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Mailing address: Providence Health Plan P.O. 1-732-452-6000 If you haven't already registered for Braven Health EDI, please do so immediately. Wellcare Health Plans. Service. Enrollment in HealthTeam Advantage depends on contract renewal. Personal Health Record (PHR) A confidential, electronic medical record with information available from medical claims and testing, along with information provided by the patient. HMO and Medicare Advantage - 1-800-624-0756 (TTY: 711) Indemnity and PPO-based plans - 1-888-MD AETNA (1-888-632-3862) (TTY: 711) Voluntary plans - 1-888-772-9682 (TTY: 711) Worker's comp - 1-800-238-6288 (TTY: 711) ASA and Meritain - use phone number on member's ID card Our hours of operation are Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) At Advantage Health Plans Trust, we are community banks. Please address lien and subrogation requests to the Plan at: ET, seven days a week . Arkansas Blue Cross Doctor and Hospital Service. Medicaid. We know that health insurance can be confusing at times. UnitedHealthcare exchange plans. Contact Cigna Customer Service at 1 (800) 997-1654 or visit this page to find specific phone numbers for plan and coverage questions or a claims mailing address. **Referrals are required for home health and occupational, speech and physical therapies. Box 4327 Portland, Oregon 97208-4327 Providence Health Plan 1500 Valley River Drive, Ste. 164.501 and 506(c) and health care providers as defined by the Health Insurance . Call for more information: prospective members call 877-905-9216, HTA PPO members call 888-965-1965, and HTA HMO CSNP members call 888-965-1965 (TTY:711) from October 1-March 31, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Medicare Health Plan Sales Presentation. Behavioral health program: 1-888-444-0422. This information is not a complete description of benefits. Call our toll free number (888) 327‑0671 (TTY: 711) with questions or concerns-OR-Contact us by email.. Our Provider Services Department can answer your questions regarding:. View PHR. Once registered, you'll be able to access the details of your personal benefit information online — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can reach the Medicare Compliance Department using the contact information listed below. professional interpreter when dealing with one of our Georgia Health Advantage Members call the Provider Help Desk at 1-844-917-0645. 200 Eugene, OR . Birmingham, AL 35283-0698. Call us. Y0056_400040062200_2022 CMS-accepted 01032022 Last updated 01012022. Coventry (Including workers compensation and auto injury) 800-937-6824. Benefits, eligibility, and claims: 800-533-1833: EDI (Electronic claims submission) 866-921-5310: Claims submission address: KPIC Claims Administator . *Disclaimer: These plans have limited benefits when searching outside of your local geographic area. McLaren Health Plan provider portal. Toll-free: 844-697-4071. If you have questions about American Health Advantage of Texas, require assistance in selecting a PCP, or need to report errors in this directory, please call our Member Service Department at 855-521-0628, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven (7) days a week October 1 through March 31, and. We are a self-funded multiple-employer plan, not-for-profit, overseen by a group of trustees comprised of your own peer bankers. P.O. With the ease and convenience of CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Advantage DualPrime's all-inclusive health coverage, you can spend more time doing what makes you happy. Enrollment in Providence Medicare Advantage Plans depends on contract renewal. Hours of Operation Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Provider Service Center helps with contracting, patient services, precertification and many other questions. If you're hard of hearing, you can call: 711. Signing up is easy! As providers, we supply you with the most current of forms to use in the office, or to check to make sure your copy is the newest available. PO Box 9746. P.O. Our staff speaks English and Spanish. Forms, drug information, plan information education and training. View PHR. Enrollment in HealthTeam Advantage depends on contract renewal. 952-883-7511 / 952-883-6140. Switchboard: 1-800-322-0280. For more information on benefits or payment levels for providers outside of Arkansas, call customer service at the number on the back of your member ID card . If you have an individual or family plan Member Experience Team: 920-720-1400 or 855-275-1400. Portland, ME 04103. If you speak another language or need an interpreter, call Member Services for help. Johns Hopkins HealthCare has a Compliance Department Division dedicated to Johns Hopkins Advantage MD. Enrollment in Freedom Health, Inc. depends on contract renewal. Phone: Local: 410-762-1575. Please contact HealthTeam Advantage at 877-905-9216 (TTY: 711), October 1 - March 31, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. By offering this site, we're required to meet all applicable federal laws, including the standards established under 45 CFR 155.220(c) and (d) and 45 CFR 155.260 to protect the privacy and security of personal information. HMO: 1-877-293-4998. Banner Medicare Advantage Prime HMO (844) 549-1857, TTY users should dial 711. All it takes is some basic information from you along with a valid email address. WHA encourages our providers to use these guidelines to support practices consistent with nationally recognized standards of care Medical Record Management WHA established medical record policies