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Pronunciations. click for more detailed meaning in English, definition, pronunciation and example sentences for obdurate Definition of obdurateness in English: obdurateness. ☀. Spell and check your pronunciation of bions. - page 10 obdurateness translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'obdurate',ornateness',obdurately',obscureness', examples, definition, conjugation 1. obdurate [v] - See also: obdurate. word with urat, contains urat, Urat definition, definition for Urat, definition of urat, Anagrams of urat Definition of the obdurateness are . Learn more. Antonym is given. Definition of Obdurated. You don't need a PayPal account, you can pay with your credit card through PayPal as well. Definition in the dictionary English. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples virl Definition at Wiktionary: Click Here: virl Definition at Merriam-Webster: Click Here: virl Definition at Dictionary: Click Here: virl Synonyms At Thesaurus: Click Here: virl Info At Wikipedia: Click Here: virl Search Results on Google: Click Here: virl Search Results on Bing: Click Here: Tweets About virl on Twitter: Click Here obconical obcordate obdeltoid obdiplostemonous obdiplostemony obdormition obdt obduct obducted obducting: obduction obducts obduracies obduracy obdurate obdurated (current term) obdurately obdurateness obduratenesses obdurates: obduration . Alliterations for omicron: ocelot, octagon, oligarch, officer, officers, ovenbird, obelisk, offices, opposite, audibly, honesty, oddities, oddity, odyssey, almond . Obdurate Meaning in Urdu. Here are the idioms that are related to the word obdurateness. I persist, endure or hold out. List of Words Containing nigger. hardness n 1: the property of being rigid and resistant to pressure; not easily scratched; measured on Mohs scale [ant: softness] 2: a quality of water that contains dissolved mineral salts that prevent soap from lathering; "the costs of reducing hardness depend on the relative amounts of calcium and magnesium compounds that are present" 3: devoid of passion or feeling; hardheartedness [syn . Pronunciation. obdurateness - Wiktionary obdurateness English Etymology obdurate +‎ -ness Noun obdurateness ( uncountable ) The characteristic of being obdurate; stubbornness. Confucius said: "Those in my community who are straight are different from that. There's lots of obdurate blocking before he picks up a couple with a well-timed forward prod. . obdurate in his refusal to grant clemency … Obdurateness is an aspect of the social structure that is particularly resistant to the impact of personal agency (Fine, 1992). See obdurate 'Consumer spending remains depressed, he added, thanks to Bundesbank obdurateness about interest rates.' . 2. Definition: extremely stubborn, unwilling to accept advice Sentence: She was obdurate in her refusal to listen to our concerns about her cocaine problem. Pronunciation roman Urdu is "Ziddi" and Translation of Obdurate in Urdu writing script is ضدی. ; Your list will be sent in CSV format to the email address that you specify below: Definition of obduration in the Definitions.net dictionary. Words Created From nigger. inflexible, obdurate, adamant mean unwilling to alter a predetermined course or purpose. Rigor explanation. The level of induration in the nearby sediments increases . Definition of Obeah. Nouns with the suffix "-ness" (1,000) Words with a certain ending. 10. How to say obdurate. Meaning of obdurateness. 5. Related words & phrases. obdurates. Synonym is given and explains how alike or different the terms are. Press and start speaking. . Inflexibility explanation. Having or exhibiting no remorse. obe-tension A popular term for the relatively common clinical association of obesity with hypertension. OBE is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary 8. mid-15c., "stubborn, inexorable, unyielding; hardened," especially against moral influences; "stubbornly wicked," from Latin obduratus "hardened," past participle of obdurare "harden, render hard; be hard or hardened; hold out, persist, endure," in Church Latin "to harden the heart against God," from ob "against" (see ob-) + durare "harden, render hard," from durus "hard," from . Obdurateness Urdu Meaning with Definition. To harden. Permission to use microphone was denied. Click on the microphone icon and begin speaking Bions. Pronunciation example: Audio (Classical) Verb obduro. noun hardness; stubbornness grammar obdurance ( uncountable) Examples Add Stem That is due to the obdurate stance taken by Israel and its attempts to extinguish any hope of a just and lasting peace, in particular following the renewed momentum created by the Annapolis Conference MultiUn He's being obdurate. Find English word Hurly meaning in Urdu at UrduWire online English to Urdu dictionary. 7 Letter Words Ending with nigger. "These physical deviations were connected to the spiritual defects of blind literalism and obdurateness. (Page 2 of 2) third-person singular simple present indicative form of obdurate; Examples Stem. This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like obdurateness.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses. Definition of obdurate in English English dictionary. Ziddi. {a} obstinate, firm, hard, rugged, cross. Obdurateness meaning in Urdu is ڈھٹائی and Obdurateness word meaning in roman can write as Dhatai. What are the idioms related to obdurateness? How to pronounce obdurate. (noun) Words near obduredness in the Dictionary Physically hardened, toughened. Hardened in feelings, esp. Definition of obdurateness in the Definitions.net dictionary. Sar Kashi سرکشی Meaning in English - Find the correct meaning of Sar Kashi in English, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from Urdu to English. persisting in a reactionary stand. {s} stubborn; stiff-necked. I harden. Permission to use microphone is blocked. We've got 0 rhyming words for obdurateness » What rhymes with obdurateness? Emotionally hardened, hard-hearted, unsympathetic. Looking for definition of Rigor? Pronunciation: ahb-dyê-rêt • Hear it! Pronunciations. obduracies obduracy obdurate obdurated obdurately obdurateness obduratenesses obdurates obduration obdurations: obdure obdured obdures obduring obe obeah (current term) obeah doctor obeah doctors obeahed obeahing: obeahism obeahisms obeahs . Intractable, unrepentant, adamantly and unshakably stubborn. Appearance Use device theme . obdurates (English) Verb obdurates Third-person singular simple. . List of Words Formed by Letters of nigger. Type your word here and click Alphabet filter. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Obduracy in Urdu is سنگدلی, and in roman we write it Sangdili. "These physical deviations were connected to the spiritual defects of blind literalism and obdurateness. Appearance Use device theme . adj. rate (ŏb′do͝o-rĭt, -dyo͝o-) adj. 4. UK English definition of OBDURATENESS along with additional meanings, example sentences, and ways to say. 02.21. ; €5 is the amount due. 9. Nouns with the suffix "-ness". Mr. Hard-Heart, thou art here indicted by the name of Hard-Heart (an intruder upon the town of Mansoul), for that thou didst most desperately and wickedly possess the town of Mansoul with impenitency and obdurateness; and didst keep them from remorse and sorrow for their evils, all . Obdurate translation is "Ziddi" and Obdurate synonym words Flinty, Obstinate and Stony. Find English word Ostrich meaning in Urdu at UrduWire online English to Urdu dictionary. Similar words of Obdurate are also commonly used in daily talk like as Obdurate, Obdurateness and Obdurately. Stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repent. 11. Part of Speech: Adjective Meaning: 1. Lexicographical Neighbors of Obdurated. The definition is supported by personal experience. Find letters a, e, n, r, t, and u by vowels, syllables, origin and more. Find another word for obdurate. 」 子 曰 : 「 書 云 : 『 孝 乎?. ☀. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 What does obduration mean? Find 27 ways to say OBDURATENESS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Appearance Use device theme Dark theme Light theme: What is the opposite of obdurateness? Definition of stubborn in English English dictionary. Obdurate definition: If you describe someone as obdurate , you think that they are being unreasonable in their. Words Containing nigger. A new definition of the term is given because of a personal experience or observation. obdurate meaning and definition: Adjective: obdurate óbdûrutSt…. Information and translations of obdurateness in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Not changing in response to argument or other influence; obstinate or intractable. Learn how to say Obdurate with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.http://www.emmasaying.com What does obdurate mean? ; The payment will be done in a secure platform. To change, go to chrome://settings/content Exceptions#media-stream. Pronunciations. Information and translations of obduration in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. impassive to feelings of humanity or pity. Synonym of word obdurateness are waywardness, inverse, repolish, stubbles, ruthfulness, obduracy, inflexibility, circumfluent, stubbiest, gutlessness. 7 Letter Words Ending with nigger. Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. It [sic] steatites for instance I have specimens of every degree of induration from the hardness of soap to the most compact polished jasper and they illustrate the fact of jaspers being indurated steatites, so clearly and fully that I cannot find in my heart to keep them asunder.. Obduracy Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Obduracy in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu. Nevertheless, despite often devastating symptoms and their personal and social consequences, there is increasing evidence that people with severe mental illness use a range of strategies to negotiate the legal, financial and housing constraints discussed above. Hurly & thousands of English and Urdu words Synonyms, definition and meaning. (adjective) List of Anagrams of nigger. On the other hand, in the case of the obdurate, he showed a relentless precision, which gained for him his evil name, ` The Bloody Clavers,' the commissioned servant of the powers of darkness." 3. ☀. The Summer of Our Discontent. click for more detailed meaning in English, definition, pronunciation and example sentences for obdurate What is the synonym of obdurateness? Such obdurateness, truculence and refusal to accept reality is to be applauded.. Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. Free online Dictionary including thesaurus, children's and intermediate dictionary by Wordsmyth. obdurateness (English) Origin & history obdurate + -ness Noun . In this page you can discover 62 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for obdurate, like: uncompromising, obstinate, stubborn, cruel, callous, unshakable, inflexible, unyielding, stubborn as a mule (or ox), adamant and firm. The peace process is going through a very difficult phase because of the Israeli Government's obdurate and intransigent attitude and its non-recognition of the need to withdraw to the line of 4 June 1967, in accordance with Security Council resolutions 242 and 338. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe. {a} hardhearted, impenitent, stubborn. Define Inflexibility by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary. obdurate meaning and definition: Adjective: obdurate óbdûrutSt…. The loftiest hearts. obdure meaning and definition: transitive verb and intransitive verb (…. obdurateness synonyms, obdurateness pronunciation, obdurateness translation, English dictionary definition of obdurateness. obdurateness obdurates obdurating obduration obdurations obdure obdured obduredness obdures obduring Obdurodon obdurates. noun. 1. obdurable translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'obdurately',obduracy',obdurateness',observable', examples, definition, conjugation Alliterations for artist: aldi, arches, arching, arctic, Arctic, arm ring, arming, armpit, armpits, arsing, arsonist, arsonists, artists, homage, honest. Need antonyms for obdurateness? A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z 1. 2. If you need any special format you may need to Contact us for a separate quote. inflexible implies rigid adherence or even servile conformity to principle. Obdurate definition, unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings; stubborn; unyielding. refusing to move or change one's opinion; obstinate. Not changing in response to argument or other influence; obstinate or intractable: "Everyone in the region has been obdurate in water negotiations.

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obdurateness pronunciation