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A survey on cultural diversity in the workplace shows compelling statistics that up to 80% of people valued diversity. And while diversity in schools is largely an accepted and comfortable fact of life for Canadian children, a new study from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute in partnership with the . 3. (Holiday time spent in Canada should not be included.) In the City of Toronto, 51% of residents were not born in Canada and for the Toronto Region as a whole, that figure is 47%. Most - but not all - say diversity makes Canada better Canada's diversity has been referred to at times as everything from experimental , to post-nationalist , a success and a failure . ". , Jul 6, 2021. An Ipsos-Reid Survey of 2005 found that 17% of Canadians have been victims of racism at some point [ 38 ]. Get in touch with us now. Women comprise 19.5% of the board members for Canada's top 500 companies. Looking at many workplace diversity statistics, almost two-thirds of all executives rated diversity as the most crucial issue. Some aspects of diversity may be stronger than others. Multiculturalism in Canada is related to many issues such as cultural diversity, cultural. For some issues, the results validated our hypotheses and what we suspected through anecdotal evidence and our familiarity with the field of diversity and inclusion. Statistics Canada's survey on Ethnic Diversity reported that more than 1.4 million Canadians reported being subject to racial discrimination. Health Canada (HC) and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) have been impacted by the creation of Indigenous Services Canada (ISC). Source: KPMG in Canada 2018 Employee Engagement Survey 33% Visible Minorities 32% Born Outside Canada 21% 2 or More Identities 3.1% Persons with Disabilities 2.6% LGBTQ2 0.7% Indigenous Peoples We recognize that diversity is not one- dimensional, and that people view their identities in many different ways. The 2021 Canadian Census enumerated a total population of 36,991,981, an increase of around 5.2 percent over the 2016 figure. During a 2021 survey carried out among marketers from Canada, 59 percent of respondents stated that leadership was the factor driving diversity in their organization. Source: Deloitte, The diversity and inclusion revolution: Eight powerful truths . Statistics Canada, "Diversity of the Black Population in Canada: An Overview," Ethnicity, Language, and Immigration Thematic Series (February 27, 2019). Between 1941 and 1961, the proportion of Canadians of European origin other than British and French further increased; in 1941, they made up 17.8 percent of the total Canadian population, by 1961, they rose to 22.6 percent (Table 1). In contrast, the rest of the population is projected to increase by up to 12%. At the Beijing Games, the women's ice hockey medals went to Canada, Finland and U.S. — a triad that's won 86% of all medals in the event since it was added to the Winter Olympics in 1998 . "We hope to disseminate and collect more information so that we can tell this story in a more detailed and diverse way," said Tina Chiu, Director of Diversity and Sociocultural Statistics, Statistics Canada. At the same time, Canada faces national challenges related to the concerns of indigenous . Employee . Catalyst's new research shows that only one-third of employees experience inclusive team dynamics. One customary way to depict cultural diversity in Canada is describe it in terms of the population size of those not belonging to the two charter groups. Here's 6 diversity and inclusion statistics you need to know: 1. 62,853,315 59,093,612 66,887,603 27,437,114. The majority of this population lived in Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec and Alberta. Our Diversity and Inclusion Press Release Amplification Service will distribute and amplify your press releases or diversity celebrations with 50,000+ diversity-valued stakeholders around the world. The findings show that for 74 percent of parents diversity in . Carlotta Balestra and Lara Fleischer1 OECD Statistics and Data Directorate 1. CCDI Report: Power, privilege and inequities in the legal profession. From October 18 to December 31, 2018, Statistics Canada conducted an online consultation to gather input from Canadians on the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics hub.. $99.00. Research Expert covering consumer goods and retail. Canada College is considered middle of the road when it comes to overall diversity. How Does Canada College Diversity Compare to National Averages? Statistics Canada, Visible Minority and Population Group Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2016 (October 25, 2017). Statistics Canada projects by 2031, between 25 to 28 percent of the population will be foreign-born and 29 to 32 percent of the population will belong to a visible minority group. Linguistic diversity is on the rise in Canada. In contrast, those of British origin declined in relative terms from 49.7 percent in 1941 to 43.8 percent in 1961. official . Apology to communities, funding opportunities, community engagement, expungement of convictions . Learn how to create more inclusive teams. . In comparison, these provinces accounted for 83.7% of individuals who were born in Canada. If you work in a nonprofit industry it is worth noting that a HR Council report from 2008 reported that in their study of Canada's labor force that the nonprofit sector was lacking in diversity. CCDI Report: National Diversity and Inclusion Benchmarking Study. identity, racism, religious and linguistic diversity and the integration of migrants. Canada is an increasingly diverse country—data from the 2016 Census indicated that 22.3% of the population were designated as belonging to one or more visible minority groups. At KPMG, Inclusion & Diversity strengthens our business, enriches our culture and enables us to deepen our relationships with our clients, our people and our communities. Among the 3.2 million people who identified themselves as members of a visible minority in 1996, Chinese origin accounted for 27 percent, South Asian origin, 21 percent . 