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A small, primarily Sunni Muslim community is concentrated in and around Port of Spain, along the east-west corridor of northern Trinidad, and in certain areas of central and south . As indicated by the 2020 agreement, the population of Trinidad and Tobago is 1,400,530. The population of Tobago is 85 percent Prior to passage, some Muslim groups called for further evaluation of the impact of the legislation, while a Rastafarian umbrella group, All Mansions of Rastafari, said they supported it. Religion in Trinidad and Tobago, which is a multi-religious nation, is distributed as follows: The largest religious group is Christianity with 63.2 percent of the population. According to the 2019 revision of the World Population Prospects the total population was estimated at 1,389,843 in 2018, compared to only 646,000 in 1950. According to the 2011 census, Protestant Christians account for 32. Geera Pork - Spicy Cumin Pork. The average metropolitan population of the country is 52.4%. Trinidad and Tobago population. 637 Shares. The first Muslim secondary school in the country, ASJA Boys' College, San Fernando, was established in 1960. Masjid al Tawbah in Lowlands, Tobago Contents 1 History The population of Trinidad's sister island, Tobago, is overwhelmingly of African descent and predominantly Christian. Data tables, maps, charts, and live population clock. Trinidad and Tobago. Moulvi Ameer Ali and his party were undaunted, and on Pakistan Day August 15, 1947 the Trinidad Muslim League was founded as a Non-Conformist (Ghair Mukallid) body. Hindus and Muslims. This represents about 0.02% of the total world population. religious uses. Muslims today are mostly of South Asian descent but there are converts from all races. Salafi Muslims are a minority in Trinidad and Tobago, with only five Salafi mosques throughout the country. The Ahmadiyya Muslim population is small in Trinidad; it is perhaps one p er cent of the total Muslim population (Ali 2004, Iqbal Hy dal, personal interview , February 26 2013). Roman Catholic 21.6%, Hindu 18.2%, Muslim 5%, Jehovah's Witness 1.5%, other 8.4%, none 2.2%, unspecified 11.1% (2011 est.) During the initial decades of Indian indenture, Indian cultural forms were met with either contempt or indifference by the non-Hindu majority. By 1871, there were 27,425 Indians, approximately 22 percent of the population of Trinidad and Tobago; by 1911 that figure had grown to 110,911, or about 33 percent of all residents of the islands. Indo-Trinidadians are primarily concentrated in central and southern Trinidad and are principally divided between the Hindu and Islamic religious groups, along with significant Presbyterian and some Catholic representation. Trinidad and Tobago is a culturally and linguistically diverse country, so it isn't strange for a dish to have a mixed name. ): 1.3 million. Regarding religious affiliation, the population is about 29 percent Christian, 24 percent Hindu, 11 percent Anglican, 6 percent is Muslim, 3 percent Presbyterian, and 27 percent other. Slavery in Trinidad & Tobago. A negative balance of payments keeps growth down. Trinidad and Tobago Growth Rate Trinidad And Tobago Population 2021 (Live) Show Source Trinidad and Tobago Population Clock Religions : This entry includes a rank ordering of religions by adherents starting with the largest group and sometimes includes the percent of total population . Trinidad and Tobago's Muslim Population over Time. The distinct cultures that have a major influence on the culture of Trinidad and Tobago are Indian, African, Portuguese, Amerindian, Spanish, Chinese, and others. Contract laborers from India replaced the African slaves through the early 20th . Trinidad and Tobago, the twin islands . Muslim > Muslim percentage of total population: Muslim percentage (%) of total population 2014 Pew Report. Armed with this article alone will not guarantee you a B.S .Degree in Trinidad-Tobago history but it will certainly give you an incisive and keen understanding regarding the fundamental forces that continue to shape Trinidad-Tobago Trinidad and Tobago consist of 23 islands. The first Muslims to arrive in the country arrived from Africa brought as slaves by the colonists. Indo-Trinidadians are primarily concentrated in central and southern Trinidad and are mostly Hindu, but also Muslim, Presbyterian and Catholic. Today, 37% of Trinidad and Tobago's population are of Indian descent. Trinidad and Tobago - Trinidad and Tobago - People: The original inhabitants of Trinidad migrated from the Orinoco River delta region of northeastern South America and probably spoke an Arawakan