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The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), via a circular dated April 3, 2020, has liberalised norms related to changing of date of birth in its records, thus making it easier for individuals to link their Universal Account Number (UAN) with Aadhaar. This will enable EPFO to validate the date of birth of members online with UIDAI instantaneously, thus authenticating and reducing the processing time of change requests. . INV-11/1/2020-INV dated 30/10/2021 (304.6KB) (503.4KB) 129: dated 30/10/2021: 128: Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the post of Section Supervisor held on 27.07.2019 HO No. . . Ref: 1) HO circular No. The labour ministry amended this in Section 142 of the Code of Social Security 2020 to implement the new rule. UAN stands for Universal Account Number. The steps to make correction in name, father's name, date of birth etc . 13 Apr, 2020, 09.28 AM IST According to the statement, the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has 8,38,04,469 subscriber accounts where there is no date of birth record. 2006. This will enable EPFO to validate the date of birth of members online with UIDAI instantaneously, thus authenticating and reducing the processing time of change requests." Change of Date of Birth of EPF/ESI Members कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन Employees' Provident Fund Organization (श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार) (Ministry of Labour& Employment, Govt. First-time job seekers, joining organized sector workforce in large numbers, contributing more than 47% of total net subscriber additions in September The provisional payroll data of EPFO released today highlights that EPFO has added around 15.41 lakh net subscribers during the month of September 2021. FAQ's ON EPF ADVANCE TO FIGHT COVID-19 PANDEMIC. hlw my date of birth change 19-05-1995 to 18-05-1995 only date change sir 18-05-1995 is correct. Posted on 13/01/2019 11/05/2019 by muralipanamanna Posted in Date of Birth/Other Corrections, FORMS, SSLC Tagged Date of Birth/Other Corrections. EPFO has instructed field offices to expedite disposal of online requests, enabling PF members in financial distress, to apply online for availing non refundable advance from . Central . The form has an option to make this change. Further it is to inform that in the meeting on fraud analysis and management in EPFO held on 08.12.20 17 at Head Office it was decided to follow the following process for change of date of birth of members of Employees' Pension Scheme 1995-. WSU/37(1)/2019/DOB] PF Department have provided List of Documents which are valid for Change in Date of Birth of EPF / EPS Member [ Attachement ] 01/04/2020 Advisory to Principal Employer / Employer by Ministry of Labour & Employment CHANGE OF DATE OF BIRTH OF EPF MEMBER. EPFO Circular 2020: EPF / EPS member, online change in date of birth; EPFO mulls rate cut on Provident Fund deposits to 8.5% for FY20; Revised Rate of Interest to Staff Provident Fund in EPFO; Labour Ministry will frame a national Satisfied cell, Labour issues will be changed at an elevated level; Pension Circular Regarding rules of life by EPFO Ans. Then you have to check the box "I have read the below points carefully". His Date of Birth is 09.07.1960, Date of Joining was 21.12.1995 and Retired on 09.07.2018, Total service calculated as 22 years 6 months. SBIN0004127 IFSC Code for SBI PBB Pitampura; SBIN0004095 IFSC Code for SBI PBB Daryaganj; e Shram Card: know how to apply for free don't pay यह article में epf uan name correction online, epf date of birth correction, update gender in uan कैसे करते है यह विस्तार में बताया गया है. . maps_ugc. UAN Number is unique and life long for a single and particular employee to get facilities of linking all multiples EPF Accounts to one UAN No at the place of multiple. Proces to submit e-nomination in EPFO portal: 1) Go to the EPFO portal and sign in by giving your UAN number, password and captcha. 08-04-2020: 132: Circular on EPFO regarding change of date of birth in r/o EPS/EPF members dated 03.04.2020. . 7. The contribution you make towards your Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) from your monthly pay is a sort of forced savings that can help in amassing a portion of your retirement corpus. Aadhaar/e-Aadhaar:The change in date of birth shall be EPFO Circular Regarding Member Profile Correction EPFO vide circular no: WSU/KYC/Correction process (E-15189)/2874 has notified a competent authority to approve member profile correction requests. CPFC (Zones), RPFC-I/OIC of Regional Offices. EPFO has issued revised instructions to its field offices to facilitate PF members to rectify their date of birth in EPFO records, thus ensuring that. Member profile correction requests such as a change in Name, Gender, Date of Birth, and Father name are 'categorized into Minor and Major corrections. 