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C. Recycling, walking instead of driving, and using less electricity are ways to protect the environment. A) They indicate increasing hunting proficiency. The vertebrae are known not to have been eaten and exposed to digestion, as the joints are still articulated. D. In general, the older a fossil is, the deeper it is buried. NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution: In this article, we will provide you detailed NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution. Hence, the given statement is wrong. A watershed is an underground supply of water that can be used for irrigation or drinking water. D It had four legs. Solar energy is a non-renewable resource that is used by many . Important Points A. The development of this type of dating, in the 1950s, transformed paleontology and enhanced the accuracy of the fossil record. Fossils do no show transitions from one body form to another The deeper the layer of rocks are the more recently the layers were deposited Fossil assemblages are important in identifying sedimentary layers and different layers have different assemblages of fossils All extinct organisms are preserved This problem has been solved! B. C) Atmospheric sulfur dioxide is contributed when humans burn fossil fuels. D. They help us better understand modern-day life forms and their ancestors. D. Fossils can be found in ice. Most extinct organisms have been preserved. c. oil is a non-renewable resource that is hardly ever used, so there is not a concern of depleting the earth's supply. (T/F) View Answer. . (f) Excessive burning of fossil fuels is a major cause of air pollution. A. Radioactive waste released from nuclear power plants causes thermal pollution. The combustion of biomass can replace fossil fuels in conventional power plants. a. They can help us predict Earth's future. True or False? c. It is the study of human evolution. Fossil is any preserved remains or parts of any organisms which once existed in the earth. b. Hydroelectric energy uses the energy from the sun, which is a renewable resource. The above answer is related to HubSpot CMS for developer certification exam. a) Statement -I is true, Statement -II is true and Statement -II is the correct explanation of Statement -I b) Statement-I is true, Statement -II is true and Statement -II is not the correct explanation of Statement-II D. Peat is not a fossil fuel because … Continue reading "Which statement is true? 30 seconds. d. Eating watermelon can avoid illness and diseases. Correct answers: 2 question: Which of the following statements is true? 5. A small percent of extinct organisms is preserved. 13. d. It attempts to gain insights into human adaptation and behavior. B. Hydroelectric energy uses the energy from the sun, which is a renewable resource. a. Lamarck proposed that organisms arose through spontaneous generation and evolved toward increasing complexity. You need to include explanation of this evidence to show readers your line of thinking C. You should include only bare statements of evidence to prove that you have no bias, D. You should use evidence only in persuasive writing, it's not appropriate in expository writing B. Which of the following statements are true regarding fossils? Fossils could be bones or imprints of ancient organisms preserved in rock. Which of the following is a true statement of observational data? c) Amber is a form of mineralized bone. b. Antibiotics kill all bacterial that they encounter. Fossil Fuels are those fuels or resources which are obtained from dead plants and animals million of years. b. Igneous rocks have crystal grains. A, a billion-year old rock B. a billion-year old piece of amber Añade tu respuesta y gana puntos. The scientist wishes to look for a transitional species between the fossil organism and the living vertebrate species. C It had teeth consistent with a carnivorous diet. matildejuditharregui matildejuditharregui Respuesta: fuiste T frutilla Griffin fijo son. Which statement about earthquakes is accurate? Oil is a non-renewable resource that is hardly ever used, so there is not a concern of depleting the Earth's supply. E. The fossil record indicates that life has . Añade tu respuesta y gana puntos. 4. A dike is younger than a stack of sediments it cross-cuts. C. Plants can form fossils. b. € B Sulfur dioxide is insoluble in water. E. The best fossils are preserved in tar. A. d. It is the type of data used for the independent variable in a controlled experiment. c) Charles Darwin was strongly opposed to the idea. A fact is a statement that is consistent with reality or can be proven with evidence. Which of the following is not a characteristic of igneous rocks? D) They had a thicker skull bone and a very robust skeleton. Which statement is NOT true about fossils? 