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Monday's Town Council meeting begins at 8 p.m. But the language had further . 10. The town council agreed to postpone a vote on outdoor dining until its next meeting on Dec. 6 so they can discuss lingering questions about the zoning ordinance amendments, including how to address potential conflicts over issues like noise and parking. Minutes are available following approval. VIENNA, VA — On Monday, Vienna Town Council will consider holding a public hearing on the renaming of a road that references a Confederate figure. View Most Recent Agendas and Minutes Members Agendas & Minutes Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Meeting rebroadcast schedule Town Council Meetings The meeting starts at 8:00 pm and will be held at the Town Hall Council Chambers, 127 Center Street South in Vienna. Vienna Public Art Commission. Fri. 31. According to the meeting's agenda, the town will consider adopting a "Continuity of Government Ordinance" that would last for 60 days. Community Enhancement Commission Proposal to Regulate Tree Removal in SFD Residential Zones The Town of Vienna Community Network (TVCN) is available on channel 27 on Cox and 38 on Verizon Fios. Town Council Meeting 8:00 PM Charles A. Robinson, Jr. Town Hall, 127 Center Street, South Monday, January 27, 2014 Invocation: Reverend Johnny Kurcina of Christ Church Vienna. Town Business Liaison Committee 7 PM - Town Hall. Meeting Cancelled. Agendas & Minutes are available on the Town website and at the Town Office. Council Member Laurie Genevro Cole, Council Member Laurie A. DiRocco, Council Member Edythe Frankel Kelleher, Council Member Michael J. Polychrones, Vice Mayor Carey J . The Town calendar is your one-stop-shop for everything happening in the Town of Vienna, from concerts and cultural events to Town Council meetings and other official proceedings. The studies — and construction costs down the road, if the council approves the projects for implementation — will be funded by the Maud Ferris Robinson Charitable Trust.Robinson, a former councilmember, left more than $7 million to the town after . The impetus for . Beginning Dec. 16, you'll be able to watch Vienna Town Council meetings from the comfort of your home. The Vienna Town Council voted Monday night (April 26) to authorize sidewalk engineering studies for nine stretches of streets throughout town.. Unless the town council undertakes the lengthy process of amending Vienna's zoning code, New Year's Eve will be the facility's last day. Public engagement is more important than ever today, and we welcome and encourage residents' participation in local government matters. Planning Commission 7:30 PM - Town Hall. Vienna Planning and Zoning Director Cindy Petkac has stepped down, town officials said at the Vienna Town Council's Jan. 24 meeting. Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at the Round Hill Town Office located at 23 Main Street. Council Council Meetings 6 pm 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month City Building 29th Street Vienna, WV 26105 Council meetings are streamed live. Calendar (3) NOTE: In July 2021, the Town Council resumed meeting in person at the . Type: Primary Legislative Body. Town Calendar. . Meeting location: Charles A. Robinson, Jr. Town Hall, 127 Center Street, South. Transportation Safety Commission. Board of Architectural Review Work Session 8 AM - 9 AM. Town Council Meeting. Windover Heights Review Board. You'll be able to watch live broadcasts of the meetings on the Town of Vienna Community. Catherine Douglas Moran March 31, 2020 at 10:45am The Vienna Town Council will meet tonight (Tuesday) to consider virtual meetings for the town's lawmakers, board members and commissioners. "We wracked our brains to see if there was something that could cover it under current zoning," Vienna Town Attorney Steven Briglia said at the town council meeting. The council will be deciding the fate of a proposed bike corral on Church Street that would provide parking for up to 12 bikes. A survey of the site subsequently began in July 2020, and a citizen meeting was held on Dec. 15 to present and discuss concept plan design. Vienna Community Center - Work Session. 2. Windover Heights Review Board 7:30 PM. A street named after a Confederate general should be renamed, Vienna Town Council members agreed at a Jan. 10 work session, but the choice of its new name still is up in the air. Conference sessions begin at 7:30 pm, generally about once each month, except in July and August when conference sessions typically are not held and in March when several budget conference sessions are scheduled. The Town Council on Dec. 6 also unanimously approved a zoning-ordinance text amendment to continue the temporary rules for another six months through June 30, 2022. VIENNA, VA — On Monday, Vienna Town Council will consider holding a public hearing on the renaming of a road that references a Confederate figure. Recordings of Town Council and Planning Commission meetings as well as original Town of Vienna videos are broadcast on the Town's cable access channel. TOWN OF VIENNA TOWN COUNCIL WORKSESSION MEETING Monday, July 1, 2013 9:00 PM Charles A. Robinson, Jr. Town Hall, 127 Center Street, South Print 1. On Monday, October 18, 2021 starting at 8:00 PM, Town Council held a regular meeting which included an opportunity for public comment on the proposed lot coverage options and porch projections into the front yard. Meeting Location Town Council Meeting 8 PM - Vienna Town Hall. On Deck with Mercury 6 PM - 6:59 PM. Petkac departed in December last year because she "wanted to. 8. Town Departments at Your Service. July 11 Town Council Meeting Roundup - Vienna, VA - Noise complaints, tree removal, community gardens all under consideration by Vienna Town Council. 11. Established in 1890, the Town of Vienna has a proud tradition of independence and civic engagement. Use the calendar to find upcoming events and meetings that are interesting or important to you and get involved! All meetings are open to the public and citizens are urged to attend. Wade Hampton Drive, a street in the southwest. 9. Town Council meetings are held at 8 pm Monday, approximately twice each month, except during July and August. Town Council Conference Session 6:00 PM. Following the Vienna Town Council's vote on Monday, the county still needs to approve the new funding agreement before the project design is finalized and built. Planning and Zoning staff presented the feedback received thus far through the various engagement efforts. 1 Feb. Vienna Public Art Commission 6:00 PM. Glyndon Park Habitat Restoration Work Day 10 AM - 12 PM Glyndon Park.
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