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Pluto will be passing through Aquarius from 2024 till 2042. With Pluto came television, news with pictures and a smorgasbord of frightful behavior. Your Aquarius Factors, Tarot and 2021. Keeping the conversation going in social settings with strangers or mere acquaintances can be difficult for some, but an eleventh-house Mercury can be a great help. From Jan 2024, the media will not have the power it has and will be decentralized as will the internet and peer-to-peer communication will give people the power without govt intervention. But, I’ve been trudging through my 2nd Saturn Return since 2018, plus Saturn and Pluto grinding back & forth over my Sun, and now both of them headed to do the same over my Moon-Venus conjunction in early Aquarius. While social media ostensibly makes it easier to connect with others, online contacts do not have the same quality of connection as face to face communication. As we make the shift towards a sustainable lifestyle, it’s worth mentioning that after Pluto has been in Aquarius for a couple of years, Uranus and Pluto will form five trine aspects (2026-2028) with Uranus in Gemini. The astrological reason is Saturn in Aquarius. Does Aquarius rule social media? Age of Aquarius Aquarius Aquarius… Saturn and Pluto are hardly the types to let you buy on credit or pay with “peace and love.” It’s gonna take hard work and effort to “let the sunshine in…leeeeeet the sunshine in,” especially when those blindingly idealistic rays try to penetrate the fortress of Pluto’s cavernous underworld. Jul 22. Should we be worried? Yes, you read that right – that’s 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius! Jupiter in Pisces and into Aries. Aquarius represents universal unity and the process we get to that point can take many forms. A new Pluto-Saturn cycle begins, Saturn moves into Aquarius, the nodal axis moves into Gemini-Sagittarius, Mars will go retrograde in Aries and there is a new Saturn-Jupiter cycle to finish the year. This transit of Pluto in Aquarius may represent the breakdown of the global economy or possibly social media as a form of creating human connection. 2008 ~ Pluto Into Capricorn. On a personal level, Pluto will have influence only if he is powerful in the natal chart. ... (Pluto in Capricorn). We open the week with Mercury Retrograde conjunct Pluto on Jan 28. Renee notes that Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, a year that saw a … That is quite a bit. 2020 promises some real game-changers. 1778 Pluto enters Aquarius 0 Degrees. Up until then it was still thought that Britain could win. Read more on the future of money according to astrology in American Revolution 2.0 and The Astrology of Money: Bitcoin and the Aquarian Techocalypse.. As Pluto settled into its first Capricorn season on January 3, 2009, a mysterious figure named “Satoshi Nakamoto” provided the means for crypto … This transit of Pluto in Aquarius may represent the breakdown of the global economy or possibly social media as a form of creating human connection. Observations as Pluto enters Aquarius. Jupiter in Aquarius in the 1st House. Pluto has been grinding its way inexorably through Capricorn since 2008, pulling down old structures – in the Capricorn-ruled arenas of finance and government – razing the old status quo to ashes, with the hope of rebuilding better on the far side. • Social media outages or account deletions. ... By the time we hit the Aquarius Pluto generation, they might not even remember a time when humans drove cars or delivered packages. Venus Direct / New Moon in Aquarius – January 2022. 1783 Pluto in Aquarius 8 Degrees. It forecasts a turning point in human affairs, but there’s a folk in the road. This sense of destiny gives … The 2004-2012 Neptune in Aquarius period saw the emergence of the social media era, the digitalization of social networks. In 2022 Pluto returns to 27 degrees Capricorn. Quick witted, rational, talkative and generally light on their feet in social settings, the chart holder with an eleventh-house Mercury has an advantage. Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. The Pluto Return In The U.S. The Aquarian is the outsider who supplies the pooled resources of others. As the sign of social patterns, of electricity and of wireless communication, Aquarius is the perfect metaphor for digital conditions taking over our lives. The dying days of Pluto (absolute power, corrupting absolutely) in the sign of ambition, Capricorn, takes place in October 2022, at the same time as an unforgiving square from Uranus at 18 Taurus (the economic shock) to Saturn at 18 Aquarius (the reality of group trading – for example, the twinned use of social media and cryptocurrency). Pluto returns to this degree: 2022. They wanted to gain the liberty and ability to choose how they wanted to live and to change the rules of the game so that women had a place in society. Your partner’s chart shows Saturn at 26 Capricorn, so it’s very close to an opposition. One thing I’m doing to cope is deleting 99% of my social media replies BEFORE I post them. Pluto in Leo (born around 1939 to 1956): Pluto brings drama and a sense of destiny to your personal life. This is a lot of Pluto energy! Technology is Aquarian & we certainly are racing ahead in its growth. Aquarius relates to science, scientific discoveries, technological advances, outer space, political and social revolutions, social change, egalitarianism, and progressive ideas. Pluto’s orbit is extremely eccentric, wildly off the ecliptic and sometimes closer to the Sun than Neptune, spending 14-31 years in a sign. Pluto in Aquarius – The Crisis of Being Human. This is an example of the shadow side of Aquarius: the pressure to conform. ... Pluto in Aquarius. You have the power to identify and change what isn’t working in your life or the world around you. For those of you who have been keeping up with the news lately, Southwest became slightly more lenient on workers applying for exemptions for the COVID vaccine. It will finally station direct on Oct. 6 at 24 degrees in the sign of sturdy, committed, and authoritarian Capricorn. Anyone who studies real astrology (as opposed to