2) . Sub: Change of Date of Birth of EPF/EPS members. Please refer to this office circulars cited under reference. 08-04-2020: 132: Circular on EPFO regarding change of date of birth in r/o EPS/EPF members dated 03.04.2020. EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATION Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi 110 066. EPFO eases norms for changing date of birth in records, linking UAN with Aadhaar As per the circular, EPF members can now correct the date of birth up to plus or minus three years instead of one year earlier. Office New Telephone: 01 1 - 26185580 Email: Date: NO. In order to reduce the paper work, the EPFO has now launched a new facility . EPFO further guides through this circular as to which are the documents to be provided either online or offline to correct such errors. EPF date of birth change circular date 03 March 2020 in hindi. This article explains the steps to update the EPF details like Name, Date of Birth, Gender online. EPFO in its circular said, "The PF subscribers can submit the correction requests online. CPFC (Zones), RPFC-I/OIC of Regional Offices. According to an official circular released by the EPFO on Tuesday, June 15, the last date to seed the Aadhaar number with UAN is extended from June 1, 2021, to September 1, 2021, for those who need to file the electronic challan-cum-returns. 12. Related Files . Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has issued a circular on the list of documents to be accepted as a valid proof for Date of Birth of a member. EPFO - Change of Date of Birth of EPF/EPS members Employees' Provident Fund Organization No. Q.1: What is the process for change in name on marriage of a woman member against UAN when changes are made in Aadhaar? 4. IA-Bhikaiii Cama Place, New Delhi-1 10066 Telephone: 01 1- 26185580 Fax: 01 1-26179337 Email: rc.wsuQìepfindia.gov.in Date: All Addl. Accounts: 03-04 . CPF: 03-04-2020: 133: Circular No.1288/Acctts dated 03.04.2020 regarding New Product codes for fortified Rice. - Change of Date of Birth of EPF/EPS Members Ref: 1) HO Circular No. of India on the third anniversary of UMANG App The EPFiGMS services is available in . Change in Date of Birth/Age of Family Pensioners. Currently, if an employee wants to correct his/her basic details against UAN, employee and employer are required to submit a joint-request to the concerned EPFO field office.. Get Latest Business News , Stock Market Updates and Videos ; Check your tax outgo through Income Tax Calculator and save money through our Personal . To. How to Change/Update Date of Birth (DOB) in the EPF UAN Portal by Online using Aadhar - April 08, 2020 The date of birth recorded in 'Aadhaar' will now be accepted as valid proof of date of birth for the purpose of rectification, provided that the difference in the two dates is less than 3 years. Sub: Change of Date of Birth of EPF/EPS members. EPFO in its circular said, "The PF subscribers can submit the correction requests online. purna chadra pradhan says: July 27, 2021 at 2:49 pm . Log in to the account using your login using UAN number and password. Steps to update the EPF details online Overview 26.04.2020. i want to change the date of joining in epf portal can you any body send the format for correction of doj in company authorization letter . Accounts: 03-04-2020: 135 Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) Date of joining (DD/MM/YYYY) Date of leaving (DD/MM/YYYY) I am also enclosing herewith self attested copy of ID proof ( Any one PAN card/ Voters' Identity Card/ Passport/ Driving License/ Aadhar Card) for your ready reference. You are required to send a joint request on behalf of you and the employer to the concerned EPFO department. If you want to change your name or DOB then you can follow the below mentioned steps: E-nomination will also help in actuarial valuation of the pension fund. 31st December 2020 should be your exit date. (i) In case the correction required in date of birth is upt o plus or minus one year. RECENT POST. > Aadhaar/e-Aadhaar: The change in date of birth shall be accepted as per Aadhaar/e-Aadhaar upto a maximum range of plus or minus three years of the date of birth recorded earlier with EPFO. I would like to state that my date of birth mentioned in the PF account is _______ (incorrect date of birth) which . As per this circular, no penalties will be incurred on the late payment of PF contributions. Epf basic details of employees' correction circular 21-11-2017. Change of date of birth of Employees Pension Fund member to be approved by Officer lncharge of the concerned office. Of India) lead Office - 1 10 066 Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan. Suppose your contribution to EPF Passbook is showing up to the month of December 2020, then you have to enter the last date of that particular month i.e. Step 1 -Visit the EPFO's Unified Member Portal. 