language. The population of Trinidad's sister island, Tobago, is overwhelmingly of African descent and predominantly Christian. Annual growth rate: 0.6%. Tobago passed between Britain and France, but was eventually given to Britain in 1814. Some 70 percent of the 130 Trinidadians who left the Caribbean nation to join ISIS in Syria and . Update to date information about population of Trinidad and Tobago in 2022. TTO: total per 1000 inh. There are many mosques and Eid ul Fitr is a public holiday. The UN estimates the July 1, 2021 population at 1,403,375. A small, primarily Sunni Muslim community is concentrated in and around Port of Spain, along the east-west corridor of northern Trinidad, and in certain areas of central Muslims only comprise 5% of Trinidad and Tobago's population but they want Hindu idols removed. Data tables, maps, charts, and live population clock. The JAM, by contrast, had its origins in the marginalized afro-Trinidadian youth of slums such as Laventille. About Trinidad and Tobago. Population of Trinidad and Tobago: today, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age. Slavery was abolished in 1834. In fact, the extent of Islamism is such that even Hindu idols in the country are becoming a matter of objection. For example, "geera" is the Hindi word for "cumin". . A HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE TML [By Trinidad Muslim League] The Tackveeyatul Islamic Association of Trinidad and Tobago Inc (Founded in 1926) Today, the islands are home to over 1.3 Million people and host some of the worlds most beautiful and celebratory events and landscapes. Islamism seems to have taken a grip of Trinidad & Tobago, a dual-island Caribbean nation. According to information from the local Ministry for National Security, in the past four. Muslim > Muslim population : Muslim population 2014 Pew Report. Trinidad and Tobago, a country in the southern Caribbean, has a truly multicultural, vibrant society where religious and cultural tolerance and assimilation are an intrinsic part of the community. Hinduism and Islam are also present inside the nation. Trinidad and Tobago is the most developed nation and one of the wealthiest in the Caribbean and is listed in the top 40 (2010 information) of the 70 high-income countries in the world. SEN: total per 1000 inh. Country name: Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Capital: Port of Spain Population: 1.3 million Nationality: Trinidadian, Tobagonian Area: 5,128 sq km (1,980 sq miles) Major language: English Major religions: Christianity, Hinduism, Islam . Trinidad and Tobago are a group of islands situated off of the coast of Venezuela, and forms part of the Caribbean. In 2013, the population of Trinidad and Tobago was estimated to be 1341,000 residents (World Bank), and annual population growth to 0.3%. Trinidad and Tobago is buffered by considerable foreign reserves and a sovereign wealth fund that equals about . Hindus comprise 18.2% of the population and are the largest religious minority community in Trinidad and Tobago. According to the 2011 Census, 33.4% of the population was Protestant (including 12.0% Pentecostal, 5.7% Anglican, 4.1% Seventh-day Adventist, 3.0% Presbyterian or Congregational, 1.2% Baptist, and 0.1% Methodist), 21.6% was Roman Catholic, 18.2% was Hindu and 5.0% were Muslim. In 1889, Trinidad and Tobago were made into a single colony. Hindu culture arrived in 1845 in Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad was formally ceded in 1802. 6 percent of the country's population, making Christianity the world's biggest faith. Trinidad is the biggest following by Tobago. The relationship between India and Trinidad & Tobago started on 30 May 1845, when the first ship '' Fatel Razack '' to bring 225 indentured labourers to Trinidad from India. In Trinidad there are Islamic primary and secondary schools. Population of Trinidad and Tobago: today, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age. A large number of cultures have influenced the evolution of the Trinidad and Tobago culture. Sunni Islam accounts for over 75% of the world's Muslim population. Census Population Migration Housing Stock Number of Households Mid-Year Population Estimates Community Maps Community Listings Trinidad and Tobago Population Data 15-64 years 486,737 15-64 years 476,697 0-14 years 143,323 0-14 years 138,233 65+ years 122,569 as at 30th June, 2021 Census population counts The total (de jure) population of Trinidad and… Indo-Trinidadians are primarily concentrated in The 90,000-strong community has . That number is slightly higher when including multiracial individuals, mostly Dougla people. Muslims