and procedures to ensure consistency in practice and effective communication among providers. Box 31370. Contact us. Local phone number. Wellcare Health Plans. If you have an urgent medical situation please contact your doctor. . And if you ask us, part of doing the . Contact our Customer Care Center today. Use our Provider Search tool to find a provider near you. X to plus. Claims payments This site is operated by Health Alliance and is not the Health Insurance Marketplace site. 419-887-2582. Furthermore, I understand that the files that I am requesting to download contain Protected Health Information ("PHI"), and that must be protected and only made available to affiliated Covered Entities for health care operational purposes consistent with 45 C.F.R. Amerigroup Amerivantage (Medicare Advantage) 1-866-805-4589. Out-of-state providers. Peoples Health special needs plans are available to anyone who has both Medicare and medical assistance from the state or Louisiana Medicaid. Contact us. Provider Services: 1-888-444-0501. Contact Us McLaren Health Plan G-3245 Beecher Rd Flint, MI 48532 (888) 327-0671 (TTY: 711) Members and Providers can use McLaren CONNECT (member or provider portal) to submit non-urgent messages to McLaren Health Plan. Health Information Network (HIN) Provides access to patient information including demographics, eligibility and benefits, claims, claim submission, claim correction, claim status, remittance advices, fee schedules, and more. 1-877-844-4999 / TTY 711 for technical issues all day, every day. For a complete list of available plans please contact 1-800-MEDICARE (TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048 ), 24 hours a day/7 days a week or consult . Health Advantage customer service 800-843-1329 Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday. Please address lien and subrogation requests to the Plan at: Furthermore, I understand that the files that I am requesting to download contain Protected Health Information ("PHI"), and that must be protected and only made available to affiliated Covered Entities for health care operational purposes consistent with 45 C.F.R. Health Advantage's EDI payer ID is 38338. ET, seven days a week, or April 1 - September 30, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The support of an interdisciplinary care team. Take Your Health Risk Assessment This information is not a complete description of benefits. Personal Health Record (PHR) A confidential, electronic medical record with information available from medical claims and testing, along with information provided by the patient. 895 Washington Avenue. To request a hard copy of Blue Advantage's provider directory, please call our Member Service Department at 1-888-234-8266, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven (7) days a week. We know that health insurance can be confusing at times. Under the Medicaid Home and Community-Based ADvantage Waiver, Oklahoma Human Services offers services to eligible adults as an alternative to care in a nursing facility.. Sales. Service Area. For more information on becoming a Liberty Advantage contracted provider, please contact Network Operations at 1-844-854-6884 (TTY 711) or via email at Please address legal matters to the Plan at: ATTN: Legal Department. Toll free: 1-888-891-0707. Finding doctors, hospitals, other health care providers and pharmacies in Health New England's Medicare Advantage network is easy. Records of the training, including participant names, must be retained and available for inspection upon request for 10 years after the end date of the . Box 830698. If you need assistance accessing information or documents on the Dean Health Plan website and require the information be provided in an alternate format, please contact our call center at 1-800-279-1301 (TTY: 711). Martin's Point Health Care. 1901 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103. Dental Provider Relations. Portland, ME 04104-5040. Contact Number; Health Net Provider Services Center (Except Medi-Cal and Medicare) 1-800-641-7761: Provider Services Medi-Cal: 1-800-675-6110 1-800-281-2999 (fax) Provider Services Cal MediConnect: Los Angeles County San Diego County: 1-855-464-3571 1-855-464-3572: Provider Services Medicare Advantage Plans: Green, Ruby, Healthy Heart I, Violet . Freedom Health, Inc. is an HMO with a Medicare contract and a contract with the state of Florida Medicaid program. Box 30547 State/Public School Personnel. Call us. Medicare Advantage: 1-844-282-3026. (HMO, POS, OA and HSA policies) Already a member? Banner Medicare Advantage Prime HMO (844) 549-1857, TTY users should dial 711. 7700 Forsyth Boulevard. A Buckeye Health Plan representative may contact you regarding your inquiry. Submit a dental inquiry. Tampa, FL 33631. Call: 800-843-1329. Phone. P.O. Contracted providers are paid according to the McLaren Health Advantage fee schedule. Join our networks. 952-883-5168 / 877-839-8199. If you have any questions about Prominence Health Plan coverage, please contact us. Already a member? 1-888-403-7682. Then select Chat with Payer and complete the pre-chat form to start your chat. Learn More About Dual-Eligible Plans. Get extra benefits, like: health & wellness items, a monthly food card, Part D drugs, transportation to doctor appointments, fitness club membership and more. An online resource for group members to manage your benefit enrollment. 