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Aunt Alexandra 4. What did Scout find under her bed when Atticus made her to go sleep because her and Jem got in a fight? xgabriellex|Points 723| User: When does the main action of the story take place?A. 66. 2025 - 2026. a. Dill has left to go back to school in Meridian. Where do they find Atticus? Q. What/Who did Scout and Jem find under Scout's bed? It can also be a real pain. What does Scout find under her bed? Chapter 14 64. Which student forgot his lunch and went home to eat with jem and scout. During the Civil War B. What does Atticus tell the children at the end of the chapter? _____ 4. When the children arrived home after church, who was waiting on the porch for them? Scout dwells over the story he told her about shouting at the Ewell's place. This neighbor says, "The Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of -- oh, your father." Who is Miss Maudie? Turkey b. an apple c. a ham d. piece of bacon 3. Who did Scout find under her bed? 8. Who carried Jem back to the house after he was hurt? What does Scout find under her bed and how does Atticus deal with the situation? What is Dill's response? What does Scout find under her bed? Jem Tom Boo Dill Weegy: Scout found Dill under her bed. answer choices . 6. Who saved Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell? The judiciary is free and independent of the executive and the legislature. Why did Dill and Scout's peace end after a week or so? 7. Who followed Scout and Jem home after the pageant? What does Scout find under her bed? 3. Who or what is under Scout's bed at the end of Chapter 14? 2. 3. Who did Scout find under her bed 4. Who was Mr. Ewell bothering? 300. In one night Atticus had dealt with Scout's questions about the word rape, had broken up a fight between Scout and Jem, and had dealt with the runaway Dill. (Chapter 2) The teacher thinks she is making fun of walter. 3. 2. They view Jem as a traitor. C. Jem's overalls. 120 seconds. 71. Dill says that he believes his parents get along better without him He says that they expect him to behave like a boy. What advice does Jem give to Scout and what is the result of this advice? Tom B. Boo C. Jem D. Dill Weegy: Scout found DILL under her bed. 30 seconds . 5. Where does Dill think he and Scout can get a baby? Log In To Your GradeSaver Account. 2. 12. 68. Describe Jem's behavior when he confronts Atticus at the jailhouse and also meets a mob of hostile men. What did Atticus do after supper that the children thought was interesting? He tells Atticus about Dill. 1 To Kill a Mockingbird * Answer the following reading guide questions in complete sentences on your own notebook paper. Where did Atticus go one night after he left the house carrying an extension cord and a light? Employed by Link Deas following the death of her husband, she is repeatedly harassed by Bob Ewell when traveling to work. He gets a broom and jabs the broom stick under the bed. They view Jem as a traitor. he was very welcoming and gave him dinner and a place to sleep. Scout feels something under her bed and thinks a snake his hiding there. Do you believe in yourself? He saw her from his window when everyone touched his house and has loved her ever since. What does Atticus mean when he says, "rape to riot to runaways"? How does Jem react when Atticus tells the children to go home? What does Scout find under her bed? B. Dill. D. 5. Who did Scout find under her bed? Scout thinks there may be a snake under her bed but it turns out to be something elseentirely. 12. Why does Dill run away? Dill says that he believes his parents get along better without him. What was it? How does Jem break the code of childhood? Chapter 15 1. What is the significance of the objects Jem and Scout find in the tree in this chapter? Mrs Dubose Miss Maudie The Finch's 3. Why has Dill run away from home? Scout discovers something under her bed. The president is the head of state, the prime minister is the head of government, and the constitution provides for two deliberative bodies, the Council of Representatives and the Council of Union. 