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Andrea McMillan Head, Health & Safety Compliance andrea.mcmillan@ 64 3 479 7380 . Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Health, Safety & Security Officer. These members are selected by the trade union representing the employees in consultation with . A.Quality and Clinical Safety Organizational Structure Premier Health supports the continuous improvement philosophy, which defines quality as the on-going improvement of all processes. The The fourth (and most important) element of any health and safety committee is the general membership. The committee performs many functions including workplace inspections, incident investigations, supporting co-workers and making recommendations to the employer. . establishment of such a committee at the. A Health and Safety Committee (HSC) is a good way for employers and employees to . 4. Each facility is required to have a workplace safety and health committee with a minimum membership of four representatives. All HSW committees that report to an overarching HSW committee are referred to as a . • Describes how management will hold everyone in the business accountable for safety and health. Safety committee members are responsible for developing and reviewing safety procedures and policies, investigating and reviewing accidents and communicating safety issues or policies to company employees. Such terms of reference must ensure: Office of Safety, Health & Environment Deans & Directors Heads of Departments Principal Investigators & Laboratory Supervisors Safety & Health Officers Safety & Health coordinators Safety & Health Leads Institutional Safety & Health Committees Faculty , Admin Office or Research Center Safety & Health They are appointed by the employer, in accordance with the following conditions: at least half of the committee members are employees who do not exercise managerial functions. To formulate, review and disseminate (in such . Click on the link below to view EH&S within the University's structure. Encourage Management Support. ♦ Develop/establish procedures for an annual review of the company safety and health program. Typical safety committee responsibilities include maintaining policies, addressing employees' health and safety concerns, and administering training, inspections, audits, and incident investigations. A joint occupational health and safety committee (the committee) is a group of worker and employer representatives who contribute to the improvement of health and safety in the workplace. 2 Executive Quality and Safety Committee Guidance 7-10 3 Board Quality and Safety Committee Guidance 11-12 4 Resources 14 Resource 1 - Terms of Reference Quality and Safety Committee 15 Resource 2 - Local Quality and Safety Committee Sample Agenda 16 Resource 3 - Executive Quality and Safety Committee Sample Agenda 17 5. There is a Health & Safety Committee in place, which is chaired by the Director of HR & OD. A centralized safety committee must have a written policy that: • States management's commitment to workplace safety and health. OSHA Compliance. This person's duties would include keeping the group focused and ensuring the committee is acting properly, following pre-determined ground rules and treating all members with respect. EH&S Organization Charts. Managers must motivate staff to work safely and to protect their long-term health, not . You can edit this template and create your own diagram. The Statewide Patient Safety Committee (PSC) protects patient safety and improves the health care delivery system by: 1. 3.3 Discuss the structure and membership of the OH&S Committee 3.4 Identify the legislative training requirements . f SECTION 30 ( 1 ) Every employer shall establish a Safety &. the Joint Committee shall be rotated among members of the safety committees in other establishments. This makes workers happier and more engaged which increases productivity and also reduces costs as the hazards and risks in the workplace are actively . This safety committee will provide information and recommendations to management about occupational safety and health conditions and practices at [company name] , and will provide a forum for information exchange. For more details on on the statutory and recommended provisions relating to the establishment, structure, functions and operating procedures . The third, and most important, element of a Health and Safety Committee is the general membership. carry out other tasks that are agreed between . 1) Determine the Structure of the Safety Committee A safety committee should include the following: 1) Chairperson, 2) Vice Chairperson, 3) Secretary, and 4) General Members. Items generally included are: Time and date of meeting. Who attended. Try to focus only on leading indicator data. Those assigned to health and safety matters part or full-time should be members of the joint committee. Click on the link below to view the organization chart for the entire Environmental Health & Safety Department with all functional units represented. Safety and Quality Governance Committee Structure Royal Perth Bentley Group Executive Committee m D e l i v e r m w h a t Communicating for Safety m a t t e r s m o . safety committees for the first time, or to restructure existing arrangements. 2. Use Creately's easy online diagram editor to edit this diagram, collaborate with others and export results to multiple image formats. The end result: Having a competent HSC means a business can work towards a safer and healthier workplace. Health Committee (SHC) at the place of work. A health and safety committee -. 2.3.2 The municipality's occupational health and safety structure thus consist of the Central Occupational Health and Safety Committee with its three (3) sub-structures namely: The Eastern Occupational Health and Safety Sub-Committee which consist of all occupational categories within the George, Knysna, Section 72 (3) of the Act provides that: The functions of a health and safety committee are: To facilitate co-operation between an employer and the employees of the employer in instigating, developing, and carrying out measures designed to ensure the health and safety at work of the employees; and. They accomplish several things: • Central focus. • The Director General directs the. HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE ST PETER'S SCHOOL (7 members) (Quorum = 3) Carolyn Ducket (Chair) Christopher Bennet HoFs for Science and Creativity and Enterprise and HoD for PE (Governor responsible for Health and Safety - Paul Sadler) COMMITTEE FOR ST PETER'S SCHOOL (Quorum = 3 incl HT plus 2 Governors) Committees which represent all functions or departments allow the organization to take an overall look at safety requirements and to foresee problems that might otherwise cause difficulties. Guidelines for Success The makeup of the safety committee can vary depending on the needs, size and type of company. 