800-810-BLUE (2583) The BlueLine. It's personal attention to your wellbeing. Member Services Email: The Providence Medicare Advantage Plans is an HMO, HMO-POS and HMO SNP with Medicare and Oregon Health Plan contracts. Clover Health is a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) and a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) with a Medicare contract. Fax: 410-762-1502. Easy as 1-2-Free! * The Wells Fargo Health Advantage ® credit card is issued with approved credit by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Let Banner simplify the process for you, so you can focus on making the best choice for your health care needs. Medical Injection Preauthorization Request Form Alerts Provider Alert - CareFirst / UMMS Partnership and Acquisition Provider Alert - COVID-19 Testing Newsletters Summer 2020 Provider Newsletter Summer/Fall 2021 Provider Newsletter Provider/Customer Service: 410-779-9359 or 800-730-8543 (through your employer) 1-866-414-1959 / TTY 711 for general information. Health New England has a robust network of providers spanning throughout Western Massachusetts and into parts of Connecticut and Vermont. Medical management: 800-544-3907 Non-emergent ambulance: 844-749-5860 You can also search by provider name, city, or specialty. 7700 Forsyth Boulevard. Customer Service. Fax: 419-887-2017 Advantage Health Care Provider, Inc., the "Advantage Health" is contracted by the State of Hawaii to assist with the placement of Intellectually & Developmentally Disabled (I/DD) Clients in privately owned, licensed Residential Care Homes and provides Oversight. For new accounts, the APR for Purchases is 12.99%. Box 31370. Aetna Medical and Behavioral health. Perennial Consortium, LLC was formed in 2019 when three prominent senior living providers Christian Living Communities (Englewood, Colorado), Juniper Communities (Bloomfield, New Jersey) and Ohio Living (Columbus, Ohio), and managed services partner and risk management company AllyAlign Health (Glen . 800-451-7715. (Arkansas policies only) BlueCard® Service. Contact your Health Net sales representative, or call 1-800-448-4411, option 4: Medicare Advantage: 1-800-949-3022, option 2: Medicare Advantage TTY (hearing and speech impaired) 711: Medicare Supplement (Medi-Gap) Sales and Enrollment: 1-800-944-7287: Cal MediConnect - Health Care Options: 1-844-580-7272 800-238-6279. Here, you'll find the pharmacy tools, administrative resources, educational materials and more to give your patients the best possible Gateway Health experience. Product. By Phone: Call the number on the back of the member's ID card or dial 800-676-BLUE (2583) to . Title: UnitedHealthcare Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) Network Care Provider Quick Reference Guide Author: Microsoft Office User Subject: This guide provides out-of-network physicians, hospitals and health care professionals with quick access to a variety of resources to help make it easier for you to contact us about UnitedHealthcare Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) plans. Provider Materials Request for Authorization Download Request for PA for OON Download Liberty Advantage Portal Access Message Download Main Phone. 888-632-3862. G-3245 Beecher Road Flint, MI 48532 Phone: (888) 327-0671 TTY: 711 Fax: (833) 540-8648 Our Medicare Advantage plan, SelectHealth Advantage (HMO, HMO-SNP), offers medical and pharmacy benefits together in one simple plan. Tutorial on how to lookup . Identification of Georgia Health Advantage Each member of a Georgia Health Advantage plan will have a Georgia Health Advantage identification card and has been educated to present it at each visit. McLaren Health Advantage. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. Call 1-800-401-2740 (TTY: 711) for more information. Provider Manual. Claims on or before December 31, 2021, for all lines of business and 2022 Small/Large Group Commercial: AdventHealth Advantage Plans. Ambetter from Superior HealthPlan. coventry medicare advantage provider phone number. Please address legal matters to the Plan at: ATTN: Legal Department. Contact with questions about dental contract, reimbursement or escalated service issues. For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings call (877) 549-1741 (TTY: 711). Phone: 207-774-5801. BayCare Select Health Plans is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Contact us. We built this Plan for you and for ourselves in 1977 because of a genuine desire to do the right thing. This Information is not a complete description of benefits. 1-877-687-1196. Enrollment in Priority Health Medicare depends on contract renewal. Contact information for members with individual or family plans. Braven Health has a separate Payer ID (84367) Providers must use this separate Payer ID for Braven Health for claims and other electronic transactions with Braven Health. Coventry Medicare Advantage Plan with Part D Prescription Drug Coverage. Aetna Provider Phone Number for below plans - 800-624-0756. For information about joining McLaren Health Advantage, please contact a Provider Services Representative at (888) 327‑0671. Tampa, FL 33631. Resources to help you provide quality care to patients with Priority Health benefits. Advantage Health Care Provider, Inc., the "Advantage Health" is contracted by the State of Hawaii to assist with the placement of Intellectually & Developmentally Disabled (I/DD) Clients in privately owned, licensed Residential Care Homes and provides Oversight. By Phone. Phone. Member Services Fax: 210-766-8851. Fax. CommuniCare Advantage's Model of Care is proactive and facilitates early evaluation and risk assessment through the following: Health risk assessment and health risk stratification. PNS Contact Tool. P.O. Learn more. Email. Let Banner simplify the process for you, so you can focus on making the best choice for your health care needs. Contact medical management to request precertification/prior authorization for inpatient admissions, outpatient rehabilitation, home health & hospice, SNF, DME, etc. 800-482-8416. Create a prism account to begin the credentialing process to join Priority Health networks. Call for more information: prospective members call 877-905-9216, HTA PPO members call 888-965-1965, and HTA HMO CSNP members call 888-965-1965 (TTY:711) from October 1-March 31, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Information on how to contact McLaren Health Plan. ET, Monday through Friday. US Family Health Plan: 1-800-678-7347. St. Louis, MO 63105. Enrollment in Clover Health depends on contract renewal. Centene Plaza. 