4. Why does Scout start fighting Jem? 1 Answer/Comment. Scout and Dill are shocked that Jem revealed their secret to an adult. answer choices . What does Atticus mean when he says, "rape to riot to runaways"? Why did the Old Sarum gang leave the jailhouse? Jem lost his pants because they were playing around again inside the Radley's fence. C. Chuck Norris is always behind you. What happens to Bob Ewell? Why does Dill say he ran away? Miss Caroline Uncle Jack Calpurnia Atticus Question. Reverend Sykes took up a collection during church for what purpose? When Scout asked Atticus if she could go to Calpurnia's, what was Alexandra's reaction? The Novel Both Starts And Ends With The Incident In Which? Chapter 15. Scout finds Dill under her bed. Chapter 15 13. Why did the children sit with Reverend Sykes in the courthouse? they realize it was Dill under the bed that ran away from home and was hiding. What does Scout find under her bed? Where do they find Atticus? Why is Jem considered a "traitor"? answer. Whose House Caught On Fire? Bob Ewell c. Dill d. a cat 4. Who was Mr. Ewell Bothering? How does he explain his action, and does it further establish his increasing maturity? She finds dill hiding under her bed. Tags: Question 2 . What was Scout dressed up as to go to the pageant? Whom does Atticus tell Scout to mind? Why did Dill and Scout's peace end after a week or so? 12. Walter. Boo invites them in. Why? She calls Jem in and they discover Dill hiding there. How does Scout react when Atticus tells her to stop making noise with the comb? Q. Why is Scout thinking about running away? How does Jem break the code of childhood? Scout finds Dill under her bed 2. What question does Scout ask Dill about Boo Radley? She finds dill hiding under her bed. He makes her spit . What does scout find under her bed after her fistfight with Jem? She finds dill hiding under her bed. 14. 32. 3. Dill 3. Who has a problem with Calphurnia? The next day, Jem and Scout find that the knothole has been filled with cement. )Who does Scout find hiding under bed? What does Scout find under her bed? b. Tom Robinson's death is the hot topic in Maycomb for a few days. Forgot . A. Dill. 7. Who followed Scout and Jem home after the pageant? Aunt Alexandra 4. 300. Why is it there? 10 dollars is collected for her at First Purchase Church. 53. 7. What does Scout find under her bed? a. What does Atticus mean when he says, "rape to riot to runaways"? Boo Radley. What did Mr. Heck Tate's mob want? What was really under Scout's bed? What does Atticus say about the Ku Klux Klan? 2. Originally posted to Xserpentlife on Tumblr, edited to here He was the new guy, Levi was his name and you had the delight of being forced into socializing with him I got into a nice magenta dress and waited for my cue MxM= Member x Member Los usuarios de dispositivos táctiles pueden explorar tocando la pantalla o haciendo gestos de deslizamiento . 10. Describe Scout . 5. M. Atticus said that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. there was serious competition for tech jobs at the downtown clinic. After Scout starts to feel ostracized by Dill and Jem-who have increasingly pushed her aside and dismissed her for being a girl-Scout spends more and more time with Miss Maudie. What does Atticus take with him when he leaves on Sunday evening? In one night Atticus had dealt with Scout's questions about the word rape, had broken up a fight between Scout and Jem, and had dealt with the runaway Dill. What was Scout dressed up as to go to the pageant? Dill has run away from home because his mother and new father did not pay enough attention to him. Helen Robinson is the wife of Tom Robinson and the mother of their three children.She is spoken about a few times. . Jem breaks the code of childhood by telling Atticus that dill had ran away. 5. SURVEY. Why does Dill run away? Home To Kill a Mockingbird Q & A What does Scout find her bedroom. What does Scout find under her bed and why did he run away? What compromise does Atticus make with Scout at the end of the chapter? . Who Did Scout Find Under Her Bed? Masamune. Why does Scout think Jem is a traitor? the staff at the downtown clinic saw that their colleagues at the . Jem finds Dill hiding under the bed. What did Mr. Heck Tate's mob want? Who does scout find hiding under her bed. Search: Sweet Pea X Reader Soulmate Au Wattpad. Dill says that he believes his parents get along better without him He says that they expect him to behave like a boy. 54.) Describe Dill's latest plan to get Boo Radley to come out. Dill. Scout discovers something under her bed. He has run away from home and has been hiding there for about two hours. Why? _____ 5. 