constitute 5.6 percent of the population of Trinidad and Tobago. It seems likely that by the time the Spanish established a presence there in the 16th century, there was also a population of Cariban speakers, mostly on the north coast. Geera Pork is a savory cumin-infused meat dish that originates from the Indian-descent community. The period of the late 19 th and early 20th centuries involved survival and settlement as the local Muslim community struggled to assert itself through community building . A Caribbean twin-island nation, Trinidad and Tobago has the third largest proportion of Muslims in the population among the countries in the Americas. Continent: Trinidad and Tobago is located in the Caribbean Sea in the northeast of South America. Islam by country World percentage of Muslims by country Africa Asia Americas Europe Oceania Islam portal v t e A mosque in Montrose, Chaguanas. Muslims represent around 6% of Trinidad's population, but together they stand as a powerful force in the diverse population on the island. But Mohammed, 78, has earned a reputation that few in the West can match. . The relationship between India and Trinidad & Tobago started on 30 May 1845, when the first ship '' Fatel Razack '' to bring 225 indentured labourers to Trinidad from India. Trinidad and Tobago, the twin islands . Hindus account for 18. This includes Protestant Christians with Anglicans, Presbyterians, Methodists, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Shouter or Spiritual Baptists and regular Baptists as well as . Trinidad and Tobago Population. Trinidad and Tobago . Around 1.3 million people live on Trinidad and Tobago. Located off the coast of Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago is one of the Caribbeans most prosperous nations as a result of petroleum and natural gas production. TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO International Religious Freedom Report for 2015 United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor 37 percent of the population, roughly half of whom are Hindu, in addition to some Muslims, Presbyterians, and Catholics. Population (2002 est. The population of Tobago is 85 percent African descent and predominantly Christian. Trinidad & Tobago - Religion. Population: 1,328,018 according to the 2011 census. Trinidad and Tobago's strong growth rate over the past few years has led to trade surpluses over the past 4 years, even with high . During the year the National Muslim Women's Organization of Trinidad and Tobago expressed its support for a 2018 Only about five percent of its population is Muslim, according to the CIA's World Factbook. Thus through the establishment of its schools the Trinidad Muslim League Incorporated has tried to nurture the importance of knowledge embedded in the religion of Islam. Furthermore, they have their own Islamic TV network, a Muslim credit union, thriving businesses and a number of social service networks. According to the 2011 census there were 240,100 declared Hindus in Trinidad and Tobago. The country covers an area of 5,128 square kilometres (1,979 sq mi) and consists of two main islands, Trinidad and Tobago, and 21 smaller islands. Its foundation was laid only after a thorough survey of world Islamic conditions. According to the 2011 census, 26.5 percent of the population is Protestant, including 12 percent Pentecostal or evangelical, 5.7 percent . The total population of Trinidad and Tobago was 1,328,018 according to the 2011 census, an increase of 5.2% since the 2000 census. an extremist Black Muslim group with an unresolved grievance against the government over land claims, tried to overthrow the NAR government. Hinduism is the second largest religion in Trinidad and Tobago. According to the 2011 census, 26.5 percent of the population is Protestant, including 12 percent Pentecostal or evangelical, 5.7 percent Anglican, 4.1 percent Seventh-day Adventist, 2.5 percent. Though less than 10% of the population, Trinidad's Muslims have made their mark. Trinidad & Tobago is a hotspot fitting the profile. Though less than 10% of the population, Trinidad's Muslims have made their mark. Natural growth (born ÷ dead) is higher, the birth and death rates for 2005 were 14 and 8 per thousand respectively. With more than 85 mosques to choose from, Trinidad has the highest concentration of mosques in the Western Hemisphere. Islam also has an active mystical branch, Sufism, with various Sunni and Shia subsets. The case of Trinidad and Tobago makes for an interesting study, as on the face of it, a well-integrated Muslim population, a strong welfare state and the absence of political persecution on any