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Ostensibly definition: apparently ; seemingly | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Synonyms-thesaurus.com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Another way to say Ostensibly? From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph. 1 'it is ostensibly a book about football' SYNONYMS apparently , seemingly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface, to all intents and purposes, outwardly, superficially, allegedly, professedly, supposedly, purportedly It's not a one day job. An antonym is a word which is of contrary meaning to another - hot is an antonym of cold. Antonyms for ostensibly include genuinely, improbably, obscurely, really, truly, unlikely, actually, certainly, indeed and absolutely. 1. adjective ostensible appearing, apparent 1. » supposedly adv. In order to answer and correct every one of them, you need to study and learn more words daily. In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ostensibly, like: superficially, purportedly, apparently, to-all-intents-and-purposes, genuinely, really, ostensively, outwardly, obscurely, improbably and externally. In this page you can discover 115 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for slight, like: slender, dainty, trivia, minor, faint, neglect, insignificant, big, thoughts, cold shoulder and superficial. Princeton's WordNet (1.00 / 1 vote) Rate these antonyms:. Antonyms for ostensible Antonyms for (adj) ostensible Main entry: ostensible, ostensive Definition: represented or appearing as such; pretended Usage: His ostensible purpose was charity, his real goal popularity Antonyms for ostensible. synonyms - ostensiblyreport a problem. OSTENSIBLY in Thesaurus: 100+ Synonyms & Antonyms for OSTENSIBLY Synonyms Similar meaning View all apparently seemingly outwardly allegedly superficially evidently supposedly on the surface officially presumably all appearances purportedly patently professedly the eye at first glance at first sight obviously plausibly reputedly externally ostensible synonyms and antonyms. others - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. It requires time and practice. sound like it. ): Free from local prejudices - a world-wide traveler, cosmopolitan in tastes and attitudes. Your total score can make a big difference if you score full marks in Antonyms and Synonyms questions. News, previews and reviews of the latest PS4, Xbox One, PS3, and Wii U games Advertizing . 48. ostensibly . All Free. thesaurus. ostensible synonyms and antonyms. Synonyms seemingly apparently Featured Games Sea Scrambler The ultimate crossword game Rhymes with Ostensibly sensibly This section is from the book "Manual Of Useful Information", by J. Start studying English vocab 23 synonyms and antonyms. The test has 39 questions and you will have 5 minutes to do them. Play this game to review Vocabulary. ostensible synonyms and antonyms. At the end of the test (when 5 minutes have elapsed), you will be given . idioms. 23 synonyms for ostensible: apparent, seeming, supposed, alleged, so-called, pretended, exhibited . what are the northernmost islands in scotland? Definition of «Ostensibly». If nothing is found, then alternative search will try to find the terms that: start with searched query. A synonym is simply a word which is identical in sense and usage with another, for example fast is a synonym of quick. ): Free from local prejudices - a world-wide traveler, cosmopolitan in tastes and attitudes. : seeming or said to be true or real but very possibly not true or real The ostensible reason for his visit was to see an old friend. ostensible. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Apparent, seeming, specious. In order to answer and correct every one of them, you need to study and learn more words daily. modifier adverb Find another word for ostensibly. Princeton's WordNet (1.00 / 1 vote) Rate these synonyms:. Antonyms: parochial, provincial. quiz 1. antonyms( relinquish, terrestrial, dearth, curb, disparage, dismiss, liability, dormant, blemish, retreat) quiz 2. antonyms( pacify, prevent, judicious . OSTENSIBLY Synonyms: 18 Synonyms & Antonyms for OSTENSIBLY | Thesaurus.com Thesaurus / ostensibly FEEDBACK ostensibly See definition of ostensibly on Dictionary.com adv. [=he said the reason was to see an old friend, but the real reason may have been something different] The ostensible [=apparent] purpose of the article is to encourage young adults to vote. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Fundamentally synonyms. Lists. self-possessed ABDICATE: To give up claim to - abdicated the throne. Antonyms: similarly , like so, like this, just like that, under similar conditions, likewise , in like manner, the same way, too , ditto, in the same vein, along similar lines, identically. Suggest antonym for Fundamentally. Synonyms-Reportedly, Presumably, Apparently, Ostensibly Antonyms-Accurately, Definitely . We have listed all the similar and related words for ostensibly alphabetically. COSMOPOLITAN (noun): One who is at home in all countries - A cosmopolitan can feel at ease anywhere in the world. Both sentences have the same meaning because the words "big" and "large" are synonyms. definitions. Synonym: Tangible, touchable 389 Fundamentally synonyms and 2 Fundamentally antonyms on the online thesaurus dictionary. This page aggregates the highly-rated recommendations for Synonym For Whereas . 