1. B. H. habilis demonstrates the adaptive advantage of sedentism. D) A natural source of sulfate in soils is the weathering of rocks. c. It can include comparisons of fossils as well as DNA sequences. b. hydroelectric energy uses the energy from the sun, which is a renewable resource. b) The existence of the bones was kept secret until then. Which statement is NOT true according to the text? Fossils have been found of coyote-sized semi-aquatic predators which were thought to live amphibious life . Fossil fuel coal is the most commonly used fuel for thermal power plants. (Multiple answers) Most energy we use comes from fossil fuels. Problem: Which of the following is NOT true about fossil fuels?a) The land and oceans are able to absorb all of the C emitted to the atmosphere by fossil fuels.b) Fossil fuels are a non-renewable resourcec) Carbon emissions from fossil fuels have increased since the pre-industrial period.d) Prior to the industrial revolution, carbon in the fossil fuels reservoir was not exchanging with the . C. Fossils show what Earth was like millions of years ago. Which of the following ta not true about fossil fuels (a) it takes millions of years to form fossil fuels (b) the known reserves of fossil fuels will last for a long period of time (c) burning of fossil fuels causes air pollution (d) burning of fossil fuels causes global warming. e. Watermelon is good and healthy fruit. So, Limulus is not a fossil. Choose the correct answer. 7. Science Chemistry Q&A Library Which of the following statements about energy consumption and fossil fuels true? Which of the following statements is NOT true? Ago. Which statement is not true about fossils? A paragraph should have one main topic. Which of the following statements is true of the fossil record? B. Fossils are found in sedimentary rock. A classmate states that igneous rock must always become sedimentary rock next , according to the rock cycle .explain why this statement is not correct . It is a statement that is unreal or false, or a thing that can be shown to be real or true. (a) Fossil fuels can be made in the laboratory. The oldest fossils are present at the bottom layer while on the other hand, younger fossils are located near the earth surface. See the answer Which of the following can be considered as a fossil? 4. usual test for a statement of fact is whether it can be seen to be true. True or False? Oil is a non-renewable resource that is hardly ever used, so there is not a concern of depleting the Earth's supply. Which of the following statements is not true of the sulfur cycle? Which of the following statements about fossils is NOT true? (a) Fossil fuels can be made in the laboratory. C. Plants can form fossils. 19. It is rare for the remains of a soft-bodied organism to become a fossil. The term "fossil" only includes skeletal remains of organisms, and does not include things like footprints, eggs or excrement. In a population of birds, the wing feathers pigmentation is determined by a single gene with the co-dominant pair of alleles (A 1 and A 2).Genotype A 1 A 1 has dark brown wing color; genotype A 1 A 2 is light brown, and birds with the genotype A 2 A 2 have a light beige wing color. B) They are often found associated with Acheulean stone tools. a. Lycopene can be found both in watermelon and tomatoes. Therefore, some discovered fossils are able to be dated according to the strata, a distinct layer of rock, that they are found in. View local_media393232510081936727.docx from FINANZAS 13 at European Business School and Directorate. 2. Fossils can form with the same frequency in any environment. Which of the following is an example of a vestigial organ that could be found in a transitional fossil? b. It shared anatomical . This includes lakebeds, the ocean floor, artic regions, and mountaintops. Statement II: Fossil fuels are a cheap source of energy. e) all of the above asked Feb 1, 2017 in Anthropology & Archaeology by Tatiane. These are a few that are not true about fossil . Statement II: Fossil fuels are a cheap source of energy. D. The topic of a paragraph is always placed in the first sentence. The fossil record is now complete. (d) Coal tar is a mixture of various substances. Answers: 2 on a question: Which statement is true? A collection of Javascript utilities to be incorporated into scientific courseware. B. In this population of 1,000 birds, 350 have dark brown wings, 500 have light brown wings, and 150 birds have . Fossil Record Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity 4 3 Which part of Pakicetus anatomy most suggests that it is an ancestor of whales? C. Soft body parts are often found along with the hard parts of fossils. d. . What are fossil evidence give an example? Comparing fossils in rocks is part of the processes of relative dating and correlation. a) The fossil record represents less than one percent of all of the species that ever lived.b) Land organisms are more likely