952-883-5160. Health insurance plans. 501-378-2307 or 800-827-4814. Get answers to your questions about eligibility, benefits, authorizations, claims status and more. 1-800-454-3730. Your inquiry will be reviewed. Enrollment in BayCare Select Health Plans depends on contract renewal. Exchange Customer Service Metallic plan members (Gold, Silver, Bronze and Catastrophic) If you would like more information about the health plan options that are available to you and your employees, please call your insurance agent or contact: Providence Health Plan sales team . Health Advantage service. Health Advantage Medicare Advantage plans Includes vision, hearing, and other providers. Perennial Advantage is more than a health plan. We invite and welcome your inquiries. Go to Availity Portal and select Anthem from the payer spaces drop-down. A partnership with local, community-based leaders who understand your challenges because we are providers, too. Current Members: PPO: 1-877-293-5325. Contact us. Johns Hopkins Advantage MD is available to residents of these counties: Anne Arundel. If you have an insurance plan through your employer Member Experience Team: 920-720-1300 or 800-826-0940 TTY/TDD: 800-947-3529 Fax: 920-720-1909. The goal of this program is to provide services which allow Medicaid eligible persons who need nursing facility level of care to remain at home or in the residential setting of their choosing while receiving the necessary care. Contact our Customer Care Center today. 800.300.1506 toll-free Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., (excluding holidays) 800.889.4500 TTY 888.329.3700 fax Website: Provider Relations 916.614.6096 or 844.870.2178 toll-free Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (excluding holidays) 916.568.0126 fax By Phone. Please fill out the below form or contact us at 1-866-246-4358 . Priority Health has HMO-POS and PPO plans with a Medicare contract. Pharmacy. 122 St. John Street • Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 361-0900 Local • (888) 823-1910 Toll-Free TTY 711 (for the hearing impaired) Monday - Friday: 8 am - 8 pm Compliance Chief Audit Executive, Vice President - Audit, Compliance, & Privacy • Mary Saporito • Medicare Compliance Officer • Wes Miller • You can contact Health First Health Plans' Customer Service Department with any questions or comments by phone, mail, in person or online. Medicare members: For further assistance, call Customer Service toll-free at 1.800.716.7737 (TTY/TDD relay: 1.800.955.8771 ) weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Sign in to If you have. If you have a life threatening emergency, please contact 911. If you are charged interest in any billing cycle, the minimum charge will be $1. Dental. Dental Network and Contracting. You can enroll over the phone, online or meet with a licensed sales agent today by calling: 1-844-331-6334 (TTY: 711) 8 AM - 8 PM EST, 7 days a week from October 1 - March 31. Doctor and Hospital Service Lines. ET, seven days a week . This video will take you through step-by-step on how to look up providers that are "in-network" with Coventry Healthcare Medicare Advantage Plan. For plans that provide drug coverage, the formulary may change during the year. All providers and their employees, contractors, governing bodies and downstream entities who partner with Medicare Advantage and Part D prescription drug plans are required to take the training. 164.501 and 506(c) and health care providers as defined by the Health Insurance . Number. From April 1 to September 30, on weekends and holidays you may be required to leave a message. Health Advantage Customer Service. Health Net Medicare Advantage for California Post Office Box 10420 Van Nuys, CA 91410 From October 1 - March 31, you can call us 7 days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. From April 1 - September 30, you can call us Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. A messaging system is used after hours, weekends, and on federal holidays. Complete the Provider Email Sign-Up Form to receive email updates with the latest information, including Partners in Health Update SM. 800-843-1329. Click here for contact information for Martin's Point Health Care Centers. St. Louis, MO 63105. Calls will be returned the next business day. For medical questions, call a registered nurse any time, day or night: Health Insurance Exchange Plans: 1-844 . If you prefer, you may enroll in Priority Health Medicare Advantage plans through the CMS Online Enrollment Center at Centene Plaza. Locate your designated AmeriHealth Provider Network Services (PNS) team contact.. Mailing Addresses. If you have an emergency or crisis, call 9-1-1 or visit the nearest hospital or emergency room.
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