2. apparently, seemingly, ostensibly, on the face of it adverb. COSMOPOLITAN (noun): One who is at home in all countries - A cosmopolitan can feel at ease anywhere in the world. A. I wish that i could ____ your recent work, but as the ___ goes, workers like you are a dime a dozen. Ostensible reason - Georgian translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. Find more opposite words at . Ostensible Sentence Examples . Fundamentally. verbs. C Thomas.Also available from Amazon: Manual of useful Information. What are another words for Ostensible? Here you use the antonyms for ostensible. . Synonyms for ostensibly include apparently, seemingly, supposedly, outwardly, allegedly, superficially, putatively, evidently, presumably and professedly. For example, "happy" and "sad" are antonyms. antonyms. Synonyms: fluster, disconcert, discomfit, discompose. List of Synonyms and Antonyms of "F" Words English Glossary Professional/Positions Name In Hindi and English English Glossary अनाज के नाम का नाम अंग्रेजी और हिंदी में - Grain Name in English with Hindi Meaning English Glossary Synonyms for ostensible apparent, assumed, evident, ostensive, presumed, prima facie, putative, reputed, seeming, supposed Near Antonyms for ostensible hidden, inapparent implausible, impossible, improbable, inconceivable, unlikely actual, authenticated, confirmed, corroborated, established, genuine, real, substantiated, sure, valid, validated, Facebook page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window Whatsapp page opens in new window Jump to navigation Jump to search. Antonyms: gaunt, lank, emaciated, peaked. adverbs. Description. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Search antonyms for word ostensible at EnglishThesaurus.net. Yug Computer Institute & Coaching Center(Yug247) ABANDON: To give up completely - abandoned the sinking ship. Synonyms for Ostensibly (other words and phrases for Ostensibly). rating alphabet syllables length. apparent credible illusive illusory likely ostensible outward plausible possible probable semblant specious avowed accepted acknowledged admitted affirmed avowedly professed colorable believable Words Antonyms Synonyms Scatter dispel, disperse, dissipate, diffuse, disseminate, radiate hoard, gather, accumulate Sever carve, cleave, slice, cut, separate, split . what are pulte standard features? 9 Ostensibly employed synonyms and 0 Ostensibly employed antonyms on the online thesaurus dictionary. sentences. ostensibly 224 other terms for ostensibly- words and phrases with similar meaning. Antonyms: parochial, provincial. Synonyms: differently, in another way, in a different way, in any other way. Rocks are larger than pebbles. At union, ky population 2020 by . *ment - terms ending with 'ment'. We have listed all the similar and related words for ostensible alphabetically. Tags. They are the choices that get trusted and positively-reviewed by users. cliche, extol, adamant, rancor, ostensible, clement, disparity. Synonyms for Ostensibly. Some common synonyms of apparent are clear, distinct, evident, manifest, obvious, patent, and plain. aback,backwards#rearwards#aft#abaft#astern#behind#back#,onwards#forwards#ahead#before#afront#beyond#afore# abandon,leave#forsake#desert#renounce#cease#relinquish#discontinue#castoff#resign#retire#quit#forego#forswear#depart from#vacate#surrender#abjure#repudiate#,pursue#prosecute#undertake#seek#court#cherish#favor#protect#claim#maintain#defend#advocate#retain#support#uphold#occupy#haunt#hold# . Antonyms-Ban Example Sentence-The government gives individual entitlement to the backward class for the right to education. Synonyms for ostensible in Free Thesaurus. In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ostensible, like: apparent, purported, notable, likely, alleged, clear, illusory, implied, obvious, pretended and professed. Part 2 Antonyms for ostensibly. Synonyms: Catholic. ostensibly (adv.) Synonyms: Catholic. adjectives. Antonyms: gaunt, lank, emaciated, peaked. how to use golf handicap in stroke play Voltar para o site; treated like a convenience; foundation year uk universities. behavioral health trainings; beauty works student discount; motion tween premiere pro; how many flight attendants on boeing 737; redmi note 10 5g notification light Some words will not be used. Unofficial Site For John L. Smith reporter/author Las Vegas Review Journal /News/Information/ Free Speech/ Whistle-Blower site/ This entire site is the opinion of Steven Barket Twelve Thousand Synonyms And Antonyms. Full list of synonyms for Ostensible is here. is a figure of speech that juxtaposes concepts with opposing meanings within a word or phrase that creates an ostensible self-contradiction.An oxymoron can Antonym: (adj.) If you known antonyms for Fundamentally, then you can share it. At union, ky population 2020 by . Find another word for ostensible. apparently synonyms for ostensibly Compare Synonyms evidently officially seemingly supposedly at first blush externally for all intents and purposes for show on the face synonyms. List of Synonyms and Antonyms. a* - terms starting with 'a'. give the antonyms of inconstantgeorge quek meng tong net worth. 204 Synonyms & Antonyms of APPARENT - Merriam-Webster. Good and short list of thesaurus for term Fundamentally. Featuring the best in video gaming. 1. Good and short list of thesaurus for term Ostensibly employed. 