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Poisonous Plants for Dogs and Cats. Use Frontline Spray prior to the onset of flea season and monthly thereafter. When considering the benefits versus risks of flea collars for cats, we recommend seriously considering the use of other products such as flea drops and oral flea medications instead of collars. K9Advantix(tm) can be used safely on puppies 7 weeks of age and older. Fipronil, the active ingredient in Frontline®, collects in the hair follicle and oil glands of the pet. Fipronil is a star ingredient that effectively treats the worst infestations of ticks and fleas. A NOAEL for oral toxicity of fipronil in the dog of 0.2 mg/kg/d (calculated from daily oral administration for one year (Holmes 1992, 1993)) is substantially higher than a possible 0.13 mg/kg (or 0.15 mg/kg of spray formulation) every two to four weeks. If he approves, follow any dosing instructions he might give precisely. Then, place your comb in a bowl full of water and some soap so that the flea won't jump and go on with its life. K9Advantix (tm) is toxic for cats and should NOT be used in households with cats. Is Frontline Plus toxic to cats? Administered about every 4 weeks controls established flea infestations and prevents flea populations to develop in the pets environment, but only if all the dogs and cats in the same household are treated. Applying Frontline twice a month is unlikely to cause an overdose for your cat, potentially creating skin reactions or damage at the application site. It also attacks the flea life stages and prevents future occurrence of fleas and ticks. #2 Even if you intend to purchase a flea and tick control product elsewhere, talk to your pet's veterinarian first. It's designed to be applied once a month because it takes that long for it to run its course through your cat's system. Fipronil-containing products have proven an effective therapy to control fleas (Hutchinson et al., Rat Poison (Bromethalin-Based) in Dogs and Cats. Some we know about, however, there are many others we are not aware of that are just as dangerous and poisonous to your pet. Location. Frontline Plus can be applied to cats as young as 8 weeks old. What are the side effects of frontline? Frontline can be used for cats and kittens up to 8 weeks or older. If you have kittens this young and want to use Frontline Plus on them, ask your vet if it is safe. Fipronil is an active ingredient of one of the popular ectoparasiticide products, Frontline. For cats, wet cat food, tuna or tuna juice can be given. Frontline Plus for Cats Frontline contains the active ingredients fipronil and s-methoprene. Product Name: FRONTLINE Plus for Cats / FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs Reviewed on: 10 September, 2013 Toxic to terrestrial vertebrates. 90 $27.99 $27.99 Description Ingredients Instructions FRONTLINE® PLUS is a fast-acting and long-lasting prevention meant to protect your cats against fleas, ticks, and chewing lice. Frontline Plus for cats is a rapid-acting monthly spot-on treatment for cats and kittens, 8 weeks or older. It protects against the whole flea life cycle for up to 30 days in total and protects against re-infestation better than any other product available. extremely toxic to fleas and extremely non-toxic to mammals. And thankfully, the product is labelled safe for use in pregnant, breeding or nursing cats. The once-a-month topical treatment kills fleas, ticks, and all stages of the flea life cycle. The NRDC recommends herbs like Lemongrass, Cedarwood, Thyme, Rosemary and peppermint as generally being safe and non toxic. Frontline Spray for Cats is safe to use on kittens that are at least 8 weeks of age and weigh at least 1.5 pounds. Yes, Frontline Plus for Cats is for use directly on the cat in the area between the shoulder blades behind the neck of each cat. Very toxic to terrestrial invertebrates. No. What Happens If You Use Too Much Frontline? Make sure you use the medication designed for your pet. The two formulas don't require a vet's prescription to be used. What is the safest flea medicine for cats? The most commonly reported effect is a temporary irritation at the application site. Frontline Sprays do not contain the potentially toxic insecticides found in most pet store sprays. May cause damage to organs Warning. Frontline ™ is my first choice for spot-on flea and tick control on both dogs and cats. posted on 6:47 AM, September 23, 2015 Flea and tick infestations have long posed a problem for pet owners, leading to significant research into developing a highly effective insecticide that has low potential human toxicity. Frontline Spray for dogs and cats has a special formula that wipes out the life cycle of four major flea and tick species. To all cat owners- the vet says: NEVER use zodiac flea stuff, v. toxic and ineffective. If you have a rabbit or other pet, note that Frontline is highly toxic