1. The circular also has the list of documents that are accepted as the supporting documents) . Accounts: 03-04-2020: 135 Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) vide its circular no. With due respect, I am writing this letter for correction of my date of birth in my PF account associated with UAN: 00071XXX998, and PF . The EPFO has taken several steps in the past to help employees make correction in the provident fund (PF) account details. Date Of Issue ; 201: Circular on EPFO regarding change of date of birth in r/o EPS/EPF members dated 03.04.2020. EPFO vide circular no.WSU/37(1)2019/DOB in supersession of earlier circulars dated 12th December 2006 and 12th December 2017 has accepted certain documents as a valid proof of date of birth in case of any dispute in the date of birth. In a move to extend the availability and reach of online services in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, EPFO has issued revised instructions to its field offices to facilitate PF members to rectify their date of birth in EPFO records . The EPF Regional Office, Barkatputra, Hyderabad, Telangana 500027. To verify and proceed, a user must provide last 4 digits of his/her bank account number. April 7, 2020 admin Leave a Comment. As of now, you can change the address at the time . From the 'online services' menu, one must choose "Claim (Form-31, 19 and 10C)". Employees' Provident Fund Organization (Ministry of Labour& Employment, Govt. Step 2 -Then you have to first enter your Aadhaar number and proceed for the entry of the date of birth AS PER AADHAAR records. 5. Employees' Provident Fund Organization (Ministry of Employment. CWC/FD -CPF/Circular/2020-21 Dated: 21 May 2020 CIRCULAR Sub: Settlement of CPF Final Payments, Part Withdrawal (90 % ) an d Refundable / Non . 201 7. Investors may please refer to the Exchange's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) issued vide circular reference NSE/INSP/45191 dated July 31, 2020 and NSE/INSP/45534 dated August 31, 2020 & vide notice no. EPFO in its circular said, "The PF subscribers can submit the correction requests online. देश के करोड़ों PF खाताधारकों के इसी समस्या को ध्यान में रखकर EPFO विभाग ने Date 03.04.2020 को एक Circular जारी किया है. Clarification by EPFO. 12. Date of birth correction: Following the same procedure above, you can also change your date of birth. This has been done to smoothly implement the orders of the SC on paying pension to employees on the basis of higher contributions made earlier on the basis of actual salary. Accounts: 03-04-2020: 203: Circular No.1287/Acctts dated 03.04.2020 regarding revision of interest rate. Recently, EPFO has also given the facility to change the date of birth in one of its circulars. Request Letter for Correction of Date of Birth in PF Account. As per the said circular, the EPFO has made it mandatory that the Aadhaar number of each employee be seeded and verified with the UAN, with effect from 1st June, 2021. EPFO in its circular said, "The PF subscribers can submit the correction requests online. Pension - 3 / 8 / OR / 2005 / 69869 dated 12. Post navigation Previous Previous post: Kite -Physical verification report of Hi Tech school equipments delivered to schools-Circular date.10.01.2019 How to change name & date of Birth Online in EPFO Posted September 1st, 2021 by Prakash Consultancy Services & filed under Provident Fund Benefits . Employees Provident Fund Organisation Ministry of Labour Govt. date of birth, UAN number, aadhaar number, . Follow the steps given here to fill Form 10C for EPF balance withdrawal: On the EPF Member Portal, a user can login using UAN and password. of India) Head Office Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14-Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 Telephone . . New Delhi: The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has allowed people to rectify discrepancies in age-proof documents online, thus ensuring that their UAN is KYC compliant. EPFO Circular On Acceptance Of Alternative Documents As A Valid Proof Of Date Of Birth. Declaration of Rate of Interest for the Employees' Provident Fund Members Account for the year 2020-21 HO No. . The labour ministry amended this in Section 142 of the Code of Social Security 2020 to implement the new rule. 2020 at 10:10 am . This will enable EPFO to