to fossilize than aquatic organisms.c) It is rare for the remains of a soft-bodied organism to become a fossil.d) Most fossils are found in sedimentary . O Developed nations and developing nations use the same amounts of energy per capi As the population increases, energy consumption increases. Most fossils are found in sedimentary rock. Which of the following can be considered as a fossil? Most sediments are deposited in horizontal layers. (b) CNG is more polluting fuel than petrol. d. It is the type of data used for the independent variable in a controlled experiment. Which one of the following statements is true regarding paragraphs? A scientist has found fossils of an organism that she suspects is related to a living vertebrate species, but it has different physical characteristics. d. all of the above. A-a tail that is routinely used for balance B-a toe that does not contribute to movement C-an extra digit on both hands used for grasping**** D-an eye that is an organism's primary way to see Tiktaalik was a prehistoric fish that was an ancestor to modern tetrapods. B. So, fossil fuels are not eco-friendly. The fossil record that shows a clear relationship between living and extinct animals c. homologous structures in different organisms that are dissimilar in form and function but that have underlying structural similarities. answer choices The fossil record represents less than one percent of all of the species that ever lived. Which statement is NOT true about the embryos shown above? D.Peat is not a fossil fuel because humans can promote the replenishment of peat. b. a) Statement -I is true, Statement -II is true and Statement -II is the correct explanation of Statement -I b) Statement-I is true, Statement -II is true and Statement -II is not the correct explanation of Statement-II So, the only the wrong statement and the correct option of the question is Most of them are eco-friendly fuels. Which of the following statements is true? These are mold fossils, cast fossils, trace fossils and true form fossils. The Law of Succession is based on the observation that extant organisms often resemble recent fossils from the same geographic region. Your not going to power up a city like Houston or Chicago with windmills and solar panels. B) Unlike nitrogen and carbon, organisms do not require or contain sulfur. A, a billion-year old rock. It is a valid way to conduct anthropology. A. a. Blog templates must contain an author profile and a full list of available topics. Not all fossils have been found. You can find all the updated questions and answers related to HubSpot CMS for developer certification exam on the " HubSpot CMS for developer certification " page. Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Which statement is true? Check all that apply. a. 1. A. Fossils are mostly from the hard parts of organisms. Which of the following statements about H. erectus fossils is NOT true? (c) Wildlife is an exhaustible natural resource. Publicidad Publicidad It is always qualitative, not quantitative. False. The fossil record of whales, for instance, has a set of several well-defined members that lead inevitably to modern whales. Why weren't the Neandertal fossils recognized as the bones of an earlier form of human until the 1860's? 3. Its goal is to identify the various human ancestors. Fossil records indicate the existence of transitional species. A) Most sulfur is found in rocks and minerals. The above answer is related to HubSpot CMS for developer certification exam. Peat is a fossil fuel because the total time for restoration is lengthy. The combustion of biomass can replace fossil fuels in conventional power plants. Which of the following statements about the appearance of H. habilis is true? These heredity and evolution class 10 exercise answers were prepared by the best faculty in India to score good marks in the subject Science. B. a billion-year old piece of amber Land organisms are more likely to fossilize than aquatic organisms. Another common way that fossils are dated, is through radiocarbon dating. A fact is something that has really happened or is actually the case. 2. (e) Kerosene is not a fossil fuel. c. temperatures in the tundra can get below -20° f. d. the tundra biome does not support animal life. e A few hundred earthquakes per year are strong enough to be detected by . The fossil is dated at 10 million years old. Fossil fuels are good for our health. Eliminating or abolishing fossil fuels would mean a return to a more primitive way of life on the NAmerican continent, with people freezing in their houses in the north country in winter, and without AC, rendering life in the south almost unbearable. A It had eyes near the top of the head. You can find all the updated questions and answers related to HubSpot CMS for developer certification exam on the " HubSpot CMS for developer certification " page. a. the tundra has limited vegetation. C. They are not helpful for explaining environmental conditions. 