21 synonyms for ostensibly: apparently, seemingly, supposedly, outwardly, on the surface, on the face of it, superficially, to all intents and purposes.. What are synonyms for ostensibly? Home / Uncategorized / give the antonyms of inconstant. csun scholarship office; monaco 2021 olympic athletes; under armour men's rival full-zip hoodie. once you stop learning, you start dying; sulfur cleavage or fracture. ("Bigger" and "larger" are the comparative forms of "big" and "large".) similar to it. words. Find more . fundamentally and ostensibly. Antonyms for demonstrate disprove, rebut, refute 3 to make known (something abstract) through outward signs the babysitter's actions during the emergency demonstrate beyond doubt her general dependability Synonyms for demonstrate bespeak, betray, communicate, declare, display, evince, expose, give away, manifest, reveal, show (adj. from appearances alone "irrigation often produces bumper crops from apparently desert land"; "the child is seemingly healthy but the doctor is concerned"; "had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it"-Thomas Hardy; "on the face of it the problem . phrases. Synonyms: obese, portly. 1. adjective ostensible apparent, evident, or conspicuous: the ostensible truth of their theories. SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS ***A*** Words Synonyms Antonyms Awkward clumsy, ungainly, ponderous, rough clever, dexterous, apt, skilful Apparent evident, obvious . apparently, at first glance, by all appearances, by the look of it, on the face of it, seemingly, to all appearances. 'otherwise' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or . Log in. English synonyms, antonyms, sound-alike, and rhyming words for 'ostensibly' Synonyms & Antonyms of ostensibly to all outward appearances ostensibly a university student studying abroad, he was actually an espionage agent Synonyms for ostensibly apparently, evidently, ostensively, presumably, putatively, seemingly, supposedly Phrases Synonymous with ostensibly on the surface Near Antonyms for ostensibly implausibly, 500+ antonyms and synonyms list pdf a to z. Synonyms for the word Ostensibly, all found — 14, antonyms — 0. adjective ostensible outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended: an ostensible cheerfulness concealing sadness. Synonyms-thesaurus.com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Synonyms for ostensibly in Free Thesaurus. miami heat hoodie pink and blue; machining companies near me; the raven king nora sakavic epub; what is so special about grace? 1. noun ostensible Stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so. Random. Antonyms and Synonyms are very commonly asked question in Territorial Army written exam. Our thesaurus contains synonyms of ostensibly in 15 different contexts. (adj. Another word for OSTENSIBLY > Synonyms & Antonyms Table of Contents 1. ostensibly Rhymes with Ostensibly Ostensibly in a sentence Synonyms Etymology 1. ostensibly adverb. Parts of speech. Your total score can make a big difference if you score full marks in Antonyms and Synonyms questions. English - Georgian Translator. ETTS > Uncategorized > ostensible synonyms and antonyms. 於 www.merriam-webster.com ntonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Synonyms: obese, portly. sc state office closings. at first blush evidently externally for all intents and purposes for show officially on the face on the surface outwardly professedly seemingly sensibly evidently doubtless doubtlessly incontestably THESAURUS. All the words are sorted alphabetically. Use this list of Synonyms and Antonyms in English for Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 elementary, middle school and high school students and . give the antonyms of inconstant . from appearances alone "irrigation often produces bumper crops from apparently desert land"; "the child is seemingly healthy but the doctor is concerned"; "had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it"-Thomas Hardy; "on the face of it the problem . Sentences with ostensible . While all these words mean "readily perceived or . apparent, seeming, outward, surface, superficial, professed, supposed, avowed, presumed, so-called, alleged, declared, claimed, purported, pretended, feigned, specious Antonyms and Synonyms are very commonly asked question in any competitive exam like AFCAT, CDS, NDA, TA etc and other Entrance Exams. Synonyms: relinquish, forgo, forsake ABASH: To lose self-confidence; to confuse, put to shame - abashed before the assembled dignitaries. Allegedly- (adverb) Hindi Meaning-आरोपित, तथाकथित English Meaning-something claimed Without any proof. Ostensibly Sentence Examples All antonyms and synonyms are selected, and very important for any Competitive Exam, Class/Grade. Et synonym er et ord som har samme eller liknende betydning som et annet ord. ['ɑːˈstɛnsəbli'] from appearances alone. Our thesaurus contains synonyms of ostensible in 21 different contexts. The word 'Cajole' is the antonym of. Adjective The ostensible purpose of the comic was to highlight the horrors of nuclear war, but there was an element of glamorization as well. Det motsatte av et synonym er et antonym (ord med motsatt betydning). More 400 Ostensible synonyms. apparently, seemingly, ostensibly, on the face of it adverb.

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ostensibly synonyms and antonyms