70. Scout is. 4. Scout fetches him milk and cornbread when he asks and Dill tells a far-fetched narrative of how he got here, followed by the truth: he has run away from home, and took a 14-mile . Chapter 14. Where does Scout think they can get a baby? a skunk. 2. Why was Heck worried about the "Old Sarum" bunch? He values Atticus's life, and wants to protect him. 3. Who is Dill? a rabid dog. 67. Scout thinks there may be a snake under her bed but it turns out to be something else entirely. When does Dill and scout share a bed in to kill a Mockingbird? 2. He gives back all the loot from Boo. What does Jem threaten to do if Scout gets out of line again? have on to kill a mockingbird, study questions 1 to kill a mockingbird questions and answers chapter 14 what does scout find under her bed 2 what does atticus mean when he says rape to riot to runaways 3 why to kill a mockingbird questions and answers chapter 14, to kill a mockingbird questions and answers the question and answer . Who did Scout find under her bed? What happens when Scout, Jem, and Dill sneak into the Radleys backyard? Dill. What does Atticus take with him when he leaves on Sunday evening? What does Scout find under her bed? In one night Atticus had dealt with Scout's questions about the word rape, had broken up a fight between Scout and Jem, and had dealt with the runaway Dill. 56.) Why does Atticus make a point of emphasizing that Bob Ewell is left-handed? Why does Dill run away? TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD - Pasco School District. While he may not want to save Tom Robinson's life, he would want to protect Atticus. Of the perceived betrayal, Scout says that Jem "broke the remaining code . He and Scout get into a fist fight, which Atticus breaks up, saying that Scout doesn't have to obey Jem unless he can make her do so. What does Scout think is under her bed at first? Take it up and see what you remember and what you have forgotten about the story. question. Why did Dill and Scout's peace end after a week or so? ELA-LIT. She calls Jem in and they discover Dill hiding there. She gets Jem to investigate, and they discover Dill hiding under Scout's bed. Jem, Scout, and Dill also try to stick a note in the Radley house trying to get a hold of Boo. Chapter 4, pages 43-54. 6. Who saved Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell? What is Dill's response? What does Scout find under her bed? 6. (It causes her to punch him) Whip or spank her 5. 10. Scout hears Jem scream, and then steel-like arms begin crushing her inside the costume. 13. A. What question does Scout ask Dill about Boo Radley? What was the name of the mad dog Atticus shot? Scout finds Dill under her bed 2. Who did Scout find under her bed? The name of their neighbor and friend. a. Boo Radley b. Iraq is a federal parliamentary republic. How does Jem break the code of childhood? Mr. Dolphus Raymond gave Dill a drink of what to settle his stomach? That night Scout feels something under her bed and thinks a snake his hiding there. What do she and Jem find under her bed? WHO SAID THE FOLLOWING: "That boy's yo company and if he wants to eat up the tablecloth you let him." "I swear, Scout, sometimes you act so much like a girl it's mortifyin." Remember me. How does Jem react to Scout's findings? What does Scout find under her bed? Use the Girl Scout Council Finder to find a troop near you and unleash your G. Chapter 7. Thesis title meaning example paper. 5. 22 - 31 quiz and . B. 14. Be certain to clearly label the chapter Dubose is an old lady who lives down the street. However, Scout mentions, "There was more to it than he knew, but I decided not to tell him" (Lee, 39). Why did the Old Sarum gang leave the jailhouse? Whom does Atticus tell Scout to mind? Scout thinks that a snake is under her bed, but after Jem comes into her room and gets a broom to kill it. 9. Where did Atticus go one night after he left the house carrying an extension cord and a light? B. Dill. 14. What do she and Jem find under her bed? the doctors pitted the staff of one clinic against the staff at other clinic. 