religious or racial basis should not be a fertile recruiting Dr Sanjay Badri-Maharaj was a Visiting International Fellow at IDSA from June to September . Trinidad Tobago minimum wage: Minimum salary in Trinidad and Tobago country= 295€ Afro-Trinidadians are predominantly Christian, with a small Muslim community, and are concentrated in and around Port of Spain and the east-west corridor of Trinidad. Its gross national income per capita of US$20,070 (2014 gross national income at Atlas Method) is one of the highest in the Caribbean. With more than 85 mosques to choose from, Trinidad has the highest concentration of mosques in the Western Hemisphere. The majority live in Trinidad but there are a handful in Tobago as well. Muslims constitute 6 percent of the population on Trinidad and Tobago, representing 65,318 individuals. Religion: 50% Christian, 24% Hindu, 6% Muslim, 20% other. Globally, the relatively young population and high fertility rates of . Today, 37% of Trinidad and Tobago's population are of Indian descent. The density of the nation is 273 for each Km square. . The total number arriving in the Colony amounted to 147,592 within a period of 72 years. The Black Agenda Building being constructed in Trinidad was spearheaded by the Nation of Islam and other groups and will celebrate a grand opening May 25-27. List of religious populations in Trinidad and TobagoTotal population: 1,340,000. In modern Islam, Sunnis and Shia continue to have different views of acceptable schools of Islamic jurisprudence, and who is a proper Islamic religious authority. (1990), approximately 29 percent of the population are practicing or nominally Roman Catholic, 24 percent are Hindu, 6 percent are Muslim, and 31 percent are Protestant (including 11 percent Anglican, 7 percent . Indo‑Trinidadians were primarily concentrated in central and southern Trinidad and were principally divided between the Hindu and Muslim faiths, along with significant Presbyterian and some Catholic representation. Furthermore, they have their own Islamic TV network, a Muslim credit union, thriving businesses and a number of social service networks. On Trinidad, which contains 95 percent of the country's population, those of African descent make up 32 percent of the population and are predominantly Christian. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom Trinidad is the larger and more populous of the main islands; Tobago is much smaller, comprising about 6% of the total area and 4% of the population. There are also various temples in Trinidad and Tobago to accommodate Hindus. Over 43 percent of Trinidad's foreign fighters are converts into the Muslim faith. In 1783, Spain, in an effort to increase Trinidad's population further, offered free . " The Muslims of Trinidad and Tobago. A hardline Sunni Islamist mosque and its imams have been accused of ginning up all kinds of trouble for decades. northern Trinidad. Muslim population is projected to increase by 70% between 2015 and 2060. Chairperson: Ronald Devenish General Director: Vacant Treasurer: Ronald Devenish Secretary: Anne-Marie Harry Prayer Director: Vacant Evangelism: Marilyn Crichlow Children's Coordinator: Barbara Ramcharan Bible Reading Ministry: Vacant Bible Reading Coordinator: Ingrid Hanson Office Administrator: Vacant Trinidad and Tobago has a number of conditions which operate as push and pull factors which we explore in detail next. The population of Trinidad's sister island, Tobago, is overwhelmingly of African descent and predominantly Christian. The population of Trinidad's sister island, Tobago, was overwhelmingly of African descent and predominantly Christian. Section II. 1% of Trinidad and Tobago's population, while Roman Catholics account for 21. A small, primarily Sunni Muslim community is concentrated in and around Port of Spain, along the east-west corridor of northern Trinidad, and in 274 /km² ( 54th) Land Area 5,130 km² The current population of Trinidad and Tobago is 1,405,388 based on projections of the latest United Nations data. Muslims, Jehovah's Witness, and others account for 5%, 1.5%, and 8.4% of the country's population, respectively. . population on Trinidad is concentrated in the western half of the island, on Tobago in the southern half . Other exports from this industrious nation include asphalt and tobacco. From a settlement in this small lumber town, Imam Nazim Mohammed operates a mosque, an elementary school and a weekly food program for the poor. A Mosque in Hermitage Village. As voters head to the polls for Trinidad and Tobago's general election on Monday, the country's Muslim community finds itself at a political crossroads. Trinidad's