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Of the main language families, nine include at least 1 percent or more of the human population. The Indo-European languages are a language family native to western and southern Eurasia.It comprises most of the languages of Europe together with those of the northern Indian subcontinent and the Iranian Plateau.Some European languages of this family, such as English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Danish, Dutch, and Spanish, have expanded through colonialism in the modern period and are now . Eastern Europe is the eastern region of Europe.There is no consistent definition of the precise area it covers, partly because the term has a wide range of geopolitical, geographical, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic connotations. Physical map of Europe. ___ Official and Spoken Languages of European Countries. It is used as a second language in most of the English speaking countries in Europe, not to mention the fact that it is the single most important language in the world when it comes to international business activity! Concerning the people or languages of Eastern Europe. You won't have to go far to find an English speaking country in Europe as there are over 370 million English speakers out of about 450 million EU residents! The marshes and surrounding forests are a haven for wildlife, including elk, lynx, wild boar, and grouse. The Slavic Track provides instruction in a Slavic language other than Russian (Czech, Polish, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian), and . The regional languages are predominantly Slavic, with the exceptions of Estonian and Hungarian (both Uralic languages), Romanian (a holdover from the days . Pie Graph of Major Religions in all of Eastern Europe . The map on page 267 shows the languages of Eastern Europe. Welcome to the Program in Russian and East European Languages and Literatures at Rutgers. We all know at least one person who when going on holiday to Spain learns the phrase 'Hola, una cerveza por . The major in Russian and East European Studies provides a program of study that enables a broad multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural understanding of the languages, literatures, cultures, histories, and societies of Russia, Central and Eastern European, and the Balkan and Baltic regions. Georgian is the official and primary language of Georgia. Indo-European languages developed during the Neolithic times in the Middle East. 4013x3109 / 6,35 Mb Go to Map. So what we have put together here is a map of the most spoken/official language of the countries of Europe. Eastern Europe: People speak languages with Slavic roots. You can click on the map above to get a visual relationship of the languages and the countries they are attached to. This bar-code number lets you verify that you're getting exactly the right version or edition of a book. The classification used in The Alphabets of Europe is based on, but is not identical with, the classification found in Merritt Ruhlen's A guide to the world's languages.Volume 1: Classification, 1992 (ISBN -340-56186-6), which is a well-defined taxonomy with a bibliography . There are over 30 languages spoken in Europe today. Did you know that with approximately 40 million people who speak Burmese, Burmese is actually a more widely spoken language than some minor European languages like Swedish? Russian is the most commonly spoken language in Europe. It was the Eastern European expansion . Find the Russian and eastern European languages and literature colleges that are right for you. Czech Lithuanian Russian Albanian (Gheg & Tosk) Estonian Macedonian Serbian Belarusian Georgian Moldovan Slovak (Slovakian) Bosnian Hungarian Montenegrin Slovenian (Slovene) Bulgarian Kazakh Polish Ukrainian Croatian/Hrvatski Latvian Romanian Other languages may also be considered Eastern European languages. Vast areas in the south of Belarus are low-lying and covered by swampy marshland, fed by the Byerazino and Dnieper Rivers. The map on page 267 shows the languages of Eastern Europe. There are over 30 languages spoken in Europe today. Russian. The list, which he had worked on for more than 20 years, contained the most universal and common words used in languages, and was intended to quantify the interrelatedness of languages. Most Europeans speak an Indo-European language. Official Languages of the European Union . Map of Europe with capitals. Today the Europe East DNA profile is detected most commonly in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Latvia, but is also detected in smaller portions in many neighboring regions. Eastern Europe has a high latitude making it susceptible to cold winters and mild summers similar to the climate of Michigan or Ohio. Georgian is divided into East Georgian and West Georgian groups that are together related . In 1971 Dr. Morris Swadesh published a list of 100 words. The Pripet Marshes stretch over 15,500 sq miles (40,000 sq km) and form the largest expanse of wetland in Europe. There are four major language groups in the Middle East. It is a Kartvelian language whose spoken form has many dialects and written in its own writing system. 1. Explore the best colleges with Russian and eastern European languages and literature degrees. Romance, Germanic, Baltic, Slavic, Hellenic, and Celtic languages all belong to the Indo-European language family, and the top-level family of branches of non-Indo-European languages is always given in parentheses (except for Basque, which is a language family itself). what are the 4 major languages of Europe known as the "Roman languages" - French - Spanish - Italian - Portuguese . Europe is a continent with many countries (about 50) and almost each country has its own language, known as the national language. The Major Languages of Eastern Europe 1st Edition . The major in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, administered by the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, offers an interdisciplinary approach to the study of a broad region: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, and central Asia; Poland, Hungary, the Czech and Slovak Republics, and other areas in east central Europe; and . French, Dutch, and Spanish are also very demanded languages, followed by Italian and the Scandinavian languages ( Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Finnish ). All African languages are considered official languages of the African Union : Map showing the distribution of African language families and some major African . Completion of the second year or higher of ONE of the following East European languages: Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian (BCMS 406 or 410) Bulgarian (BULGR 406) Czech (CZECH 406) Polish (POLSH 406) Romanian (ROMN 406) Slovene (SLVN 406) Ukrainian (UKR 406) SLAVIC 101, SLAVIC 320, SLAVIC 370, and SLAVIC 425 (20 credits) 1200x1047 / 216 Kb Go to Map. There are thousands of religions or variants of them in the world. Students must establish credit for level 4 of Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian , Czech , Hungarian , Polish , or Russian as a