18. 8. A. H. habilis evolved from Paranthropus boisei, the hyperrobust australopith. € C Sulfur dioxide is a basic oxide. A. 7. a. Fossils are indications of prehistoric life. Which is NOT true about paleoanthropology? Question. Which of the following statements about the tundra is not true? b. there are two main categories of the tundra biome. a) Our interpretation of the fossil record has been biased. A) can create smog B) can create sulfuric acid, especially in the presence of particulates C) released through the combustion of sulfur containing fossil fuels D) all the above are true about sulfur dioxide E) none of the above are true about sulfur dioxide Statement I: The technology for harnessing fossil fuels is well developed. b. Publicidad Publicidad Limulus Limulus or horseshoe crab is an example of living fossil. a. Igneous rocks are formed when molten rock cools and hardens. This is due to decomposition under high temperature, pressure and absense of air. Fossil fuels are clean burning and will not be bad for the environment. a) The concept of evolution was not widely accepted by scientists until then. Which is not an accurate statement about the fossil record? . It is certain that there are thousands of organisms for which no fossil has ever been found and, in most cases, it is very likely that this situation will never be remedied. Some women use watermelon to beautify themselves. Each chapter will include a few questions designed to test your knowledge of material covered in the chapter and in the Internet-based resources. Geologists use a variety of techniques to establish absolute age, including radiometric dating, tree rings, ice cores, and annual sedimentary deposits called varves.Radiometric dating is the most useful of these techniques—it is the only technique that can establish the age of objects older than a few thousand years. c. It contains so much water that it makes someone fat easily. A.Peat is a fossil fuel because rewetting it takes only 3-5 years. C. Peat is not a fossil fuel because it has biologic origins, making it a biofuel. If you have any other queries of CBSE Class 8 Science Coal and Petroleum MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, feel free to reach us so that we can revert . a. matildejuditharregui matildejuditharregui Respuesta: fuiste T frutilla Griffin fijo son. They give clues about Earth's climate in the ancient past. D. Some bacteria came from fossils. Fossil fuel Hope the information shed above regarding NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum with Answers Pdf free download has been useful to an extent. 8. c. It can include comparisons of fossils as well as DNA sequences. Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) take 300 million years to form.They contain carbon that has been hidden away all that time.Burning fossil fuels releases that extra carbon dioxide into the . d Fewer than 100,000 earthquakes happen per year. True or False? Q. Multiple Choice Questions -- Geologic Time - Chapter 8. b More than 1 billion earthquakes happens per year. We will never run out of fossil fuels. by soetrust A. C) They show an increasing reliance on cultural adaptation. Which of the following statements is true? A. In the 1 July 2004 edition of Nature, paleontologist Eric Buffetaut discusses an Early Cretaceous fossil of three cervical vertebrae of a pterosaur with the broken tooth of a spinosaur, most likely Irritator, embedded in it. It is used to form hypotheses, but not to test them. science. A.Peat is a fossil fuel because rewetting it takes only 3-5 years. A. fossil fuels. B. A paragraph with two main topics is called a complex paragraph B. Although Darwin did not realize it, the variations he observed among the individuals of a population of finches were caused by . e. It includes the fossils of ancient reptiles and amphibians. (b) Resources which are present in unlimited quantity in nature are called exhaustible natural resources. C. A topic sentence should not be placed in the middle of a paragraph. Which statement is NOT true about fossils? a. true b. false ____ 12. 1. A It could hear well under water. Tick True/False against the following statements. (c) Coke is an almost pure form of carbon. Which statement about fossils is true? Only animals can become fossils. Peat is a fossil fuel because rewetting it takes only 3-5 years. B It had a tail fluke. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is produced when some fossil fuels are burned. ahsan57900 Fossils appear with the oldest fossils in the topmost layers is not true about fossil record. Which one of the following statements is true regarding paragraphs? A. D.Peat is not a fossil fuel because humans can promote the replenishment of peat. The burning of coal and petroleum products generates harmful gases. A paragraph with two main topics is called a complex paragraph B. 3 Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding Ambulocetus? Select the two correct answers. 