to rabbits and Frontline is labeled "Do Not Use On Rabbits. Topical products like Frontline should never be ingested. There are currently two forms of Frontline preparation commercially available (a spray and a spot-on topical application) for dogs and cats. The active ingredients in Frontline Plus for Cats are Fipronil and (S)-methoprene. Keep your cats itch-free and protected from blood-borne parasites with these easy-to-apply topical treatments that last for 30 days after each application. If you want to be sure that you've killed every last little biter on your cat, you'll need to call in the big guns, and they don't come more powerful than Revolution Plus. May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure Environmental hazards - Hazardous to the aquatic These ingredients effectively work to kill adult fleas and ticks on the pet's body. Нохой бөөс эмчлэх нь мууранд хортой юу? Frontline® Top Spot™ and spray treatment is a topically applied, stand-alone product that rapidly kills fleas and ticks on dogs and cats with a single application, controlling fleas for up to three months and ticks for a month. Is Frontline Good For Cats? Common signs of toxicity from flea products containing organophosphates are diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, small pupils, muscle tremor, weakness or falling over, and drooling. A very powerful treatment, Frontline Plus kills fleas within 12 hours and ticks within 48 hours. How much fipronil is toxic to dogs? Can cats lick frontline? I just recently purchased some Frontline Gold for dogs 89-132 and I noticed that it states not to use it on cats. Health = 1 Fire = 2 . Frontline Plus for Cats is an effective spot-on flea and tick treatment that kills flea, ticks, and flea life stages for an entire month. Made with 2 tough killing ingredients, fipronil and (S)-methoprene - one to kill adult fleas and ticks and the second to kill flea eggs and larvae - this fast-acting, long-lasting protection provides flea and tick control for cats and kittens 8 weeks and older, 1.5 . The Frontline package insert actually contains the warning to not use the product on rabbits; nonetheless, many rabbit owners are still unaware of the risks. Frontline products are only labeled for cats older than 8 weeks of age. The rats didnt seem to have a reaction to the frontline advantage and ive looked up what meds are toxic to rats, and frontline was not included. Your cat may experience skin irritation, sensitivity, and redness. The main advantages of Frontline are: it can be used on both cats and dogs, effectively controls fleas for 90 days and ticks for 30 days, is waterproof, and does not contain permethrin , which is toxic to cats. You should consult your pet's veterinarian before purchasing a flea and tick control product elsewhere. The monthly topical treatment consists of Fipronil and S-methoprene that kills the flea . Original review: May 13, 2021. In addition, dog medicines may sometimes contain other ingredients that are toxic to cats. The safety of a flea collar depends on many factors, including correct usage, the cat's allergies, and active ingredients. Irritation (Applicated Area) Excessive Salivation. Frontline is toxic. This is only due to the taste and systemic toxicity would not be expected. The USEPA has determined fipronil to be safe for use on dogs and cats, with no harm to humans who handle these pets. Why Dog Flea & Tick Preventatives Should Never Be Used on Cats. In that case, we recommend Frontline Spray Treatment for Pets as it is relatively safe for both you and your purring friend, it is fast-acting, killing fleas on contact, and will kill ticks with some extra effort. Will Frontline Plus for dogs hurt my cat? The most common signs of toxicity from pyrethrum-based flea products are muscle tremors and excessive salivation. Can Frontline Plus Make Cats Sick? Is Frontline Plus for cats the same as Frontline Plus for dogs? Yes, Frontline Plus for Cats is for use directly on the cat in the area between the shoulder blades behind the neck of each cat. One may also ask, can cats die from licking flea medicine? However, dogs and cats can easily become sick if too much or the wrong flea product is applied, or the product is ingested post-application. A very powerful treatment, Frontline Combo kills fleas within 12 hours and ticks within 48 hours. A NOAEL for oral toxicity of fipronil in the dog of 0.2 mg/kg/d (calculated from daily oral administration for one year (Holmes 1992, 1993)) is substantially higher than a possible 0.13 mg/kg (or 0.15 mg/kg of spray formulation) every two to four weeks. It's applied by breaking open the plastic vial and dispensing the oily liquid between the animal's shoulder blades. What happens if you put cat flea medicine on a dog? In addition, the insect growth inhibitor s-methoprene kills flea eggs and larvae and thus disrupts the life cycle of ticks and fleas. This is especially