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The use of animals in research 3 1 Introduction This report discusses the use of animals in research. Moral status of animals. The researchers involved in scientific work with animals should know the principles of Law 11.794/08 and investigate what animals are appropriate for each area of study in their models. In 1966, the federal Animal Welfare Act outlined standards of care for animals in research. This paper analyses the ethics of using animals during research, the anticipated audience being animal health experts. The Ethics of Animal Use in Research Some of the earliest records on animal testing date back to ancient Greek philosophers and physicians such as Aristotle (1). There are protections in place for the animals. It provides guidance for investigators, institutions, animals ethics committees, animal carers and all those involved in the care and use of animals for … APA Ethics Code and Other Guidelines Cover Treatment of Research Animals The APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct includes principles for the humane and ethical treatment of research animals. The only significant ethical argument against animal research that remains is based on the idea of rights. The use of animals in research is a controversial and emotionally charged issue. Many people have questions about animal testing ethics and the animal testing debate. ABSTRACT . Though their use has led to several discoveries and understanding of many aspects of science but their use in certain sectors needs to be justified. Just as humans have inalienable rights, the argument goes, so do animals. At Stanford, we emphasize that the humane care of laboratory animals is essential, both ethically and scientifically. The matter needs to be discussed from the perspective of deontologists who refer to the idea of the moral duty as imperative to influence human actions. Objectives: Ethics Of Animal Use In Research. At one extreme are those who argue that research on animals is essential in the battle against disease, and … The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) was passed in 1966. This disparity between animals used for food and research is even greater when considered on a world-wide basis. Animal research has been used as a method of study, when the study of humans is deemed impractical or unethical. I condone the use of animals in research, but not all of the time, however I don't have a rubric for when it's okay and when it's not. This review discusses the need for animal research, what for animals are used in research, alternatives to animal testing, and ethics and regulations related to animal research. Ethical Guidelines For Using Animals In Research. Since then, the use of animals in experimentation has grown tremendously and has evolved into an indispensable arm of biology. 7. Freedom from hunger or thirst by ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour . It provides a basic description on the use of animals in research, examines EU legislation for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, the values and principles prevalent in the area, and key ethical issues. sharks, publish animal research require that the authors affirm that the research was done in accordance with particular ethical standards. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) supports the implementation of the so-called 3Rs principles - replace, reduce and refine - for the ethical use of animals in medicine testing across the European Union (EU). Proponents of the middle ground position usually advocate a few basic principals that they believe should always be followed in animal research. The works collected inThe Ethics of Animal Research provide insights for new discourse, classroom discussion, and intellectual pursuits. Operant conditioningmeans the association that an animal makes between a particular response (such as pressing a Important parts of these endeavors are teaching and research on the behavior of nonhuman animals, The committee reviews all animal care and use protocols to ensure:that the use of animals is necessary to achieve the stated objectives,that pain and distress is minimized, andthat all the laws and policies for the use of animals are followed. Animal Ethics. RESEARCH ETHICS UCD----- Page 6 of 7 maximise the amount of data emerging from animal experiments by judicious experimental design or, where the use of animals is for teaching, that they will maximise the educational value of the animals used by application of appropriate educational techniques, including the use of video material. There are national and international laws which govern the use of animals in research, all of which are based on the principles of the 4Rs – replacement, … Rationale: The ethical debate concerning the use of animals in biomedical and pharmacological research continues to be replete with misunderstandings about whether animals have moral standing. Animals may be used for educational purposes only after review by a committee appropriate to the institution. Using animals in research affords the scientist to monitor reactions to stimuli and other variables in complex organs and tissue, while allowing the scientist to … governs any other use of animals on all campuses and off-campus or field sites, with the sole exception of categories of animal use that are not covered by the mandate of the CCAC, such as preserved or non-living specimens, most invertebrate animals, personal pets, or service animals not used in research, teaching, or testing. It provides a basic description on the use of animals in research, examines EU legislation for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, the values and principles prevalent in the area, and key ethical issues. Discourse about the use of animals in biomedical research usually focuses on two issues. Laboratory animalmeans an animal that is intended for use in research. This question of ethics of animal research has been debated by researchers and animal-rights activists for many years. A. Animal research strictly controlled. It should be appreciated that humans are not naturally endowed with an instinct to be kind to animals. Wildlife researchField studies. Many wildlife studies focus on conservation and management, with the aim of learning about the ecology of a population in the field.Captive studies. In general, wild-caught animals should be kept in captive conditions that conform as closely as possible to their natural habitat (e.g. ...The 3Rs. ...Legal controls. ...References. ... The use of animals for the purpose of scientific research is an emotive subject. 