08/12) Committee for Professionalism (CFP) •Monitors and improves professional behavior . The governance structure for health and safety is clear. It is consistent with concepts found in the BSA's Strategic Plan, and since 2013, each council p rovides the name of the ERM chair on the council's Local Council Charter and Membership Validation. Doc No: OHS-PROC-21 Rev: 0 Rev Date: 11.01.2013 Page 7 of 7 THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Appendix One Health and Safety Committee Structure / Flowchart Executive Safety Committee Operations Safety Committee Corporate Office Health and Safety in accordance with this section if :-. Find out more about the University of Otago committee structure. The first three parts state the objects of the Act and provide the infrastructure for appointment of officers and the National Council. Build a Committed Membership. Accountability For more details on on the statutory and recommended provisions relating to the establishment, structure, functions and operating procedures . Safety Committees Safety committees are a key part of safety in the workplace. When to form a committee. The Act contains 67 sections, divided into 15 parts and appended with 3 schedules. Health and Safety. • Sounding board. Health and safety reps are eligible to be a member of the health and safety committee. The committee membership shall include: Our OHS Management System takes a coordinated and systematic approach to health and safety. and then report to a health and safety committee, who in turn may submit recommendations to the employer. Terms of reference set out a road map. Determine the structure of the safety committee. 3.2 The Chairmanof the ommittee shall be aC Non-Executive . Employers establish terms of reference applicable to the formation, structure and functioning of the committee. The Health and Safety Committee is the forum to look at wider workplace issues, such as development of policies, training programs, review of the maintenance schedule, employment of consultants, and so on. This Committee reports to . Based on Legislation in section 19, of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. You can edit this template and create your own diagram. The committee is a visible and approachable body for . Designing a surveillance system for the centralized collection and review of data pertinent to patient safety. If there are subcommittees (for example, an ergonomics subcommittee), the structure for the subcommittee would The following is a list of some possible roles of a health and safety committee. to help make the workplace safer for everyone. Based on our experience managing environmental health and safety programs for hospitals, we've developed a five-step process to promote an active and effective safety committee. Safety committees are a key part of safety in the workplace. (a) may make recommendations to the employer or, where the recommendations fail to resolve the matter, to an inspector regarding any matter affecting the health and safety of persons at the workplace or any section thereof for which such committee has been established; (b) shall discuss any incident at the . Objectives and functions Safety Committees have the function of keeping under review the measures taken to ensure the safety and health at work of the employees. assist in developing standards, rules, and policies or procedures for work health and safety. Most Canadian health and safety legislation set guidelines for organizing the committee, the structure of the committee, meeting frequency, and the roles and responsibilities of committee members. The Environmental Health & Safety Department includes the following sections or functional units: It shall be organized to protect the welfare and wellbeing of the people. An effective management structure and arrangements are in place for the delivery of the policy. Five to seven members are ideal. When setting up your Health and Safety Committee, you can choose to include all employees from the beginning or make the initial arrangements yourself. Occupational Health and Clinical Safety Committee Duties and Responsibilities Review all safety and health policies and procedures established by UNC pertaining to occupational health and clinical safety. Appendix One - Health and Safety Committee Structur e / Flowchart . Review previous month health, safety and environmental statistics. Active member of the University Health and Safety Committee, including the review and development of University health and safety policies . Health and safety committees and representatives play a vital role in preventing work-related injuries and diseases, and are an important part of what is called the internal responsibility system. Health and safety committees and representatives More information Download Downloads: 450 [SUPERSEDED] - Health and safety committees and representatives : OHS information for employers, prime contractors and workers (June 2020) More information Download Downloads: 3230 End of Life Diversity and High Risk Groups Clinical Alerts Teaching and Training Occupational Safety and Health Employee Wellness . An effective employee safety structure provides a feedback mechanism to identify and correct new safety hazards at the earliest stage. Note the presence of separate union and management safety and health committees; each supporting a Labor-Management Safety and Health Committee. Safety Committee . The role of work health and safety committee members is to address and resolve WHS issues. 2. Once the safety committee structure is in place and working well, it is a natural . 