the case with dog products like K9 Advantix II, which contains permethrin, which is extremely toxic to cats. What Happens If My Cat Licked Frontline? It has the advantage of being safe for cats and kittens over 8 weeks of age, making it the most suitable flea spray for use on kittens. What are the side effects of Frontline for cats? Frontline™)? FRONTLINE Plus should be used on dogs and cats only. US, EU, Australia) but is abundantly used in cattle in other countries (mainly in Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, etc. Dr. Green Pet's flea control is made with 100% natural ingredients. frontline for cats is the best, advantage is also ok (Aine****) I will buy frontline for cats and fogger for the house. Frontline Combo for Cats is an effective flea and tick treatment for 8 weeks and older kittens and cats. Many cat and dog owners that use Frontline products report some reddening and irritation on the skin. The product information does not mention what effect it might have on kittens younger than 8 weeks old. Below is a list of common foods that are harmful to cats. ), mainly in pour-ons. Fipronil is the chemical contained in Frontline Top Spot , Frontline Plus and Frontline Spray. Even at concentrations found in spot-on products (e.g., Frontline, Frontline Plus, etc. To keep your cat comfy, it is best to stick to the recommended once a month dose. How long does frontline take to work in cats? Fipronil causes hyperstimulation of the flea's nervous system, causing a spastic paralysis and resulting in death.In Frontline Plus, it is combined with methprene, which prevents juvenile stages from maturing to adults. Whether or not a pyrethrin or pyrethroid product is toxic depends on the animal species involved, as well as the concentration, synergists and carriers used in the product. As the global leaders in pet healthcare, we're passionate about providing your pet with the best of care. Comb your cat's hair regularly with a fine-tooth comb. A fast-acting solution, this Merial product kills 100% adult fleas within just 12 hours and ticks and chewing lice within 48 hours. I used Frontline plus for cats for about 6 months, my cat started having seizures, and twitching back issues, for at least 3 months before I realised it may be the . Fipronil comes in the form of a spray. Advantage and Revolution stay in the subcutaneous (skin) layers and are less invasive but still somewhat so, and toxic. Learn More here. Is Frontline Plus toxic to cats? What is safest flea treatment for cats? Frontline Plus (r), Frontline (r) Spray (fipronil) and K9Advantix (tm) are also effective for the dog tick and can safely be used on puppies older than 8 weeks. It is a follow-up product for FRONTLINE TOP SPOT, MERIAL's original fipronil spot-on formulation without methoprene introduced in th 1990s. How Fipronil Works. Age. Causes eye irritation Health Hazard - Specific target organ toxicity (Category 2) Warning. ), rabbits can suffer from appetite loss, lethargy, and seizures if they are exposed to it. It's becoming more widely known that chocolate is very toxic to both cats and dogs. When Fipronil is sprayed on a dog it mixes with the dog's natural body oils and within 24 hours it had covered the entire body with a type of protective coating. The National Resource Defense Council's Green Paws website has a comprehensive directory of flea and tick products, including natural products, and lists ingredients and toxicity warnings. Fipronil (e.g., Frontline ®, Frontline Plus and others), even at concentrations found in spot-on products, is potentially deadly to rabbits, causing appetite loss, lethargy and seizures. Diarrhea. NFPA ratings (scale 0 - 4) #$%'-0! Frontline is toxic. East Coast, USA. Product Name: FRONTLINE PLUS for Cats / FRONTLINE PLUS for Dogs Reviewed on: 22 December 2021 Warning. Is Frontline safe for cats? It can be used on cats over 8 weeks of age and is safe for cats 2.8 pounds and larger. OTC Topical Flea Prevention 941. Frontline Plus for Cats. And so long you don't give an overdose to your cat, everything should be perfectly fine. Its fast-acting formula kills 100% fleas within 24 hours of application. How toxic are these insecticides to dogs, cats and other animals? Revolution Plus Topical Solution for Cats — Best Flea and Tick Treatment for Cats. The USEPA has determined fipronil to be safe for use on dogs and cats . Frontline for Dogs and Cats With Fleas. Please try not to apply sooner than 30 days. Apply only as directed SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES Necessary first aid measures: Contact the National Poisons Information Centre for further Safe and Toxic Garden Plant Images . This happens to the area where you apply the product, that is, on the pet's skin. Also, some cats have been known to become agitated and run around the house. (S)-methoprene is a chemical that is poisonous to several insects but specifically fleas. - Stops and prevents infestations. Garlic is a member of the Allium . The dosages are sold according to the weight of the pet. Frontline Plus For Cats does state on the product label: Approved for use on all cats, including breeding, pregnant, and lactating queens and kittens as young as 8 weeks. The bitter taste of the product can cause an animal to become nauseous, vomit, or salivate when licking the product when it is wet on the fur or scratched on the area. While Revolution for Cats has been established as a safe product, the active ingredients may be found in other products in combination with other ingredients that are not safe for cats. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. This step can be done in the first few days of putting the Frontline Plus onto your cat's skin. Fipronil, selamectin, and imadocloprid are the chemical agents in these spot-on products and are also found in shampoos and sprays. What is S-Methoprene? What are the side effects of Frontline for cats? Our second pick is the Only Natural Pet EasyDefense Flea, Tick . S-Methoprene is a chemical which is used for insect control, in particular fleas. The insecticide chemical is described in scientific terms as a juvenile hormone analogue. Frontline is a class C carcinogen and works systemically entering the animal's bloodstream. Frontline Plus for dogs or cats and Startgard Plus for puppies or kittens). 3. Frontline, a common flea preventative that disrupts flea neural receptors, is a suspected carcinogen and endocrine disruptor that can be toxic to the nervous system if ingested. Frontline Plus For Cats does state on the product label: Approved for use on all cats, including breeding, pregnant, and lactating queens and kittens as young as 8 weeks. - Prevents all flea stages (eggs, larvae, pupae) from developing. It even says to keep your dogs and cats seperate once it has been applied. Frontline Plus Side Effects: Swelling. Itching. You could be harming your cat otherwise. It lasts for about 30 days giving you time to find an alternative flea treatment for your cat. While the makers say that irritation is the consequence of using Frontline for dogs and cats, they also say that it is nothing to worry about. Fipronil is also present in other ectoparasiticide products, such as Certifect and Parastar Plus. Side effects may include signs of skin irritation such as redness, scratching, or other signs of discomfort. The waterproof treatment remains effective even when a cat gets wet. Signs of Flea Control Product Toxicity in Cats and Dogs Signs of flea control product toxicity can occur from one to 12 hours after application and may vary depending on the type of flea control product poisoning. T H E Z O O Cats: Thelma It kills the life stages of fleas and prevents parasitic re-infestations. The use of pyrethrins/pyrethroids is generally, very safe in dogs; however, cats and fish are very . . It is a multifaceted chemical. FRONTLINE® Brand products deliver fast acting flea and tick protection for dogs and cats for a full 30 days. Based on the wide range of positive reviews from US-based . Frontline Plus(r), Frontline(r) Spray (fipronil) and K9Advantix(tm) are also effective for the dog tick and can safely be used on puppies older than 8 weeks. Flea products containing essential oils like tea tree oil, Cinnamon, clove oil, eucalyptus, Bay, citrus etc must be . It should only be used on cats that are older than 6 months and weigh more than 2.6 pounds. dawgfan29569 said: I have been purchasing the frontline plus for dogs 89-132 and breaking it down and using it on my cats. Check the weight recommendations on the package and get a dosage appropriate for your pet's weight. This is a type of poisonous material that has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for use on dogs and cats. - Kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and flea larvae. How toxic is Frontline Plus? More red, irritated skin has been reported, but is considered rare. Based on the lack of reports of serious side effects (like paralysis, seizures, or death), it does appear that Frontline for Cats is safe to use. Frontline makes flea and tick treatments for dogs as well as cats. After applying frontline for cats on our cat is it okay to still touch and pick her up and hold her - is this toxic to - Answered by a verified Cat Veterinarian. Rat Poison's Effect on Dogs and Cats. 2 Remove the applicators. Dr. GreenPet All Natural Flea Control, Flea & Tick Prevention for Dogs & Cats. These include: pure peppermint, clove, cinnamon, and cedar oils. Most such products have . The only collar we can recommend from the collars available on the market is the Seresto Flea Collar for Cats for killing fleas and ticks. FRONTLINE® PLUS FOR CATS provides fast, effective and convenient treatment and control of fleas, ticks and chewing lice for cats and kittens.
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