to reduce the value, quality, or effectiveness of something. The curas of the above-mentioned villages are the outside vicars of their respective districts. Search over 14 million words and phrases in more than 490 language pairs. His earliest ally was Ahmed "Jezzar," who established himself in Acre in contumacious independence late in the 18th century. Impertinence means "being rude, insolent, or inappropriately playful." What is meaning of Contumelious? Regal is two syllables - re-gal - and the pronunciation or regal is ˈriːɡəl. The definition of Contumelious is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it.
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