validate the date of birth of members online with UIDAI instantaneously, thus authenticating and reducing the processing time of change requests." Read more ↓ GST Plus Track everything in GST State wise updated List of Implementation Area under Esic as on date 01.11.2020. This will enable EPFO to validate the date of birth of members online with UIDAI instantaneously, thus authenticating and reducing the processing time of change requests." . This has approval of Central P.F. EPF IMPLEMENT THE PMGKY CIRCULAR 14 . EPFO Circular On Acceptance Of Alternative Documents As A Valid Proof Of Date Of Birth EPFO vide circular no.WSU/37(1)2019/DOB in supersession of earlier circulars dated 12th December 2006 and 12th December 2017 has accepted certain documents as a valid proof of date of birth in case of any dispute in the date of birth. . This would make the linking of Universal Account Number (UAN) with Aadhaar easier. The name change process if the Aadhaar data is changed is similar to other change requests. December 30, 2020 at . Now you can update it sitting at home. 05 -01-2018 Draft version . NAND NAGRI DL (ESIC DISP) Sub : Correction Of IP name BABLU KUMAR bearing insurance number 6714717509 This to bring your kind notice that, the name of the above employee BABLU KUMAR ESIC No: 6714717509 has entered wrongly during registration process. It is pertinent to note that under the EPF Act, whenever deposits are Date of Joining / Date of Leaving: This option is also available in the form. Kiran Kumari 0 April 6, 2020 7:57 am. Employees' Provident Fund Organization, India, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India has issued FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON EPF ADVANCE TO FIGHT COVID-19 PANDEMIC Dated 26/04/2020. EPFO Circular On Pension For Full Salary Dated 23.03.2017 . Page 2 of 18 DOCUMENT UPDATE HISTORY S. No Date of Submission / Change Description Document Version No. This is lower than the 8.65% interest rate given on employees' provident fund (EPF) deposits for the previous financial year 2018-19. 3 April 2020 Author: EPFO Created Date: 4/4/2020 11:31:34 AM And the single employee able to see all his EPF account details in one place by linking with UAN NO. Kindly follow the procedure mentioned above. Now Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) members can change their name and date of birth (DOB) in EPFO records as per Aadhaar Card on their own. To enable the employers, correct those errors, EPFO ( web circular sr.no.217 dated 12 Feb 2021 ), has listed certain documents that employers jointly with their employees has to provide and rectify those details. BSE 20200731-7 dated July 31, 2020 and BSE 20200831-45 dated August 31, 2020 and other guidelines issued from time to time in this regard. EPF UAN Name, Date of Birth Change: Online Process and . 2) HO circular No. 01-04-2020 to 30-09-2020 13. Procedure for recording date of birth on entering Railway service and its alteration - Master Circular. April 4, 2020 at 2:07 am . As per the information provided by EPFO, members can do so by visiting the Member Unified Portal. Any of the above mentioned documents which include your date of birth can be attached. Pension - I / Instructions / Guidelines / 2017 / 20225 dated 12. My employee ID is __________ (mention employee ID). Accounts: 03-04-2020: 134: Circular No.1287/Acctts dated 03.04.2020 regarding revision of interest rate. EPFO Alert: In a much needed relief the Narendra Modi Government had on 26 March announced that it will pay the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) contribution for both the employer and the employee (12% each) for the next three months. It includes the 12 digits of numbers. Commissioner. The Ministry of Labour and Employment has already notified the special scheme for 24% contribution to PF accounts of employees earning less than Rs 15,000 to deal . With due respect, my name is _________ (Name) and I do hold a PF account bearing UAN number _________ (UAN Number). Of India Instruction Manual for E-Form 9 (Revised) September 27th, 2019 . Dear sir mera pf account m date of birth change h par mere passh jo document h . Then under the tab "Manage", select the option "Modify Basic Details". There is no last date for updating e-nomination. Application Software for correction in the name, Father/spouse name and Date of Birth of . Member has to apply online and employer will digitally approve the request. ESIC name change letter To Date : The Branch Manager, ESIC Office Addreess . No. physical paper would be accepted by CWC EPF Trust. EPFO withdraws circular relaxing rules for payment of higher pension to eligible EPS members.
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