3. : Question 27 1 pts Which of the following statements is not true of the Piltdown hoax: It supported the "brain first" model of human evolution Its effects on researchers in the field of Anthropology lasted for less than 10 years Scientific argumentation contributed to the exposure of the fraud O O It resulted in hominin fossils . Whilst it is always useful to obtain more fossils and . Therefore, kerosene is definitely a fossil fuel. This is because the old fossils ae present when the earth geography is different. They are created from all living things that are buried. € € A Sulfur dioxide can be removed from waste gases in a power station by an acid-base reaction with calcium oxide. 1. Solar energy is a non-renewable … Which statements Is not true about fossils 1 Ver respuesta Publicidad Publicidad alomiathairy está esperando tu ayuda. C. A topic sentence should not be placed in the middle of a paragraph. Which statement is true? Statement I: The technology for harnessing fossil fuels is well developed. B.Peat is a fossil fuel because the total time for restoration is lengthy. b) The data for paleoanthropology come mainly from human genetics. Most extinct organisms have been preserved. Tick True/False against the following statements. Living fossil is defined as the group of organisms which remains unchanged over the course of the geological time period and whose similar species are extinct. C. H. habilis was relatively small in stature compared to H. erectus. Answer We need to know that kerosene is considered as a fossil fuel. Which of the following is a true statement of observational data? A small percent of extinct organisms is preserved. Which of the following is true about sulfur dioxide? True or False? Which statement is not true about fossils? Fossils are clues to how Earth has been changing over millions of years. Correct answers: 2 question: Which is not an accurate statement about the fossil record? c About 100 earthquakes per year are strong enough to cause damage. C.Peat is not a fossil fuel because it has biologic origins, making it a biofuel. It is used to form hypotheses, but not to test them. B. a Most earthquakes are not strong enough to be felt by humans. There are periods of millions of years which are sparsely represented or not represented at all in the fossil record. D. The topic of a paragraph is always placed in the first sentence. a. € D Sulfur dioxide is an . It is always qualitative, not quantitative. B.Peat is a fossil fuel because the total time for restoration is lengthy. a,b,c,d - 10044589 During 2019, quarry company entered into the following transactions relating to shareholders' equity. D. Oil and coal are renewable fossil . The kerosene can be derived from coal, wood and oil shale and it is predominantly extracted by refining petroleum. C.Peat is not a fossil fuel because it has biologic origins, making it a biofuel. Write True/False against the following statements. Blog templates must contain an author profile and a full list of available topics. c. Which statements about fossils are true? Which of the following statements about using evidence in persuasive and expository writing is true? (a) Oxygen is an exhaustible natural resource. Because, oil shale, coal and petroleum are considered as the fossil fuels. A paragraph should have one main topic. select one: a. the combustion of biomass can replace fossil fuels in conventional power plants. which statement is true? The Principle of Superposition says that the oldest sediments are on top. Which of the following statements about fossils is not true? a. Which statements Is not true about fossils 1 Ver respuesta Publicidad Publicidad alomiathairy está esperando tu ayuda. Which statement is true? D. Some bacteria came from fossils. the entity was authorized to issue 2,000,000 sha … Solution A disadvantage of nuclear power is a. low net energy yield c. severe disruption of land b. high risk of accidents d. high level of water pollution ____ Which of the following is 13. not a proposed method of storing or disposing of nuclear wastes? Which statement is true? Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)[08.04]<object:standard:sc.912.l.17.15>Which of the following best summarizes the main causes of water pollution today? [removed] increased runoff, driving, discarded oil[removed] evaporation, new construction, overpopulation[removed] waste from wildlife, decaying vegetation, automobiles[removed] leaking septic and sewer systems, manufacturing, farming . b. d) The skeleton f r om La Chapelle-aux-Saints was from a typical young, healthy Neandertal man. A.

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which statement is not true of fossils