3. the-welfare-of-animals-used-in-research-practice-and-ethics-ufaw-animal-welfare 1/3 Downloaded from on February 7, 2022 by guest [Books] The Welfare Of Animals Used In Research Practice And Ethics Ufaw Animal Welfare When people should go to the ebook stores, search establishment by shop, shelf by shelf, it is really problematic. This question of ethics of animal research has been debated by researchers and animal-rights activists for many years. B. The ethics of animal research. Always justified 2. It is recognized that in many research protocols there is simply no alternative to the use of live animals. For decades laboratory animals have contributed to a multitude of medical advancements, ranging from insulin to cutting edge cancer treatments. Overall, according to DeGrazia, there has been relatively little change in animal research standards since the mid-1980s. In most cases, such animals are purpose-bred to have a defined physiological, metabolic, genetic or pathogen free status. The use of animals in research is prevalent because they share at least 200 common illnesses and diseases with humans. The ethics of research involving animals. Any person or organisation using animals must follow an approved code of ethical conduct, which sets out the policies and procedures that must be followed by the organisation and its animal ethics committee. Students should provide reasons for their decisions. The law has been updated frequently, but it still applies only to mammals other than rats, mice and farm animals. Festing, M (1996) Are animal experiments in toxicological research the ‘right size’ The definition of what counts as an animal for research purposes is a little complicated as the Animal Welfare Act has historically excluded mice, rats and birds. Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Nonhuman Animals in Research was developed by the American Psychological Association Committee on Animal Research and Ethics in 2010-11. Objectives: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals National Research Council of Thailand . It also looks at the key organisations, … B. It whether the use of animals in the category you research is: 1. In the last century major important medical advances have benefited directly or indirectly from animal research. Courtney Bannerman. Sometimes justified. In order to prevent undue suffering, ethical considerations in animal studies are important. Respect for animal dignity. For decades laboratory animals have contributed to a multitude of medical advancements, ranging from insulin to cutting edge cancer treatments. Members on the committee were Gary Dunbar, PhD, Jennifer Higa, PhD, Theresa Jones, PhD, Barbara Kaminski, PhD, Scott Robinson, PhD, Rodney Swain, PhD, … You have been asked to prepare an argument either for or against the use of animals in psychological research. Psychologists are encouraged to include instruction and discussion of the ethics and values of animal research in all courses that involve or discuss the use of animals. Animal experimentation should therefore be considered to be a discipline for which a special education programme is necessary. The publication of scientific articles that receive few or no citations raises questions of the appropriate use of resources as well as ethics. The Ethics of Animal use in Research. Manshu Jain α, Ritu Gilotra σ & Jitendra Mital ρ. Abstact-This article deals with global trends and guidelines followed by different countries in scientific research. These Rs stand for (Ormandy, Dale, & Griffin, 2011):Reduction of animal numbers necessary for experimentationRefinement of practices to reduce pain and sufferingReplacement of animals with non-animal test subjects when possible. Raising and killing animals to serve as food for us. 8. It has been estimated that 140 billion animals are killed for food every year … APA's 2002 Ethics Code, which takes effect June 1, mandates that psychologists who use animals in research: Acquire, care for, use and dispose of animals in compliance with current federal, state and local laws and regulations, and with professional standards. This list of topical resources is collated and maintained by the Bioethics Research Library of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University, as part of a growing collection intended to help beginning scholars and researchers explore bioethics. Abstract. different animals. Psychologists are encouraged to include instruction and discussion of the ethics and values of animal research in all courses that involve or discuss the use of animals. The use of animals in the medical research and laboratory experiments is a significant ethical issue. Never justified 3. & Boyd K. (Eds 1991) Lives in the Balance: The ethics of using animals in Biomedical Research Oxford University Press. Although animal research may have ethical concerns, the US has regulated its practice since 1966. That responsibility includes, but is not limited to: ensuring the use of appropriate and adequate anesthesia and analgesia; providing of appropriate feeding, care, and protection from infection, pain, or suffering; selecting humane methods for …
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