1 answer. 4. Define spark of divinity book. A computer should make things easier, not harder, so I've tried to set up procedures that mimic what any DM does naturally. 10 . She gets Jem to investigate, and they discover Dill hiding under Scout's bed. To Kill a Mockingbird What does Scout find her bedroom when she is sent to bed? To Kill a Mockingbird The Old Man and the Sea The Odyssey Things Fall Apart Romeo and Juliet To Kill a Mockingbird Tears of a Tiger The Diary of Anne Frank The Giver The Outsiders The Pearl To Kill a Mockingbird Final Test.docx Ch. Scout is unusual for a first grader because: She can read and write. He took a train from Meridian to Maycomb Junction, fourteen miles away, and covered the remaining distance on foot and on the back of a cotton wagon . What does Scout find under her bed? How does Atticus react to hearing about Scout and Jem's visit to Cal's church? Chapter 10: 34. Why does Jem ask Scout not to antagonize Aunt Alexandra? C. Boo Radley. He won't let Boo in the yard. She finds dill hiding under her bed. Why is Jem considered a "traitor"? Asked by Tom Smith on . What does scout think is under her bed? Scout assumes that it is a snake and calls Jem to help her. After carefully searching the chapters once again, I still found no evidence of this. a. Aunt Alexandra b. Helen Robinson c. Dill d. The Radleys 5. a. Chapter 15 Questions. Boo Radley Dill Bob Ewell 2. 8 Questions Show answers. Who or what does Scout find hidden under her bed? 9. Why is he is also considered a maturing, more responsible young man? She asks Jem to come investigate. One of the main scenes from chapter 12 to chapter 14 is when cal takes Jem and Scout to the First . 12. 69. She gets Jem to investigate, and they discover Dill hiding under Scout's bed. As she gets into bed, Scout steps on something that she thinks feels like a snake. SURVEY . That night Scout feels something under her bed and thinks a snake his hiding there. What does Scout find under her bed? To allow the story to be presented by someone who cannot take an active role To remove moral bias from the story To allow the narrator to mature as the story progresses. User: Who did Scout find under her bed?A. Dill 67. How does Jem react when Atticus tells the children to go home? Briefly list the things that they find. What does Jem threaten to do if Scout gets out of line again? Mr. Dolphus Raymond gave Dill a drink of what to settle his stomach? Dill. 3. they realize it was Dill under the bed that ran. Underwood was protecting Atticus from the angry mob that was trying to kill Tom Robinson. Scout and Dill are shocked that Jem revealed their secret to an adult. answer. 12. What question does Scout ask Dill about Boo Radley? In one night Atticus had dealt with Scout's questions about the word rape, had broken up a. 3. Who rescues Scout and Jem. How does Atticus show he has sympathy for Dill? Question 1. Why does scout get in trouble at school ? 9. 9. He. During the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's C. After hearing grunts, Jem sees a dirty person run out from under the bed. Charles Baker Harris. Password. Chapter 15 13. CHAPTER 4. The Ewell family is: One of the poorest, least educated families in Maycomb. User: Who said that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird? 2. Who should the reader feel really beat Mayella Ewell? The Big, Bad, In-Your-Face-Disgrace, To Kill a Mockingbird test The narrator of the story is _____ Dill; Scout; Jem; Boo . Dice throwing is the essence of AD&D gaming. What did Scout think was under her bed? A snake. 68. What is under her bed? A. Boo Radley. Describe Dill's latest plan to get Boo Radley to come out. New User? What does Alexandra ask Atticus to do regarding Calpurnia and how does he respond? 14. What does Scout think is under her bed at first? What does Scout find under her bed? Why was this person under her bed? Why is this person hiding in the Finch home? Considering the case of the two health clinics above, why do you think that trouble was brewing? Jem breaks the code of childhood by telling Atticus that dill had ran away. He tells Atticus that Dill ran away. What do they think is under Scout's bed? How does Jem "break the remaining code of childhood"? How does Jem break the code of childhood? Why did Dill run away? What is Dill's response? Identify Mrs. 65. . answer choices. 