prerequisite for a major concentration in Slavic and East European languages and cultures. Western Europe (Robinson Project) By Serg!o [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons. CULTURAL DIVERSITY. The first-year level of the major language of study cannot be counted toward the minor. Romanian: One of the changes to Vulgar Latin made in Romania was that an unstressed "o" became "'u," so you may see Rumania (the country) and Rumanian (the language), instead of Romania and Romanian. Thus, it takes less time for a native English speaker to learn Persian than to learn Arabic, Hebrew or Turkish. Religious geographers recognize three main types of religions: universal, ethnic, and traditional. First established as the Department of Slavonic Languages in 1915 and redesigned as the Department of East European Languages in 1935, the Department of Slavic Languages embarked on its present trajectory in 1946, when a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation permitted the establishment of the Russian (now Harriman) Institute. Here you will find a vibrant undergraduate and graduate program, with award-winning teaching, innovative courses, and state of the art language instruction; Department of Germanic, Russian and Eastern European Languages and Literatures | School of Arts and Sciences - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Some cities, such as Ljubljana, experience plenty of rainfall, while others such as Moscow have snow cover for months on end, and places such as Dubrovnik enjoy above-freezing temperatures year . by Nicole Stansley. Around two million people in the world speak Latvian as their first or second language. This is a very idiosyncratic volume. Estonian is a Uralic language, heavily influenced by Finnish. It includes European, some Asian, and newly adopted American languages. Russian is mostly spoken in the eastern part of the continent. Using the Indo-European Family . Major in Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures offers two tracks: Russian and Slavic. . Hungary's mighty capital is growing in stature as a major Eastern European destination, rivaling Prague and Krakow. many Slavic languages. CULTURAL DIVERSITY. Indo-European languages developed during the Neolithic times in the Middle East. Grouping all of these countries under a single designation can sometimes be problematic; experts, scholars, and those living there label parts of the region according to varying sets of criteria, and heated debates have been known to erupt when one party has felt that a certain country . The major requires students to reach the third tier of courses in their language, plus nine courses which will include upper-level AMES courses. It is similar to the neighboring language of Lithuanian but has had swifter development. Sources. This region has four very distinctive seasons. Official Language Of Georgia. By the medieval period, the Eastern Roman Empire had evolved into the Byzantine Empire (ca. The four main religions of the world are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. (Moldova-)Romania is the only country in the Eastern European area that speaks a Romance language. Because Eastern Europe contains a variety of ethnic groups, the region as a whole is a patchwork of different languages and religions. Country: Greece Eastern Europe: Most people follow Orthodox Christianity or Islam. For example, French is the official language in France, which is a member state of the European Union, and thus it is also an official language of the EU. The Most Spoken Languages In Europe. A language family is a group of languages originating from an earlier language (protolanguage-reconstructed ancestral language).Indo-European language family is the largest language family. Dutch is much easier to learn than German, but many people dismiss this language because The Netherlands is no longer a world power. Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (REEES) is an interdisciplinary program that provides a broad range of courses in the history, language, literature, and social and political life of Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, and former Soviet Eurasia. However, not all of these individuals speak Russian as a mother tongue, although most can speak the language at a native level. Eastern Europe is consisting mostly of people who believe in Christianity having about 84.01% of Eastern Europe's population. An estimated 370 million people in Europe can use English. Eastern Europeans mostly speak English as a second language, as Eastern education systems had made it mandatory for young people from the end of Communism. 2. European Russia has a population of 110 million people, and 106 million of that total speak Russian. The closest language to Kurdish is Persian; so the grammar is . The program provides students with a comprehensive education in the languages, literatures, cultures, and history of Russia, Eastern and Central Europe and Eurasia. When we count the top 10 most spoken languages according to the total number of people who speak them (whether or not the language is their mother tongue), eight of the 10 languages from the list above still make an appearance, but with a few major differences: English narrowly edges out Chinese for the top spot, Japanese and Punjabi lose their spots, and French and Indonesian join the top 10 . Russian is a_____ laguage. Founded in 1948, the Department of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures is one of the oldest and most prominent programs in its field in the United States. Required: Central and East European Studies 91 or Slavic 90. A key cultural component that shapes national and cultural identity in Europe is language. Russia, located in Eastern Europe, is both the largest and most populous country of Europe, spanning roughly 40% of the continent's total landmass, with over 15% . The number of languages makes it difficult to unify the region. The East-West Divide. List of official, national and spoken Languages of Europe. Before they disappear forever, let's take a look at the 10 most endangered languages in Europe. Kurdish is spoken in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq by the Kurds. This is particularly interesting because while most languages in Europe use the Latin alphabet, Russian uses the Cyrillic alphabet instead. Europe - Europe - Religions: The majority of primary culture groups in Europe have a single dominant religion, although the English, German, Swiss, Hungarian, and Netherlandic groups are noteworthy for the coexistence of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. Precipitation here can be very heavy, considering that it snows for almost half of the year in a majority of this region. The uses of a particular syntactic construction in the languages of South-Eastern Europe, involving a complemen-tizer heading a main . Divided into two halves, hilly historical Buda and flat, gritty Pest, the glory of the Austro-Hungarian empire, the horrors of the Arrow Cross Fascist regime and communist oppression, and the contemporary hipster revival of the .
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