2. Committee (QSC) •Culture of safety strategy •Root cause analysis •Concurrent response to incidents or events •Monitors follow up Quality Committee Structure 2011 (rev. Health and safety committees It is good practice to set up a health and safety committee where you have several health and safety representatives elected by employees or you have to consult both. . The following are basic areas to consider when establishing a safety committee: Committee Structure Open participation to all employees. All workers of the University have health and safety responsibilities, however there is a hierarchy of responsibilities as defined by the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. COMMITTEE STRUCTURE . The purpose of the committee is to oversee the . The main functions of an HSC are to: make it easy for the business and workers to cooperate on ways to ensure workers' health and safety at work. Committee. The Terms of Reference set out the specific responsibilities delegated the Boardto the Health, by Safety & Environment Committee ("the Committee") and details the manner in which the Committee will operate. OHS structure and responsibilities. The minutes of health and safety committee meetings are to keep track of safety problems and to state what recommendations have been made. Study of accident and disease statistics to recommend remedial actions. Benefits of a safety committee Chairman - The Manager or his authorized repr esentative who must be a top . Conduct regular walkaround inspections to identify potential health and safety hazards. 1.2.3 Health & Safety Committees . . OSHA Funding for the "Systems of Safety and Strategic Planning for Health & Safety Committees" workbook was provided through a one year training grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Susan Harwood Grants program. Safety and Health Committee structure for a basic committee. As consultation is about talking and listening to each other, ideally you should agree arrangements with your employees from the start. representative as members of safety and health committee. Hazard Identification, Evaluation, and Control Review injury data, accident reports, and workers' compensation records. Members should be limited to between five (5) and fifteen (15) members. Develop an action plan for the year that identifies one - two priority health and safety issues to work on It involves them early so gives them a say in how the . make recommendations relating to work health and safety. Once the safety committee structure is in place and working well, it is a natural vehicle for employee involvement, preparation and introduction of new safety rules, new preventative practices, and safety . To provide opportunities for all employees to raise concerns related to workplace safety and health and to resolve identified workplace safety and health concerns. Objectives. STepS To forMIng Your WorkplaCe SafeTY CoMMITTee 1. Union participation on the At the end of the training, health and safety committee members will: Establish a committee structure and process . of work or. • Requires employee involvement and describes what it means. Allowing members to instigate, develop, and . All matters referred to the committee from either the employees or the health and safety representatives must be dealt with in a sufficient and formal manner. Below are 5 key safety committee meeting topics every business should work into their schedule: 1. • In Newfoundland and Labrador, the OH&S legislation requires an OH&S Committee to be . November 3, 2018. Committee Structure. However, in smaller companies, it may be more effective to have all staff attend a month or quarterly safety meeting. A work place health and safety committee consists of at least two persons. The committee is comprised of representatives from administration, nursing, risk management, patient safety, planning, as well as leaders from each Environment of Care discipline which include Hospital Safety, UAB Police, Hospital Maintenance, Biomedical Engineering, and a Hazardous Materials representative from Environmental Health and Safety. Central coordination. Key contacts. • Sounding board. An Occupational Health and Safety Committee is an advisory group made up of employer and worker representatives of a workplace. Each safety committee should include a chairperson, a vice chairperson, . Safety committee formation may be subject to state requirements regarding size, makeup, and structure. The Committee Chairman may at his discretion appoint a reasonable number of Committee Vice-Chairmen to oversee specific disciplines or issues (e.g., onshore/offshore safety issues, environmental practices, specific regulatory issues, etc.) HSCs are responsible for the health and safety of the entire workforce. Duties. The following make up the University's health and safety management structure . . Minutes also serve to promote safety to all workers and serve as a permanent record of health and safety committee activities. ACT AND REGULATIONS The Act, known as the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act 85, 1993) consists of 50 sections To ensure that this system works, every worker must know his or her rights and duties as contained in the Act. Our structure and committees. According to Section 72 of the OHS Act, the functions of the HSC include: Facilitating cooperation between the employees and the employer. They accomplish several things: • Central focus. To comply with its legal duties under the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 and the Health and . Elections for members of the committees are held every two years, and elected members serve for two years on their committee. Allow time for suggestions on how to prevent further future occurrences. Safety committees are most effective when they can identify issues and have the power and resources to solve them. This system, based on cooperation between employers and employees, improves the overall understanding of occupational health and safety issues in the . governance structure. Safety and Health Committee. • 40 or more persons employed at the place. 