11. a. He pokes a broom under the bed and Dill emerges. Chapter 15 13. How does Jem break the code of childhood? 12 - 21 quiz and answer key.doc Ch. -They find Dill under her bed. a. Tim Johnson b. Who is Helen Robinson in TKAM? A. Aunt Alexandra. 9. What does Jem do that shocks Dill and Scout? a. A snake. 4. Later, toward the end of the school year, Jem and Scout find two polished Indian-head pennies, good luck tokens, inside the same knothole. How did Atticus react to Dill showing up at the house? Dill 3. Who has a problem with Calphurnia? Thesis title meaning example paper. Why does Scout start fighting with Jem? What does Scout find under her bed and how does Atticus deal with the situation? 3. Who did Scout find under her bed 4. Who was Mr. Ewell bothering? 8. Who carried Jem back to the house after he was hurt? 6. After two summers of friendship with Dill, Scout and Jem find that someone is leaving them small gifts in a tree outside the Radley place. Dill has run away from home because his mother and new father did not pay enough attention to him. question. A. B. Scout finds Dill under her bed. What does Scout find under her bed and how does Atticus deal with the situation? 14. 2. Of the perceived betrayal, Scout says that Jem "broke the remaining code of our childhood." Jem explains that he had to tell Atticus. Scout thinks there may be a snake under her bed but it turns out to be something else entirely. Chapter 6 Children look into Radley house: Jem's pants get caught. Updated 2/20/2018 5:10:24 AM. D. Chuck Norris. 13. Answers 1. Describe Dill's latest plan to get Boo Radley to come out. Scout thinks that a snake is under her bed, but after Jem comes into her room and gets a broom to kill it. Who did Scout find under her bed? Why does Atticus make a point of emphasizing that Bob Ewell is left-handed? What id Dills Full name. 55.) c. Miss Stephanie tells Aunt Alexandra and Jem what she heard Bob Ewell say when he heard about Tom's death. What does Scout find under her bed? Who did Scout find under her bed? Why did Dill run away? He is hiding from a lynch mob. 10. C. Tom Robinson. Because his parents weren't paying attention to him. What was Scout dressed up as to go to the pageant? Email. "Don't eat things you find, Scout. a. What does Scout find under her bed? Why did Dill run away? What does Scout find under her bed? Dill. Miss Maudie refers to Scout as "morbid" in response to Scout's persistent line of questioning about Boo Radley. 11. 1 - 11 Test.docx Ch. When Scout asked Atticus if she could go to Calpurnia's, what was Alexandra's reaction? 2. Scout finds Dill under her bed. Who did scout find under her bed?<br> a. boo radley<br> b. bob ewell<br> c. dill<br> d. a cat? What do she and Jem find under her bed? To play this quiz, please finish editing it. 300. Why did Mr Underwood protect Atticus? There is no finer proof for the continued existence of Murphy's Law than the number of times a die will find itself under a piece of furniture. 12 - 21 quiz and answer key.pdf Ch. the new technology at the uptown clinic was too difficult for the staff to understand. Scout finds Dill under her bed. What is the reason for the author's choice of a young narrator? Why does Scout think the world. 31. Because his parents weren't paying attention to him Chapter 15 69. How does Jem break the code of childhood? He tells Atticus that Dill ran away. Why did the children sit with Reverend Sykes in the courthouse? Chapter 14. Chapters 15 & 16 That night, Jem shows Scout a cigar box filled with all sorts of little gifts that he had found in the tree. What does Scout mean when she says, Jem "rose and broke the remaining code of our childhood?" In one night Atticus had dealt with Scout's questions about the word rape, had broken up a fight between Scout and Jem, and had dealt with the runaway Dill. Answered by Aslan on 10/8/2013 8:21 PM She finds Dill hiding under her bed. (It causes her to punch him) Whip or spank her 5.

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what does scout find under her bed