2 According to the National Household Survey from Statistics Canada, between 2006 and 2011, the Aboriginal population increased by 20 percent, as compared with 5 percent for the non-Aboriginal population; this growth is expected to continue. 1. INTERVIEWER: If the respondent moved to Canada more than once, enter the first year they arrived in Canada. Important Diversity and Inclusion Statistics in Canada Other highlights on Diversity in Canada from Stats Canada: In 2018, 23.6% of Canada's population is foreign-born - the highest proportion in the G8 countries. Economic contribution of Canada's mining sector Given the substantial production volume and diversity of the Canadian mining industry, it is not surprising that it has a significant impact on the . LGBTQ2 Secretariat. 48 percent of Generation Z are racial or ethnic minorities. By 2031 almost 26% of Canada's population will be foreign-born and 31% will be visible minorities, according to new projections released by Statistics Canada. The hub serves as a focal point for data produced by the new Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics, which aims to address gaps in the availability of information by gender, sex . Almost half of working age population will be either foreign-born or have at least one parent born in another country. The median wealth of white households in the United States was $171,000. In partnership with Statistics Canada, Canadian Heritage, and the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer's Centre on Diversity and Inclusion, the Canada School of Public Service will host a 3-day Diversity and Inclusion Conference. In 2016, 2.1 million people, or 6.2% of the total Canadian population, reported Aboriginal ancestry (single or multiple response). Canadian universities have espoused commitments to diversity and inclusion but there has long been a gap between the rhetoric October 19, 2021 - As Canada grows and changes, becoming more diverse every year, new generations of children are immersed in a reality that can look far different than that of their parents or grandparents. The survey is funded jointly by STC and PCH. Statistics Canada conducts a country-wide census that collects demographic data every five years on the first and sixth year of each decade. Includes statistics that will help you better understand Canada's population, resources, economy, society and culture. Supplier Diversity in Canada 5 Overview: Supplier Diversity Now This research project revealed a number of significant findings about the state of supplier diversity in Canada. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive environment where our people . Includes statistics that will help you better understand Canada's population, resources, economy, society and culture. Equity, diversity and inclusion at Canadian universities Representation of equity-seeking groups at Canadian universities . —Celia Sankar, Founder. There's growing recognition of how critical diversity and inclusion is to business performance. This paper is part of a broader OECD-project on diversity, launched in early 2016. Canada and the U.S. also exhibit a similar pattern. Cognitive diversity can enhance team innovation by up to 20%. Canada, including public companies, government business entities and private companies, based on data from 2016 and 2017. Consultation objectives. Insights on Canadian Society Facts and figures - Citizenship and Immigration. The challenge lies in translating a nod of the head to the value of diversity and inclusion into impactful actions. Statistics Canada is the national statistical office. Source: "Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: First Nations People, Métis and Inuit," Government of In 2011, 39 percent of the total population in Canada were Catholic, a fifth of the population identifies as Protestant, but almost a quarter are not religious at all - with the . Data and statistics on the diversity of the people who make up Canada's public service. In 1971, Canada adopted a national policy of multiculturalism, which celebrates the country's diversity. Statistics Canada. But the Toronto Region's diversity still stands apart in a number of ways. The survey was carried out by Statistics Canada between December 4, 2020 and January 18, 2021. For 2017, the data included 10,108 corporations that are required to file returns under the Corporations Returns Act and the gender of directors was estimated using other Statistics Canada data and probabilistic imputation. "Together, we can work to make the world a fairer place, where each person feels valued, and has the opportunity to realize his or her full potential.
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