popastrology) needs to study ancient texts, such as the scriptures of India. (Not exact though). With the ties to all of humanity, friendships/groups and its reputation for technological innovation, could we see the end of an era for social media while Pluto is in Aquarius? Dates. This transit of Pluto in Aquarius may represent the breakdown of the global economy or possibly social media as a form of creating human connection. The Sun in Aquarius meets Saturn in Aquarius on February 4, 2022 at 2:04 pm ET. Pluto in Scorpio saw the AIDS epidemic and satanic panic, Pluto in Sagittarius saw a resurgence of Christian Fundamentalism and religious terrorism abroad, Pluto in Capricorn brought us the 2008 economic crisis, and shed light upon the corruption of the world’s financial and political institutions. They tend to trivialize them, never grant them the importance they deserve because of their highly spirited and spontaneous personality. There is a thread discussing this here – Pluto Return of US. The Capricorn Stellium Unfolds. It was discovered in 1930 at a time when fascism was ascendant in the world, when humanity gained awareness of fundamental atomic forces which if broken cause apocalyptic explosions. Then Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2024 staying till 2044. Until that time, be kind to yourself, take it easy and go slowly where your social life, social media and group commitments are concerned. This is thinking-in-process ramble rather than leading to any firm conclusions, may be over hopeful and not very astrological. What do you think? Pluto in Aquarius. In a way, it’s quite simple: Pluto is the planet of transformation, and Aquarius is the sign of progress. Pluto in Sag overtakes Millennials as the social media generation. this year’s new moon in aquarius is a POWERFUL one as we have the new moon at 12’20 aquarius on monday january 31st, 2022 at 9:46pm PST. Media philosopher Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) suggested back in the 1960s that “the computer is LSD for the businessman.” Capricorn has to do with government, money and social institutions. ith Jupiter in Aquarius in the first house, you are focusing the way you move through the world on being tolerant, friendly and people-oriented. Written By Vika Bradford. Mars at 25 Cancer in your Fourth House is under slow opposition from Pluto at 25 Capricorn and you’ll feel it at 24 Capricorn and 26 Capricorn, too. Nodes and Eclipses move into Taurus and Scorpio. You’ll spend a good part of your life hiding. January 20, 2022. We are now in historic Aquarius climate change. People typically get social validation for belonging to readily recognized identity groups – it will shift subtly but distinctly toward a higher regard for those who’ve found their niche. 14th July 2020. The War ends, US Independence recognized. Saturn in Aquarius Part V ... Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Social media has created a false sense of community. This placement is rough (extra rough if you’re a 5th house Sun). The world got connected and social media arrived. Posted on 24 Oct 2021. Pluto returns to this degree: 2024. As Aquarius is an Air Sign, signifying communications and information, thoughts and words, Saturn here represents limitations and obstacles to information. In some cases, Humanity will start on new technical bases, much more adapted to our world. Uranus’s opposition to Pluto in this time coincided with the French Revolution, often pointed to as an example of Enlightenment rationalism run amok. Hiding your self. He is now at 15 Aquarius and reaches 29 Aquarius and the end of his stay there on March 7th 2023. 2. It’s also the Chinese Lunar New Year! You probably feel like fate is pushing you in your life's direction, but it's probably Pluto's influence! Let’s cut to the chase and start with the “challenging” part of this aspect in the natal chart. Ruthless, piercing eye of the archer. While it is not a major victory by any means, I do want to note a collision we are witnessing in American … July 11th, 2022. Age of Aquarius Aquarius Aquarius… Saturn and Pluto are hardly the types to let you buy on credit or pay with “peace and love.” It’s gonna take hard work and effort to “let the sunshine in…leeeeeet the sunshine in,” especially when those blindingly idealistic rays try to penetrate the fortress of Pluto’s cavernous underworld. The Pluto in Capricorn generation is here to destroy the idea of social hierarchy, authority, and government systems and create a new world order that allows each person equal opportunities and the right to freedom and free will. Another important theme in January is the Pluto conjunctions with our personal planets.In December 2021 we already got a taste of Pluto, with 2 Venus-Pluto conjunctions. What are other astrologers saying about this transit? Sun Square Pluto in the Natal Chart. Therefore, the common thread with Pluto in Aquarius events includes: technological and scientific breakthroughs, redistribution of power, giving a voice to the masses, and obtaining freedom … Pluto is an innovative new platform that brings together art, film, music, storytelling and behind-the-scenes artist discovery. Cookie Duration Description; /. This generation hasn’t been born yet, but the last time Pluto was in Aquarius, social and political revolutions happened across Europe and the Americas. Big tech, media and social media are in huge focus with Jupiter in Aquarius along with a lot more emphasis on political-corporate-tech-media ties with Saturn in Aquarius now as well. Pluto in Pisces (1798 - … Many Aquarians can have a vast book with many phone numbers (or a long list of friends on social media) , but only a few select ones are true friends for life. Pluto is currently in Capricorn, which is not always a sign that plays well with Sagittarius. It sheds light on the rubbish that accumulated over time behind even the greatest ideals. Pluto is the destroyer in astrology. First, there will be three Pluto returns in the US chart on these dates: February 20th, 2022. Pluto in Aquarius will bring even greater emphasis to the humanitarian and freedom-loving qualities of Aquarius.
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