5. Health, safety and wellbeing governance structure The ability of all employees, particularly those in leadership positions, to make informed decisions on . Creately diagrams can be exported and added to Word, PPT (powerpoint), Excel, Visio or any other document. Select a number of points to be communicated to top management. When a safety committee is working as it should, employees and managers work together to address safety concerns before they cause injuries. When determining what decision making structure is appropriate for your workplace, there is a choice between an . Yet an effective health and safety program takes the commitment and energy of many individuals and that is why a joint committee structure facilitates the work of individuals. Maintaining an effective process for assessing, referring, and analyzing or making conclusions regarding work together. The employer must provide a suitable meeting place for committee meetings. TYPE A - In every work place having a total of over four hundred (400) workers, the following Health and Safety Committee shall be organized: (1.) One or more health and safety committee (s) must be established when employers have appointed two or more health and safety representatives or when inspectors from the Department of Labour instruct the employers to do so. A joint health and safety committee is required on a farming operation if there are 20 or more workers who are regularly employed in the workplace and have duties related to one or more of the following operations: . Terms of reference describe the purpose and structure of a committee. Sample Incident Investigation Report (PDF) Sample Safety Committee Bylaws (PDF) Sample Safety Committee Meeting Minutes (PDF) Sample Safety Policy Statement (PDF) Workplace Inspection Checklist (PDF) Workplace Inspection Committee Action Sheet (PDF) If you don't see what you're looking for, contact us at. Responsibilities of the health and safety committees include: Program Administration Table [number] provides contact information for the safety committee. Safety Committee Members: Their Duties and Functions In every workplace, whether large or small, a health and safety committee shall be established in order to respond to needs of the workers. This should include office staff. Maintain a reasonable rotation among committee members. . The committee is a visible and approachable body for safety or health complaints, suggestions, and the like. System Safety Committee: The System Safety Committee is comprised of Premier Health System VP Pharmacy Operations, Director Risk Management, Compliance . Local committees manage specific areas of the university, ensuring a consistent approach. The Health & Safety Committee has formed a number of local health and safety sub-committees for each area, such as the Western General Hospital or Corporate Services. or an . The essences of the Act are the provisions in Part IV to The health and safety committee program is managed by EH&S. Each committee is supported by executive leadership known as the executive sponsor. A safety committee is an organizational group within a workplace with members from management, the workforce as well as from all departments and staffs. Local OHS Committees. In carrying out this function safety committees ought to consider the drawing up of agreed A member appointed by the Chairman of IADC will chair the IADC Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Committee. OSHA standards play a crucial role in workforce management, safety program development and accident prevention. They give a clear . The Council of Governors holds to account the non-executive directors on our Board of Directors. With management direction, much of the coordination of safety training activities can be accomplished by the safety committee. A workplace health and safety committees (HSC) is a formal committee established to facilitate cooperation between an employer and workers in developing and carrying out measures to ensure health and safety at work. Safety/Health Planning ♦ Establish procedures to review inspection reports and make appropriate implementation of new safety/health rules and work practices. These steps are: Clarify the Purpose: Develop (or Revisit) the Charter. Hawk also favors having one person serve as the committee's "conscience.". Health and Safety Representatives. WHAT IF WE ALREADY HAVE A UNION HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE? Each committee should be made up of individuals from various areas . Committees which represent all functions or departments allow the organization to take an overall look at safety requirements and to foresee problems that might otherwise cause difficulties. As an advisory body, the effectiveness of the committee very much depends on the results it . It is one of the methods of consultation. Failing to uphold OSHA's standards, whether general or industry-specific, can lead to financial penalties and may . Report a hazard or incident. The committee may be a formal arrangement with weekly or monthly meetings. SAMPLE SAFETY COMMITTEE FUNCTIONS WITH OBJECTIVES AND DUTIES, cont. The department's HSW committee is the peak parent committee for health, safety and wellbeing in the department. The Trust's Board of Directors has a responsibility to make the best use of financial resources and deliver the services people need, to standards of safety and quality which are agreed nationally. Review incidents involving work-related fatalities, injuries, illnesses or near misses related to occupational health and clinical safety. All departments should be represented. The Health and Safety Committee is the forum to look at wider workplace issues, such as development of policies, training programs, review of the maintenance schedule, employment of consultants, and so on. Creately diagrams can be exported and added to Word, PPT (powerpoint), Excel, Visio or any other document. Committee's duties: They may make and keep records of recommendations to employers and inspectors; Health and safety committee [classic] Use Creately's easy online diagram editor to edit this diagram, collaborate with others and export results to multiple image formats. Conduct safety and health job analyses to identify problems. Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) County SANTA CLARA & SAN MATEO Centers . Each Safety Committee should be made up of individuals from various areas and levels of organization representing administration, operating departments, and staff personnel. council committee structure in what was previously undertaken as either Health and Safety, or Risk Management. SAFETY & HEALTH COMMITTEE. This is to be achieved through the formation and conduct of health, safety and wellbeing committees and other forums at department, region and workplace levels, as well as at branch level .

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health and safety committee structure