Muslims make up around one in 10 of the country's population, and the overwhelming majority follow moderate forms of Islam. Trinidad became a British crown colony with a French-speaking population and Spanish laws. Trinidad and Tobago have a high population of Africans, who were enslaved until 1834. About 30 percent of recruits had a criminal record or had been involved in criminal activities prior to their departure. On Trinidad, the island with 95 percent of the country's total population, those of African descent make up 32 percent of the population and are predominantly Christian. Trinidad and Tobago's original Muslim population was of East Indian descent and lived fairly harmoniously with other parts of the population. While English is the nation's official language, several other languages are spoken on Trinidad and Tobago, among them Hindi, French, Spanish, and Chinese. Trinidad and Tobago top 10 largest cities (2011) Chaguanas (101,297) San Fernando (82,997) Port of Spain (81,142) Arima (65,623) Couva (48,858) Point Fortin (29,579) Princes Town (28,335) Diego Martin (25,370) Sangre Grande (20,630) Morvant (17,591) Demography Population pyramid In Trinidad, where Protestant missions were established later than Tobago, planters requested Catholic priests to "improve" the labouring population, by "[impressing] on their minds the necessity of being more settled in their habits and more punctual in the discharge of their duties" (letter from Samuel Power to Daniel McDonell, cit . The settlers mostly came from the neighboring French Caribbean islands and brought enslaved Africans. Frances Robles, "Trying to Stanch Trinidad's Flow of Young Recruits to ISIS;" Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development, Central Statistical Office, Trinidad and Tobago 2011 Population and Housing Census Demographic Report, (Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 2012) 184, the east-west corridor of northern Trinidad, and in certain areas of central and south Trinidad. . 2% of the population and are therefore the largest minority group in Trinidad and Tobago. That number is slightly higher when including multiracial individuals, mostly Dougla people. Gross domestic product: 24,644 M US$ 1.47 M US$ 21,588 M US$ 15.43 M US$ Gross national product: 23,971 M US$ The country's links with the United Kingdom have left a major impact on its culture, and English is widely spoken across the nation. Six percent of the population identifies as Muslim. Trinidad and Tobago International Religious Freedom Report 2002 Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor . Hinduism in Trinidad and Tobago. The Black Agenda Building being constructed in Trinidad was spearheaded by the Nation of Islam and other groups and will celebrate a grand opening May 25-27. Currency: Trinidad and Tobago Dollar. RIO CLARO, Trinidad and Tobago. The majority live in Trinidad but there are a handful in Tobago as well. 6. Those of East Indian descent comprise 37 percent of the population, roughly half of whom are Hindu, in addition to some Muslims, Presbyterians, and Catholics. The country is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious nation with Protestants accounting for the largest percentage of the population of the country. Enslaved Africans began arriving consistently in Trinidad around 1776 when Spain invited foreigners to settle on the island. Update to date information about population of Trinidad and Tobago in 2022. 2.2% of the population are non-believers and 11.1% did not specify affiliation with any religion. Trinidad, the island constitutes 95 percent of the country's total population; those of African descent make up 32 percent of the population and are predominantly Christian. This may sound like a trifling number, a mere ripple among the 41,000 or so international citizens from 80 countries who joined the Islamic State, but it easily places Trinidad, with a population of 1.3 million, including around 100,000 Muslims, at the top of the list of Western countries with the highest rates of Islamic State recruitment. As per World Atlas, according to the 2011 census, Protestant Christians comprise 32.1% of the population of Trinidad and Tobago while Roman Catholics comprise of 21.6% of the country's population, making Christianity the largest religion in the world. But a tiny minority have been drawn to a more extreme creed. But this five percent are causing outsized global security concern. Conclusion This article gives an overview of the Muslim involvement in education in Trinidad and Tobago.

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trinidad and tobago muslim population